Happenings | The Lobby
By Gerry DeBenedetti Save the Dates! Reading 'Riggers AUG. 2 “The Beatles: All Too Much. The Untold Story of a Hollywood Actor’s Two Months with the Beatles in India” by Judd Klinger Honolulu resident and OCC member Judd Klinger will present this true story behind the band’s fabled spirial retreat to an ashram in India in 1968. A fascinang and revealing portrait of the Beatles as culral icons, and all-too-human young men. SEPT. 6 “Somewhere South: Sailing Through Polynesia 1977” by Clay Hutchinson Rered Navy ocer and author Clay Hutchinson will be sharing his story of sailing to Bora Bora, the Tuamos, and parts unknown in a wooden ga-rigged ketch. Illustrator Clemson Lam from the Big Island will also join us.
DEC. 6 “Burma Sahib” by Paul Theroux
We have OCC member and author Paul Theroux will be present for his second appearance. This is a historical ficon is set in Burma (now Myanmar). Before he took the name George Orwell, Eric Blair sailed to India and colonial Burma to be a Brsh Raj policeman. This experience caused him to choose a pen name and become an an-colonial writer. Leave your name and email address at the Front Desk to get emails with more current informaon on other books, related movies and arcles of interest. We start promptly at 10 am. Members and guests are welcome. Arrive earlier to pre- order your lunch.
NOV. 1 “Voices of Hawai‘i Vol III: More Untold Stories of the Aloha State” by Jane Goodsill Author Jane Goodsill rerns for her third appearance. In addon to interviews with people you know, artwork from OCC member Ka‘ili Chun is feared.
If you want to purchase volumes I or II, let us know in advance so copies can be brought to our meeng.
july / august 2024 | AMA 9
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