5. Choose a specialist Choosing a bed should be done carefully. Seek a specialist who can assist and advise you on which bed will best suit your body type. 6. Make an investment Buying the cheapest often ends up being more expensive. This saying is also true in the bed industry. You might save time and money and end up with a lumpy bed within 4 years. You will certainly pay more for a good quality brand of mattress but you will be making an investment in your well-being and health. 7. The Elite quality At Elite, your bed is made especially for you in Aubonne. Like a dress made by a couturier, your mattress is handmade by craftsmen, from the first to the last stitch sewn. This is why we need about 3 weeks to make your custom-made bed.

unnecessary pressure points. The bed should suit your body type. If you sleep with a partner but your height, weight and sleep patterns differ, it is better to choose two different mattresses for the same bed. 4. No mattress without a good base The mattress and base are inseparable elements. The suspension of the bed base prolongs the life of the mattress. If you buy a beautiful brand new mattress and place it on a worn or inadequate base, it will lead to premature wear. It is advisable to purchase the correct base at the same time.


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