King's Business - 1928-08

August 1928


T h e

K i n g ’ s ' " B u s i n e s s

crease o f nearly 400 per cent. It is said that woman has added huge volumes to tobacco consumption by her favor for cigarettes; HÇ * * The present number of Jews in New York City is estimated at 1,750,000, the largest Jewish community the world has ever known, and in itself a great mission field. In 1925 they comprised 30 per cent o f the population. Rabbi Landman has in­ troduced the suidy of the New Testament in his school on Long Island. Landman not only has a large synagogue but is edi­ tor of The American Hebrewi. We quote from his paper : “The time has come when the' ' New Testament should no longer be a closed book to the Jews. Not so long ago'the name of Jesus and the Christian holy' book were anathema among our people. The Jews will never be able to understand their Christian fel­ lows until they know what there is in the New Testament which creates a wall of misunderstanding between them.” * * * “Faith without love makes the greatest . roar and din ; , The cask sounds loudest when there is naught within.” * * * Perhaps it is just as well that most o f the writers of our great hymns have gone on to glory, and not much is known about them. You will hear many a Fundament­ alist singing the grand old hymns o f Toplady, yet he would be refused fel­ lowship in many a church were he on earth. Some o f our best hymns were written by Unitarians and Roman Catho­ lics. Imagine how some of these brethren and sisters would feel if they should re­ turn from heaven and find they couldn’t get into many o f the churches where their hymns are sung so lustily ! * * * An English scientist has triumphantly proved that the Bible story about Jonah and the whale was literally true. He has found the case of an old whaleman who romped around in the stomach of a whale for a day. “I am Unable to rejoice whole­ heartedly over this discovery,” says Harry Carr, the news writer. “My sympathy is too great for the whale. Ï should imagine that if there is anything in the world that would be thoroughly annoying—not to say depressing—it would be having a sailor kicking around-in one’s stomach.” All o f which suggests that few ' commentators have paused to remark upon the fact that the sea monster that swallowed Jonah probably came, to realize that a grave error had been committed and had any­ thing but a pleasant time for three days and nights.

Seventy-four Buddhist temples in the United States. * * * Charles G. Finney records o f one of his revival meetings that he might have seen much greater victory, but he could not find one pleading man in the place. Isn’t that the great trouble today ? * * * “The liar’s punishment,” says The Loi- Angeles Times, “is that he thinks;?gvery. other fellow is lying and never feels se­ cure about anything.” . '1,; * * * An Alabama paper hits the nail on the head in saying: “It must be admitted that modern youth is rather wild, in both first and second childhood.” * * * An authority in England estimates that not over half o f the 30,000,000 total membership o f Protestant churches ■in the world could be considered. born- again believers. Taking the world popu­ lation as 1,600,000,000, he finds that 99 out of every 100 persons in the world are still unsaved. He does not seem to grant that there are any true -believers in the Roman church, or elsewhere, out­ side the recognized Protestant denomi­ nations, and we cannot doubt that there are thousands of true believers not on the church rolls. He also ( seems to over­ look the fact that there are millions o f infants and children who have not reached the age of accountability. Never­ theless it is .¡Si »terrible significance that some 6,000 persons pass from time into eternity every hour, many of whom knew not Christ. 4s * * - Drummond once said, “What is needed is not more of us, but a better brand.” Perhaps if there were more Christians who could get along with one these days, there would be more hope of the Gospel making progress. * * * Rev. S. I. Emery writes that it would be well if more preachers could learn not to “spend all their time skunk-hunting for a twenty-five-cent skunk hide, while a flock o f sheep stand around and starve.” * * * Revenue receipts of the treasury for the first nine months o f the current fiscal year indicated the receipt'of $223,527,000 from cigarette taxes, a gain o f $20,000,000 oyer the same period a year before. Tobacco’ revenues would have shown a decrease for the period except for the increase in cigarette , revenues. Since 1915, the per capitatobacco tax hasleaped from 79 cents tomore than $3.00. One needs no statistician to help establish the patent fact that cigarettes account for the in­

T h e y S a y .

Los Angeles Times : “Many a man thinks-he’s tol­ erant when he is just too shal­ low to develop a conviction.” ♦ * * Raymond B. Fosdick : “ For knowledge, for truth, for a valid line between right and wrong, one does not consult the g r e a t e s t number. The • coarse thumb and finger of mass opinion cannot shape the conscience o f a man.” * H« * Lloyd George, asked by Paul Hutchinson for his estimate of Christian missions : “My friend, if the Church fails in its ministry to the world, then the rest- of us might as well close up. shop.” * * * W\ T, Ellis, news writer : : “Lacking apsense of hupaor and of proportion, some of these experts in ‘religious education’ are trying to make a first-day high school out o f the Sunday school, with ah elaborate cur- - riculum wherein the B i b l e plays only an incidental part. Whereas everybody with com­ mon sense knows that the best the Sunday school can hope to do in its one-hour session a week is to familiarize the pu­ pil with a portion o f the Scripture, and its application to life.” * * * Bishop Candler : “ The crying need o f today is •not more cultural and scien­ tific knowledge, but more spir­ itual knowledge. Our pros­ perity will cpllapse o f its own weight unless our spiritual growth catches up with our material growth. The old- fashioned qualities of rever­ ence, obedience, willingness to do hard and unpleasant tasks, respect for law, integrity and loyalty must be taught. My own impression of public edu- > cation’s profit and loss report . is that there is room for much improvement. T h e public, who are the stockholders, have a right to demand it.”

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