GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Support flamed up among Clarence- Rockland members for providing the local fire department with a live-fire training facility. “I am fully on board with having this for our firefighters,” said Councillor Samuel $BSEBSFMMJ 8BSE GPMMPXJOH'JSF$IJFG1JFSSF Voisine’s presentation during a recent muni- cipal budget review session. Chief Voisine provided council with a revised projection of the cost for building a live fire training facility for the Clarence- 3PDLMBOE'JSF%FQBSUNFOU $3'% The original proposal presented to council earlier in the year estimated such a facility could cost several hundred thousand dol- lars to build. Chief Voisine did some further research and found schematics for a live- fire training facility in another municipality that helped reduce the projected cost to “I think this will be a good investment,” TBJE$PVODJMMPS$BSM(SJNBSE 8BSE The proposed live fire training facility would provide local firefighters with simu- lated fire conditions like those they might FODPVOUFSPOBDBMM"UQSFTFOU UIF$3'% has to contract with the City of Ottawa to use their municipal live fire training facility for this type of practical instruction. So far, about half of the department’s personnel has undergone live-fire training. The main problem, Chief Voisine noted,
Nicholas Fournier, DD
Teeth-in-a-Day Technology: Revolutionizing dental prosthetics and changing lives. In an idyllic world, straight and sparkling white teeth would be a given for everyone. Unfortunately, genetics, health, and accidents play a significant role in obtaining and keeping what is deemed as the “perfect smile.” Luckily, the field of dentistry has evolved by leaps and bounds and technological advancements now enable dental professionals to repair common, but highly problematic issues. One of these issues is tooth loss. Whether caused by an accident, health problems or poor oral health care, a missing tooth or teeth can have detrimental physical and psychological effects if not repaired properly and quickly. From a physical point of view, missing teeth can lead to difficulties with speech, chewing abilities and also negatively impact the overall shape of your face. Also, any remaining healthy teeth may be affected as well. From a psychological point of view, the appearance of missing or decaying teeth, or the inability to speak properly, can have an effect on self-esteem and confidence. Dentures have been the go-to, reliable solution for several years. Although these are economic and better than nothing, they also present potentially problematic situations. Ill-fitting dentures are not only uncomfortable; they can lead to health issues including soreness and ulcers, accelerated bone loss, oral cancer, increased tooth decay and malnutrition due to difficulty chewing solid foods. Add to these potential problems and the stress or embarrassment of dislodged dentures, and it becomes apparent that dentures must be properly fitted by a team of highly skilled professionals. Because your mouth is always changing, your dentures will need occasional adjusting or relining to make sure they fit properly. Always look for cracks in your dentures and take them to your specialist immediately for repair. Dental implants are another common solution to replace missing or damaged teeth and are a viable alternative to dentures. Allowing patients to regain oral health, function, and esthetics, the addition of implants can make a significantly positive difference to those with problem dentures. Because they so closely resemble natural teeth in both function and esthetics, they present an excellent option for replacing missing teeth. Notwithstanding these current, practical procedures, there have been significant technological advancements in the field of dentistry that have brought forth a new solution: Teeth-in-a-Day! The superior technology responsible for Teeth-in-a-Day has revolutionized dental prosthetics and allowed numerous patients to have a beautiful smile in a single appointment. This dental implant treatment has removed discomfort and long waiting times out of the equation, enabling patients to smile with confidence, quickly and comfortably. The one-day solution also presents economical advantages because the process is completed over the course of one appointment and not drawn out over months of painstaking dental repairs and, consequently, costs. Several specialist dental practices offer financing plans that fit every budget. However, the actual question remains: how is this procedure possible in one single day? Simple. This new Teeth-in-a-Day procedure involves placing four implants, or more, that will permanently secure the new teeth, ensuring both comfort and durability. This minimally invasive process can be performed using conscious sedation and is done directly in the dental office. When patients regain consciousness, their new teeth have been set and their beautiful smile is revealed immediately. Another advantage of this procedure is that patients can regain full functionality within the following hours This new procedure delivers an unsurpassed comfort level and is in stark contrast to the discomfort that denture wearers can experience with ill-fitting dentures. Unique, effective, and convenient, the Teeth-in-a-Day technology has allowed countless individuals to regain their health, their confidence, and their positive outlook on life.
Le Service des incendies de Clarence-Rockland pourrait avoir son propre centre d’entrainement de lutte contre les incendies. Le conseil municipal a été très impressionné par la dernière proposition de projet du service, qui comprenait un prix réduit pour la construction de l’installation. — photo tirée d’une banque d’images
SFRVJSFTMJWFàSFUSBJOJOHGPSJUTàSFàHIUFST Chief Voisine noted that having its own MJWFàSFUSBJOJOHGBDJMJUZNFBOTUIF$3'%XJMM no longer have problems scheduling training sessions for all of its members and will also no longer have to budget for travel and lodging costs to send its staff to Ottawa for training sessions. He added that the city could also earn revenue by offering use of its life fire training centre to other municipalities XJUIJO1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMBOEPVUTJEFPGUIF region to help train their firefighters.
is that many of the department’s volunteer firefighters have difficulty setting aside time from their own regular work schedule to go to Ottawa for an extended life fire training exercise. Also, he added, because of the pandemic, the City of Ottawa has suspended access to its live-fire training centre to all fire departments outside of its own boundaries. 'JSFàHIUFSTBSFSFRVJSFEUPUBLFMJWFàSF USBJOJOHVOEFS UIFTUBOEBSETPG UIF/BUJP - OBM'JSF1SPUFDUJPO"TTPDJBUJPO5IF$JUZPG $MBSFODF3PDLMBOETPXO'JSF.BTUFS1MBO
Les membres du conseil municipal du canton d’Alfred-Plantagenet sont favorables à la demande d’un résident de Wendover de fournir des brigadiers scolaires pour surveiller les enfants qui traversent le chemin de l’École élémentaire catholique Saint-Joseph. Ils ont accepté d’ajouter cette demande à la liste des points à discuter lors de l’examen de la planification budgétaire municipale de 2021. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
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