King's Business - 1936-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


June, 1936

point plants of joy and trust. Such excla­ mations as “I know 1” and “I have 1” re­ place the question-mark plants of “H ow ?” and “Why ?” With these new plants grow­ ing there, our heart’s garden may look something like this: (The leader may draw a row of wide exclamation points standing in the grass. Happy facial ex­ pressions and upraised arms will show the difference between these “plants” and the ones in the preceding drawing. At the side, in the course o f the following com­ ment, print “I know !” and “I have!” ) Some of the precious seed of God’s Word, such as, “I know whom I have be­ lieved” (2 Tim. 1:12)—believing on the Lord Jesus, or, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life” (John 3:36);; has taken foot in this garden. The Lord rejoices over such a garden as this one is. It is His, delight. But if the gardens we plant in our yards are to grow and thrive, there must be sun­ shine and water. Lack of these will cause the plants to become yellow and parched and dry. One cannot expect to find blos­ soms and fruit in a garden that receives no sunlight and water. The same is true of the garden o f the heart. The sunshine o f God’s love and grace must be allowed to pour into the heart garden. Think often about His great love for you in sending the Lord Jesus into the world to die for you. “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son . . .” (John 3 :16) The heart garden must be watered, too, with the Word o f God, which refreshes lithe plants and keeps them strong and beautiful. The Word, too, will keep the weeds of sin and wrongdoing from growing in the heart garden, and we shall be able to say truly: “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psa. 119: 11). Take time, every day, boys and girls, to read God’s Word, and in this way you will be refreshing the garden of your heart. Soon a heart’s garden like this will pro­ duce blossoms which will shed forth “in every place,” that is, wherever we are, a delicate fragrance which speaks of our Lord Jesus. In 2 Corinthians 2:15 we read: “For we are unto God a sweet savor [fragrance] of Christ.” There will be fruit, too, fruit that will delight the Gardener’s heart. Would you like to know the name o f this fruit? Let us read Galatians 5 :22, 23: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, tem­ perance: against such there is no law.” Let us all ask the Lord Jesus to make our heart gardens be the kind that will please Him. LORD JESUS, MAKE MY HEART A GARDEN FAIR By HELEN H OW A R T H LEMM EL M y heart may be a fragrant garden fair, Kind words and thoughts and deeds ¿-blos­ soming there; O r it may be a place of poison weeds, All filled with ugly thoughts and words and deeds. Lord Jesus, make my heart a garden fair, Come Thou Thyself and be the Gard'ner there. Memory Verse Question: What did the Lord Jesus say about the way to the Father? Answer: "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man com- eth unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

What Grows in Your Garden ?'

Jewels [Continued from page 221]

After the class had met each week in this garage for many months, the Turkish boy moved away, and the little group had to move, ’ too. A distant church allowed them to use one of its rooms each week. Here the class continued for many years. O f course these boys and girls are no longer children. We do not know where they all are, but we trust that they are continuing faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are looking forward to the time when we shall meet in the gloryland to know the full results from their lives and their carrying of the Word o f God. Jewels? Indeed they were! Do you see why I said I found jewels one day in Russian town? “ Little children, little children, Who love their Redeemer, Are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own.” How to Join the K. Y. B. Club 'To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read, and a state« ment to this effect, signed by parent or Sun­ day-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y . B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each — in quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’s Busi­ ness, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. New K. Y. B. C. Members The following have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members of the Know Your Bible Club: Alton, III.: Alice Mae, Annabelle, and Viola Champlin; Mildred Hailer; Robert Halford; Ora and Pearl Mason; Raymond Potts; Harriot Wil­ liams, and Georgia Wilson (Earl Jensen, leader). Augusta, Ga.: Gene Barnes; Maud Boyd; Lena Corley; Joyce Freeman; Billy Grear; Grace and Mabel Hensley; Howard Lewis; Billy, Dorothy, and Evelyn McKie; Catherine Mallet; Bobby Mount; Dorothy Powell; T. S. Rambo; May and Minnie Lee Saxon, and Frank Speering (Mrs. C. H. Mount, leader). Baltimore, Md.: Mildred Cavanaugh; Evelyn Dishong; Margaret and Robert Dorsey; Vera Fitzhugh; Donald and Walter Harrison; Edith Kidd; Kenneth, Roger, and William MacCubbin; Guy Miser, and Bettie Young (Miss E. M. Kidd, teacher). Dryden, N. Y .: Vivian M. Day. Earlimart, Calif.: Frankie, G. M., and M. D. Baker: Erlene and Wilma Jean Brooks; Annie and Howard Burris; Mary Lou Dearing; Gloria Johnson; Masako and Tokuko Kamei; Treva Mae Keller; Nobuko Michiko; Alta Oakley, and Doro­ thy Twiford (Mrs. Herbert Eby, leader). East St. Louis, III.: Billie, Eva Mae, and Walter Brown; Robert Harcourt, and Walter Schildroth (Henrietta Miller and Ruth Coates, teachers). Elsinore, Calif.: John Daniel Clark; Lucita and' Mary Jane Howell, and Howard L. Hyatt (Clifford Spore, teacher). Escondido, Calif.: Raymond Baker; Emma Dean, Mary Mae, Olive, and Philip Barker; Betty Jean and Dorothy Mae Bonds; Earl Dow; Charles Dryden; Barbara Dunn; Lewis and Phyliss Funk; Miriam Gandy; Florence and Ralph Icke; Dorothy Kiddoo; Elenore Morgan;» Irene Parker; Robert Pritchett;- Jane- Rogers-; Norma Rosco; Lucille Welton, and Rowena Willis (Agnes Rogers, teacher). Evans City, Pa.: Bobby Barkey; George Ber- gard; Glenn and Laverne Bissett; Ernest Bitten- bender; Harold, Junior, and Lyman Geohring; Philip Hirschy; George Johnston; Walter Martin; Howard Rader; Joe Umbel, and Chester Young­ blood (Raymond Bissett, teacher). Fresno, Calif.: Florence Bonaciach; Lorraine Criswell; Jessie Dunham; Jessie B. Gipson; Faith Hamilton; Marion Holt; Louise Jackson; June Kincheloe;'Dorothy Mueller; Marjorie Opie; Jane Payne; Mildred Strickland; Hattie Torman; Ro­ berta White, and Cathryn Wiens (Emma Popp, leader). Guerrant, K y.: Billie Adkins; Vernie Gilbert; Christine Napier; Helen and Ida Noble, and Mattie Turner (Mary Shipley, teacher). [Continued on page 238]

A Blackboard Talk By M rs . B en S. C andee

How many of you planted a garden this spring? If you did, you will know how interesting it was to watch the little green shoots appear above the ground and grow into beautiful plants or trees. When the plants were fully grown and full of foliage and blossoms, what a lovely spot your garden was! Long ago, the Lord God planted a garden as a home for Adam and Eve. What a lovely garden home this Garden of Eden must have been! In it were every tree and plant and flower that would meet man’s needs and make him happy. Then one day a terrible thing happened. Satan, the devil, entered the beautiful garden. Adam and Eve listened to him rather than to the words o f the Lord God. Soon they doubted and questioned and disobeyed what God had said. Sin thus came into the world, and Adam and Eve had to leave their lovely garden home. Thorns and briars and weeds have ever since had a place in our gardens, remind­ ing us o f sin and o f the curse which came into the world so long ago. The Lord is still planting gardens, but in the hearts of boys and girls and men and women. Have you ever let Him plant a lovely garden in your heart? Some people have heart gardens that are only full of thorns and briars and weeds. Like Adam and Eve in the garden so long ago, they are doubting and questioning God’s Word. “ How?” and “Why?” they are asking. The heart garden o f such folks must look like this: (A t this point, the leader may draw a row o f plump question- marks, made with double, ribbon-like out­ lines. A grassy garden background may be shown with a few strokes of the chalk. Personification can be indicated by the addition o f simply drawn frowning faces and drooping arms. At the side o f the drawing, print the words “H ow ?’L and “ Why?” ) I wouldn’t want such plants as these growing in my heart’s garden, would you? The Lord Jesus is grieved, too, to find these question plants in one’s heart. He desires that only the most beautiful of plants and flowers should grow there. I f you have not let Him come into your heart’s garden, He is standing at the door that leads into that gardgn. He is knock­ ing, too, and asking whether He may come in and have your heart for a garden. Such lovely plants He desires to grow there— those that only He can plant! Hear the words of Revelation 3 :20: “ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” Open your heart’s door today, boys and girls, and let Him come in and make of your hearts a lovely garden! The Lord Jesus Himself is the Gardener. As we let Him come into our hearts, the weeds and briars and thorns o f sin dis­ appear. The question-mark plants of “ How ?” .and “Why ?” become exclamation-

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