NSBE Net Promoter Score Member Pulse Check Report


• I am a NSBE life member, and there is a reason. NSBE has aided in my professional development as it has done for many other black engineers. That is not just because of the workshops, conventions and conferences I attended as a member, but also the opportunity to hone my leadership skills through defined leadership positions within the organization. As a father of a young daughter (aspiring Mechanical Engineer), I know NSBE will afford her the opportunities to develop her skill and leadership abilities as it did for me. • NSBE was a driving force in getting me interested in and actually helping me to pursue a STEM field in college. The chapter at my college and all of the experience I gained through NSBE leadership helped me to become more confident in who I am as a black female professional in career fields where neither of those identities are particularly well represented. I am ecstatic to recommend such an organization to other people. • This is because of the immense value I see and have experienced NSBE adding to lives through leadership trainings, top notch world class conferences and workshops and the provision of scholarships. • Great for mentorship, career opportunities, building a community of people with similar professional goals, and can experience multiple leadership roles. • Nsbe has been instrumental to my development. I can thank nsbe for my first internship or connecting me with my dream company. My leadership skills have grown because of nsbe and i know I’m never alone because of the NSBE Family • They offer resume critiques and interview workshops, both of which can help you with looking for a job. If you take up a leadership position, you’ll gain valuable talking points for an interview and grow in soft skills.

• NSBE has been my support circle for the past 2.5 years and I want someone else to reap the same benefits and opportunities as I have from being rewarded scholarships for tuition assistance and getting involved with workshops at conferences to improve my leadership skills. • It is an amazing organization that represents black student future engineers. It is so helpful when it comes to job opportunities, leadership roles, internship opportunities, and more. • “I found my place and gained a family in my university’s NSBE chapter. I have had multiple opportunities to serve as a leader and grow my leadership skills, but it wasn’t until I served in what I consider to be the highest honor (chapter president) that I really defined for myself servant leadership. I was the best leader I had ever been and was able to help grow and develop leaders I believe will lead better than me. So many of my experiences with NSBE are immeasurable in benefit.I believe that the Society has the ability and capacity to be that for anyone who will be humble enough to let it. • Also, as for the Society regionally and nationally, it has always been a source of inspiration and pride for me ESPECIALLY this year’s executive board.” • NSBE has a solid mission and effects real positive change on the world. It’s a great resource for students and professionals alike. The most important parts of NSBE are its structure in developing leadership at the collegiate level, and its attention to the future through programs like SEEK and NSBE Jr. We have a solid plan to move forward to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact their communities. Its a motto that I’ve memorized and live by.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Stakeholder Pulse Checks 29

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