Superior PT_How Posture Affects Back and Neck Pain

EXERCISE ESSENTIALS T RY T H I S MOV EMENT TO R E L I E V E BACK PA I N . REPEAT TRUNK FLEXION | TO FLOOR Sit in a chair with good posture. Hands on thighs. Let your trunk sag toward the floor use your arms to control the movement. Let your arms dangle to the floor. Now use your arms to push yourself up. CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Merry Christmas! It seems like this past year has been full of ups and downs. Certainly, with the struggles of a global Pandemic, this is a good time to reach out in the spirit of Christmas to those in need. We at Superior Physical Therapy certainly mourn with those who have become sick or lost friends and loved ones. Our thoughts and prayers extend out to all our friends and neighbors. But, do we also have reasons to celebrate? Indeed we do! 2020 was also a time where we figured out how to reach out, even if it could not always be done face to face. We found out that a kind word can make a difference even 6 ft apart. We discovered that reaching out to those in need can be done without a handshake. Virtual hugs are a real deal. Indeed, even a warm smile can be felt underneath a mask. However, one aspect of our community continues to be underserved. It is cold outside and not enough of our homeless and hungry have enough food and shelter. We at Superior PT would like to better support our local food bank by having December be the month to give for our staff, patients, and community. Each of our clinic locations in Southeastern Idaho will be collecting canned food every day during the month. Our goal is to collect 1000 lbs of food for those in need! Weat SuperiorPT joinwithour patients and community incelebrating the goodof 2020. Somany of our patientshave regainedstrength,motion, and normal life again throughPT. Maywe all be committed to showa greater gratitude for our bounteous blessings as we give back to those in need in our food drive, continue to pray for global relief fromCoronavirus, and focus a little more time on the life of the Savior of the World. Wishing you and yours all the best in the New Year.



WHAT PATIENTS ARE SAYING “Everyone has been very helpful and so kind. I enjoy how organized everything and everyone is. I appreciate the teamwork and the communication between the therapists and assistants (including the awesome ladies upfront). Everyone is knowledgeable and eager to learn and very attentive to keep patients safe. Thank you for being a great team and helping me learn how I can help myself heal. I am able to do a little more with less pain due to the stretches and strength exercises. Brett and Dave are a great team! Thank you all!” - T.S. “Thank you for being a great team” Brett truly believes that his profession is more than a job - it’s his passion - but when he’s not at the clinic, he enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter, and two dogs. He is an avid outdoorsman, hunter, hiker, and has recently takenup the hobby of paddleboarding. Brett received his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions located in Provo, Utah in 2018. Prior to his doctorate degree, he received a Bachelor’s degree inExercise Sciencewhere hewas bestowed high honors four consecutive years. During his time at UVU, he loved participating in city league sports such as basketball and softball. He has always had a passion for sports and being active. Brett’s treatment approach follows the best available evidence by combiningmanual therapy and exercise to return each patient to full functionality. He has a strong interest inworkingwith sports-related injuries and lumbar musculoskeletal injuries. He is passionate about helping others to return to their lifestyles, and creates a great working environment through laughter and really taking the time to get to know each individual patient in his care.

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Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing. w w w . s i m p l e s e t . n e t


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