Stride_Tendonitis and Sports


Tendonitis is a common issue among athletes because it develops as a result of overuse. While the average person may engage in standard physical tasks such as walking or typing, an athlete takes that repetitive behavior to a new level. Consider a tennis player, for example. In addition to running and jumping, a skilled tennis player will spend hours every week swinging the racket, and this could result in added wear and tear on the elbows and wrists, not to mention the shoulders. Every bone in the body is connected with muscular fibers called tendons. The tendons are flexible, allowing the body to move more freely by letting bones stretch apart or move in one direction or another. Tendonitis occurs when the tendons become inflamed. Swelling in the tendons can make movement painful and difficult. Typically, when pain is caused as a result of tendonitis, the pain is isolated at the

5 The best treatment for tendonitis is time. Unfortunately, this is something that many people are unable to give to an injury. When tendonitis develops, the best thing to do is to use ice and to relax that part of the body. Taking a few days off of practice or away from your workout may be sufficient, but in other cases, this may require a few days in a wheelchair or on crutches, with the bulk of your weight off of the affected area. noted areas of the body. This means that a tennis player may experience tendonitis in the elbow or shoulder, whereas a runner may be more likely to experience it in the Achilles tendon. In fact, this is why tendonitis in the elbow is frequently referred to as tennis elbow, while Achilles tendonitis is sometimes referred to as runner’s ankles or runner’s heels. Treating Tendonitis

4 Working with a physiotherapist can help you identify the best treatmentmethods for tendonitis. Call our Jagare Ridge (780-288- 4842) and Brintnell: (780-757- 0206) locations today or visit . Your physiotherapist can also help you identify the best range of motion and strength-building activities to reduce your likelihood of developing tendonitis. 7


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