June 2023



In a world full of Karens and Kens, “unreasonable” gets a bad rap. Unless they’re asking to speak with the manager, we’re actually fans of unreasonable people. They’re the people who strive for more and don’t accept the status quo. They’re people who write dreams on a cocktail napkin and change the world one reservation at a time. “Unreasonable” being uttered out of the mouth of, say, a Will has a much better ring to it. Like Will Guidara, the author of this month’s pick — and restaurateur behind one of the world’s best restaurants, Eleven Madison Park. His book, Unreasonable Hospitality , is an SOP of getting stoked, a how-to in exceeding expectations, no matter what industry you’re in. Time to get wildly demanding about giving our fellow man the superlative treatment. To join our book club, visit sdmag.com/bookclub. Then visit one of the participating local, indie bookstores to buy a copy of Unreasonable Hospitality . Email a photo of your receipt to books @ sdmag.com. We’ll randomly select one winner each month who will get $300 to any one of CH Projects Establishments (Neighborhood, Born and Raised, Craft & Commerce, Ironside).

No one ever died thinking, “I should’ve read less.”

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