Biola Broadcaster - 1953-04

APRIL, 1953

VOL. 1, NO. 4


Taking the Bible Institute Hour microphones to Wil– mington, California, here you see the famous poetess Mrs. Martha Snell Nicholson who lives at 1406 Lagoon Ave. While she has been afflicted with arthritis for some years and recently with heart ailment and Parkin– son's Disease, Mrs. Nicholson has still bravely carried on and witnessed .to many thousands through her chal– lenging verses. She is the author of such books of verse as Wings and Sky, Threshold of Heaven, In Heaven's Gardens, Ivory Palaces, The Glory Forever, Heart Held High, and Family of God. Mr. Al Sanders, Radio Di– rector, interviewed her recently and secured permission to print in "Nuggets of Gold," a poem which is a con– tinued source of rich inspiration upon the loss of a loved one. Mrs. Nicholson's life radiates Christ even on a bed of pain, and her immortal work stands as a monument to the One of whom each of her verses speaks. .•........•........................................... Look far in this issue •.. • RADIO CHOIR ON TOlJR • THE NEW KJ.NG"S BVSINESS •MEET THE AMBASSADORS QVARTET •FREE RECORDS FOR YOV ••••••.•........••....................................

, ,

- I ~ ~ , Nuggets ol Gold ••• - ~ - '1 ,, ~ You have to live with yourself. . • ) o moke sure when you're alone.. .. you're in good company I ~ ~ ~ "SINCE YESTERDAY" Along the golden streets a stranger walks tonight With wonder in his heart - Faith blossomed into sight. He walks and stops and stares, and walks and stare' again. Vistas of loveliness beyond the dreams of men. He who was feeble, weak, and shackled to a bed, Now climbs eternal hills with light and easy tread. He has escaped at last the cruel clutch of pain; His lips shall never taste her bitter cup again. 0 never call him dead, This buoyant one and free, Whose daily portion is delight and ecstasy! He bows in speechless joy before the feet of Him Whom, seeing not, he loved while yet his sight was dim. Along the golden streets No stranger walks today, But one who, long homesick, is home at last, to stay! -Martha Snell Nicholson * * * Daniel chose rather to spend a NIGHT in a lions' den, thon go through the DAY without prayer. Repentance-A change of mind. New mind about God. Conversion-A change of life. New life for God. Regeneration-A change of nature. New heart for God. Justification- A change of state. New standing for God. Adoption-A change of family. New relationship to- ward God. Glorification-A change of service. Separation unto God. Sanctification-A change of place. New condition with God. Dally prayers lessen dally cares! ~ From the President's Desk ••• "Why should a Christion have a college education"? some– one asked me the other doy. "Why not just keep on with the same type of class work as before, it was good enough 45 years ago?" I

Perhaps you yourself have often wondered this and I'm always glad to tell folk why Biola now offers the Biola Bible College training. Actually, all you need ta do is ask a missionary society how difficult it is to send out ambassadors in these hard days. All you need to do is go to the field and see there what an increasingly difficult time

those missionaries without degrees are having, to continue ef– fectively in many areas. All you need to do is to try to place yourself as a Christian young person in the ranks of the other youth of our day, for then your eyes would be opened to on amazing discovery. What we want of our young people Is ta so equip them with the Word of God that they may go out academically as well as spiritually and point the way to the Lamb of God that taketh oway the sin of the world. Yes, this is an ever changing world in which we live, and while the spiritual emphasis of BIOLA has been maintained even higher than before, so the academic training is second to none in the country. For this abundant •measure, we thank you and continually praise God.

Behind •he Microphone ...

by Mlhe llrlt.e

Singing their way through four Western states and Canada, the Bible Institute has been proud to send out to the glory of the Lord, the Ambassadors Quartet whom you see pictured above. They have presented programs in churches, camps, youth rallies, schools, and homes using in addition to quartet numbers vocal and instrumental solos, duets, testimonies and messages. From right to left: Owen Widman, bass, is leader of the group and hails from Ferndale, Washington. He's interested in Gospel broadcasting and has a good talent for the work since he has announced for the programs. Lowell Brown, the baritone, comes from Paradise, California, and this sum– mer plans to work as an assistant pastor. Phoenix, Arizona, is hometown to Tom Deal, second tenor, whom you hear quite often as soloist on the broadcasts. He is looking to the field of Christian education in service for the Lord. First tenor Dick Shook comes from Turlock, California. And besides singing in the quartet, Dick is an accomplished cornetist. So you see, here at BIOLA, whether their home is Washington, Arizona, or California, young people can get together as Ambassadors for Christ and musical tes– timony is the natural result. 1953 Biola Missionary Conference With the theme of "Reap the Harvest" the 24th annual BIOLA Conference opens Sunday, April 12th concluding Sunday, April 19th. Missionaries from al– most every country of the world will be represented with decorative display booths at the Church of the Open Door set up by mission organizations. For a free descriptive folder on this most unusual conference, write the Broadcaster. We'd be happy to see that you get a free copy. Story of an Envelope Enclosed with this Broadcaster is the special postage– paid envelope we told you about on the radio. We sincerely believe the new KING'S BUSINESS is today's best buy in Christian magazines. More pictures, more helps, more monthly features. And, during this special offer it's all yours for six months for just a single dollar bill. If you act this week you'll be in time for the big April issue containing the Merv Rosell story in pictures - his campaigns and his family. Then there's a picture story on Dick Hillis's work in For– mosa, an exclusive message from Madame Chiang and articles by Dr. Talbot and Dr. Sutherland. Plus, of course, all the monthly columns and teaching aids.

Chorus of the Month

Life Abundantly Jesus Gives ~ ·=~~~m~"b"~~.,:=:_ ~H- -;----+:- --•- -~=ll-===~it==~ . . . ·-c-1.1 •-.-~Vt1-c--F LLfe 1 life, life a - bun-daot-ly Je ... sua gives; He a - bun-daot - ly my Sav- ior gius; -~.,,· :::.. . .... .... .... L "r- .:1 {§~w=•~- ~-=-=•~ weg~~====i-- :t=:t=: ==tq ~=s::tt- - - r~3 tt~--.8~4~f=~~~ c=!-:-2~ rP~ I ~-c-•-.- --•-•-,-~ Life, life, a - buo-daot life, Flooding tbe soul be-neath Ris con - ~roJ:' _,,_. ..... ~- ... --- ~ ... _ r- r 1~ ~~-~ • ....L ,_..__ _ • -~-- ~;;-:-- =F~ E~ r ffl F9· ~'oVoicesin nison. 14~ ~~~~~~ ) - ver - Bow - • ing "''ith joy di - v10e 1 __ ,_wpa£1, n~~_fl _. ===-~ ~~jiz=~-===~---:.:=~~ Four Part. r. ·Ff--...u.--==- ~~--1-~ •. J:8: I 1~~i=¥r=i=E==i~~~-p=¥fi;@ Life, hie, life, a - buo-dant-ly Je - - aua gives. , a - buo-dant Je- aus vie- to- ri-oua He gives. :4 -11 ~!=±:: ... .._ · ~~~ ~~-==F=@@§~~~) For those of you who will be seeing our Radio Choir on t our, this chorus will be quite fam iliar as it is their theme. We believe it to be one of the most beautiful and delightful com– positions to come from the pen of its composer. Again, as in post choruses, if you would like an ample supply of t hese free, write for them today. Riola Again on TV Because of previously reaching thousands of those who are lost and through gifts of students and alumni, the Bible Insti– tute of Las Angeles will again present "Accent On Yauth TV" a half hour variety program ge0 red to Interest and challenge the unsaved. The Radio Department has made it a point that not one cent of the funds necessary ta support the program should be taken aut of the regular budget and that the telecast funds wauld not be solicited. Tentative date for the telecast is Saturday, April 18th, over channel 9. Please pray that on this second telecast with a missionary theme more sauls may be won to Christ. NEWS FLASHES .... Dedicated just to bays and girls, particularly those who are shut-In, speciol features are being planned for the broadcast Monday, April 27th• .... Pion now t o spend your vacation this summer ot one of the beautiful BIOLA Conference Grounds. There'll be a week of meetings in Washington, Oregon and Californ ia . ... BIOLA Hour Salutes cities for April Include the cities of Paso Robles, Fresno and Tulare, California, and Aberdeen, Washing– ton. Be listening Mondays for yaur city• ... Special missionary conference radio tours ore being planned for the broadcasts of the week of the 13th to 17th, April. ... Answer sheets far January, February, March and April are available now upon request for your BIOLA Knaw Yaur Bible Calendars.

Free Records ... That's right , • • a set of wonderful Inspiring BIOLA Hour gospel recordings may be yours free if you write today to the Bible Institute Hour and your letter Is judged best. Here is o cross sampling of lost month's moil. Read it, then write! You may win next month!


Bre1nerton, Washington I listen to your broadcast and enjoy it very much. I am not a Christian but I would like to become one. I wonder if you could help me? Thank you and please accept this gift to help your work. -Mrs. M. L. EDITOR'S NOTE: Help has been offered. Will you remember her in prayer? Marysville, California I am one of those listeners you so often speak about that has listened for a very long time and has never written you. However it isn't because I don't enjoy and profit by the regular radio programs of BIOLA. I live alone now since my husband passed away, but I thank Him for the privilege of hearing the programs of BIOLA and the encouragement and strength that they have given me. - Mrs. L. S. Lamon Du.rha1n, California This morning for the first time I heard your broadcast. It was very inspiring. I go to high school and cannot hear every broadcast, but do enjoy them. -Miss B. S. ''HELPED BY PROGRAM'>" ..HIGH SCHOOT, LISTENER" ..ENJOYS CLOSING THOUGHTS" Oaldantl, California I am a faithful listener to your programs. They bless my heart everytime I listen. I enjoy the whole program but especially the singing and the closing thoughts you give us. They bless and inspire me. Here is a small offering to help out. I also enjoy reading the BIOLA BROADCASTER. -Mrs. M . T. EDITOR'S NOTE: To Mrs. M. T. we send this month's

free records. See how easy it is to win! Why don't you try It today?

Wait • • • Haven't you forgotten something . . , that we have 900 students this year costing us $5.55 per day to train. Each day, 365 days a year, it costs the Bible Institute $2,765.00 ta operate. Yet NO gift is too small. Will you Help? Last year more than 20,000 people were dealt with by your ambassadors•••• These Biola Students of today•... Missionaries of tomorrow.

See ...

Hear. The Biota Radio ~hoir Itinerary for Radio Choi r Tour DATE CITY CHURCH Fri., April 3 -·····----------------------------Wasco, Calif., First Baptist Sot., April 4 --------------------------------------------Stockton, Calif., YFC Sun., April S (A.M.) ................Los Altos, Calif., First Baptist (Eve.), ---------------------- Sacra'mento, Calif. Faith Bible Church Mon., April 6 --------------------------Anderson, Calif., First Baptist Tues., April 7 ------------------Klamath Falls, Ore., Bible Bapt ist Wed., April 8 --------------------------Portland, Ore., Evangel Baptist Thurs., April 9 ____________Bremerton, Wash., First Presbyterian Fri., April 10 ----------------------------Everett, Wash., Bethel Bapt ist Sat., April 11 ------------------------------------Yakima, Wash., Y. F. C. Sun. (A.M.) ----------------------------------Colfax, Wash., First Baptist April 12 (Afternoon) ------------------Lewiston, Idaho, High School (Eve.) ----------------------------------Clarkston, Wash, First Baptist Mon., April 13 ..Walla Walla, Wash., White Temple Baptist Tues., April 14 ------------------------Redmond, Ore., First Baptist Wed., April 15 --------------------------Medford, Ore., First Baptist Thurs., April 16 ------------------------Redding,.Calif., First Baptist Fri., April 17 __________Orland, Calif., Evangelical Free Church Sot., April 18 ______Chico, Calif., YFC - Chico State College Sun. (A.M.) ........Diamond Springs, Calif., Community Church April 19 (Eve.) ____________Santa Cruz, Calif., Twin Lakes Baptist Mon., April 20 ----------------Seaside, Calif., Noche Buena School Auditorium Tues., April 21 ------------------------Soledad, Calif., Soledad Prison Wed., April 22 ____________________Paso Robles, Calif., First Baptist Thurs., April 23 ------------------------------Ojai, Calif., First Baptist Sat., April 25 ------------------------------Los Angeles, YFC (C. O. D.) Sun. (P.M.), April 26 ----------------------------Los Angeles, (C. 0 . D.)

"T•e Bl•le l••tJtate Boar" BI BLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street ,...... CJ Lo. A.Jigel• 17, Colifom la

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