Raise Foundation 2023 Annual & Evaluation Report

Raise Foundation | Annual Report 2023


Raise-ing the brand

In 2023, the Raise Marketing team achieved some significant milestones. We delivered the inaugural Raise Mentoring Summit, revamped our quarterly newsletter, and launched two new video campaigns – a standout of which featured Alec, an alumni mentee, reflecting on the life-changing impact of his Raise mentor seven years on. The Raise Mentoring Summit, hosted in November, was a gesture of gratitude to our supporters. From a Q&A with Ben Crowe to a panel discussion with a mentor, school contact, alumni mentee, and Program Counsellor, the summit was a triumph. Not only did it solidify our brand and establish us as thought leaders but allowed us to connect directly with our Raise Village. To ensure we continue to connect with our audience in a meaningful way, we implemented a new content strategy for our quarterly newsletter – rebranded as ‘The Bubble’. We also created a fresh ‘Letters to My Mentor’ campaign featuring high-profile media personalities, leveraging their influence to raise brand awareness with a broader audience in an engaging way.

A highlight for us was the supporting ‘Mentee’ campaign, showcasing the lasting impacts of mentoring. Alumni mentee Alec shared how he’s thriving personally and professionally seven years later, thanks to his Raise Mentor who helped him change the course of his life. It’s a testament to the power of the work we do and an incredibly proud moment for Raise, captured on video. Watch the video here. As part of our volunteer recruitment strategy, we tested several email drip campaigns targeting three key audiences: those who had expressed interest but never mentored, past one-off mentors, and those who recently applied. We experimented with different ways to create deeper engagement, sharing dynamic content and more frequent, targeted updates. Our learnings will enhance our strategy moving forward. In 2024, we’ll also be uniting our Marketing and Fundraising Teams in a strategic move to consolidate operations, foster growth, and ensure sustained delivery of impactful strategies. As always, we’ll work together to innovatively Raise the brand so we can continue to transform the lives of young people. Below: Our 2023 Mentoring Summit hosted by Mark Beretta – branding and Instagram post. Opposite page, bottom: Alumni Alec greeting his mentor in our showcase video.

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