King's Business - 1928-08


August 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

T h e choral benediction, “ T he L o rd B less Thee and K eep Thee,” with prayer by R ev. R alph Atkinson, associate dean, brought to a close a w o n d erfu lly blessed commencement season. ' —o— ■ Baccalaureate Service T he Baccalaureate service at 1 1 o’clock Su n day morning, Ju n e 10th, w as notable fo r the great audience, present, the fine w orsh ip fu l spirit m anifested, and the gripping m essage by D ean Jo h n M . M ac- Innis, “ M y W itn e s s e s,b a s e d upon A cts 1 and 2. W ith all the ferv o r o f his heart, the D ean appealed to his" students to . goj Out from the Institute to witness -for Christ and to interpret H im to the world in everyday Christian living. It w as a m essage the class o f 1928 w ill not forget. —o— Off Across the Continent T h e hundreds attending the graduating exercises T uesday evening o f Commence­ ment w eek witnessed an unusual scene at the close o f the program . T he M en’s Glee Club le ft that evening at 1 1 o’clock fo r its transcontinental tour. The? heavy M ack bus furnished by the H eidlebaugh Transportation Company o f L on g Beach w as being loaded with baggage. Tw en ty- one young men o f1the Glee Club, with their conductor, P ro fesso r J . B. T row b rid ge| and D r. H . W . Boyd, as medical adviser, w ere sayin g their “ good-byes.” Hope Street in front o f the Institute w as crowded alm ost to congestion w ith friends and w ell-w ishers. T he W om en’s Glee Club sang their farew ell word. “ God be with you till w e meet again” was? sung by the hundreds present. T he club sang its motto-song, “ I W ant M y L ife to T ell for Je su s.” T here was prayer by D ean M ac­ ln n is and the Club w as off on its 7,000- m ile journey. B y the time this item is being read, they w ill be w ell on their w ay home from N ew Y o rk . T h ey have been sign ally blessed o f God everyw here they have sung. M ay God keep them all along the w a y ! Summer Session Well Attended T he Summ er Session o f the Bible In sti­ tute w as conducted from Ju n e 18th to Ju ly 6th with a gratify in g number o f reg ­ istrations and with splendid interest in all classes. D u rin g the three w eeks Rev. Jo h n A . Hubbard conducted a study o f the Epistle to the Romans. T h ree classes in Christian Education w ere in session,: “ T he U se o f the Sto ry in Christian E d u ­ cation,” taught by M rs. L au ra H a u g h ; “ T h e T eaching W ork o f the Church,” by M iss Florence C h a ffee; and “ T he T each ­ ing. V alu es o f the N ew Testam ent,” b y R ev. A lbert E . K elly. T he assembly hour at 1 1 o’clock each m orning proved to be both helpful and profitable. D u rin g the first w eek D ean Joh n M . M aclnn is pre­ sented a series o f studies in “ God’s chosen leaders 'in G reat Crises.” T he second w eek D r. G erald B . W inrod, B ible lec­ turer arid editor o i T h e D efen d er, dis­ cussed such themes as' “ Science and R e li­ gion” and “ Christ W ithin.” D r. A . Z. Conrad o f the H istoric P a rk Street Church o f B oston brought out o f his long and varied Gospel m inistry a study o f the “ Seven Fin alities o f Faith ” ; “ Com­ radeship with a Carpenter” ; “ T he P s y ­

chology o f Salvation ” and related sub­ jects: T he afternoons w ere given over to classes in music with a music faculty pf- riine instructors with P ro fesso r H erbert G. T o vey in charge. J - — o—: B. I. Exhibit at World Convention T h e B ible Institute o f L os An geles was w ell represented at the Tenth!'' W orld ’s Sunday School Convention, which was held in the Shrine Auditorium in L os A n ­ geles, Ju ly 11th to 18th. M r. W . A . Fisher, executive secretary and treasu rer o f the Institute, served as a member o f the B an ­ quets and Luncheons Committee. M r. A . E . K elly, secretary o f the E xten sio n D e­ partment, represented the Institute on the Exhibits :Committee. M r. and Mrs.. C. B. W hitw ell w ere in charge o f the splendid B ible Institute exhibit. —o— Congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons A wedding o f unusual interest occurred F rid ay evening, Ju n e 22nd, in the Lyceum Club Room when, M IS S L E L A B A R - LO W ’22, became the bride o f F R E D ­ E R I C K R . G IB B O N S ’28. M iss B arlow has been, fo r a number o f years, secretary to M r. Joh n H . Hunter, registrar o f the Institute, and few secretaries have com­ mended themselves so highly to every­ one. M r. and M rs. Gibbons look fo rw ard to service in one o f the m issions o f South Am erica. T he prayers and good w ill o f hundreds o f friends go with them. Dean Conducts Conference at Seattle D ean Jo h n M . M acln n is is spending the w eek o f Ju ly 22nd to 29th in Bible Con­ ference w ork at the F irst Presbyterian Church o f Seattle, W ashington, D r. M ark A . M atthews, P astor. R ev. A lb ert E .

K elly o f the E xten sio n Department is scheduled to give fo u r B ible addresses at Mount Herriion Conferénce, M ount H er- mon, C alifornia, the w eek o f A u gu st 12th. O ther members o f the faculty w ill spend some time out o f the city in preparation fo r next year’s work. T he members of;-The P o st G raduate Class o f this year had a M ay outing at B ig B ear Lake. D r. and M rs. M acln n is accompanied the group. From all reports a fine time “ was had.” —o— R E V . A N D M R S . JO H N C . W IN ­ S T O N , :o f the B elgian Gospel M ission, w ere welcome guests at the Institute shortly after the E aster time. M r. W in ­ ston addressed the Students’ M ission ary Union on th e'su b ject “ Easter, Protestant and O therw ise.” M r. and M rs. W inston were students o f the B ible Institute d u r­ ing the school year o f 1921-22. —o— R E V . A N D M R S . W . E . P fE T S C H (nee M iss M ildred H anna), expect to sail fo r England, A u gu st 29th. T h ey have been, during the late spring and summer, en­ gaged in evangelistic w ork in the E ast. The p rayerfu l interest o f many friends follow s them wherever they go. — o — D r, V an ce s a y s: “ T he most effective •form of- public speaking is the conversa­ tional. It .holds the attention, and it does riot tire. T h ere are preachers who m istake noise fo r power, and who re­ mind one o f that line in H o ra c e : ‘I f I can’t bend the gods above, I ’ll rouse all hell below .’ These sons o f thunder should remember that ‘T he shallow s murmur, but the deeps are dumb.’ ”

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