King's Business - 1936-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1936

P R O P H E C Y June 1936 Issue “ Prophecy Monthly” Will Thrill Your Soul Radio now speaks in Hebrew, the language long dead; Shaping the Roman Empire; A Manifesto by Fundamental Leaders; Powers of darkness talk over light rays; Modernists would banish the word “ missions” ; Father Divine and “ sweet wind” ; Nazi re-write of Sermon on the Mount; Networks —Red and Brown; Fools Gold and the New Deal; Epoch of intellectual dishonesty; Will there be one visible church? Many other vital articles in JUNE issue out May 20. You'll thoroughly enjoy every number of Prophecy. $1 yr. in U .S.; For­ eign $1.15. 10c copy. KEITH L. BROOKS, Editor Order today from BROOKS PUBLISHERS 2003 Addison Way, Dept K.B., Los Angeles BIBLE AND PROPHETICAL CHARTS Earnest Bible students and teachers, anticipating Biblical knowledge, cannot afford in this prophetical hour to be without these two (one set) wonderful illustrative, great artistic, dispensational and prophetical charts, from ages past to ages to come, with hundreds of Biblical references to guide the students. Nothing like it. O. T. 11x50, N. T. 11x63 inches. Greatly reduced price, $1.00 only, postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. M. NYGARD, St. James Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn. ME N T O s e l l B I B L E S Old established firm expanding; write us all about your­ self. Experience in our line is not necessary; we instruct. A golden opportunity awaits the man who can qualify. P H IL A D EL P H IA B IB L E HOUSE Dept. 603 • 1211 Chestnut Street • Philadelphia, Pa. NEW SONG BOOK ! A collection of 72 songs and hymns, popular in the MOODY and SAN K EY revivals in Great Britain and America, has been compiled especially for the D. L. Moody Centenary-Moody Bible Institute Jubilee, 1936-1937. These are ideal for use in Sunday Evening Ser­ vices, Sunday Schools, Missionary Societies, etc., and may be purchased at 10c (mailed); $7.50 per hundred, not prepaid. BIBLE INSTITUTEC01P0RTAGEAS’N 810 North Wells St., Chicago, Illinois "A COLLEGE OF FAITH, OF HOPE, OF IDEALS - 77 Thus the late Governor Brumbaugh d e s ig n a t e d JU N IA T A COLLEGE . IF YOU A RE IN TERESTED IN A GOOD C H R I S T I A N C O L L E G E , W R I T E PRESIDENT CHARLES C. ELLIS, at Huntingdon, Pennsylvania RAISE MONEY FOR YOUR CLASS Sell “ADPENCO” School Name Pencils. Hundreds of Teachers have profited by this easy means of raising funds. SP EC IA L OFFER. 144 high quality regular five-cent pen­ cils, each equipped with gilt tip and red rubber eraser im­ printed with your School Name for $2.60 postpaid. You sell for $7.20. Your profit $4.60. Send name of Church or Sunday School today with money order for sample gross. SATISFACTIO N GUARANTEED. ADVERTISING PENCIL CO. Walbrook 51 Baltimore, Maryland KILL ALL FLIES Placed anywhere, Daisy Fly ■ | f|| IIP! Killer attracts and hills flies. 1 |Guaranteedeffective. Neat,con- | venient— Cannot spill—Will 1 | not soilorinjureanything. Lasts ■ all season. 20c at all dealers. ■ Harold Somers, Inc., 150 De 1 Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. EpÇ'..:IIP D A ISY FLY K ILLER

ported herself and six children by wash­ ing. She was as regular as the rich man in making her offering of five cents a week, which was all she could spare from her scant earnings. One day the rich man came to the minister and said that the poor woman ought not to pay anything, and that he would pay the five cents for her every week. The pastor called to tell her of the offer, explaining his errand in a consid­ erate manner. Tears came to the woman’s eyes as she replied: “Do they want to take from me the comfort I experience in giving to the Lord? Think how much I owe to H im ! My health is good, my chil­ dren keep well, and I receive so many bless­ ings that I feel I could not live if I did not make my little offering to Jesus each week.”— The Home Herald.

one o f the cans. Solder it into the can, near the top. This arrangement allows water to enter the can, but keeps it from coming out when the can is turned upside down.) Lesson: Did you know that Christians are like cans? At least they are like these two which I brought with me this morning. I have called these cans Kate and Carl, be­ cause they reminded me of people. They are like certain Christians. You are wondering how these cans can be like Christians. I will show you. I give each a glass of water, and then you see why I have given them human names. They both receive the water. Kate gives this thirsty plant a drink, but Carl refuses. (Tilt the can with the mouth away from the audience, so that the funnel will not be seen.) He believes in keeping e v e r y t h i n g he gets for himself. Some Christians, like Carl, seem to think that it is all right to keep all the blessings God gives them, never passing them on to others. Other Christians, like Kate, pass their blessings on to others, bringing refreshing and hap­ piness to other people. In looking at these two cans, I am re­ minded o f the words of the Bible: “ It is more blessed to give than to receive.” And, “God loveth a cheerful giver.” If in a few days you were to come to this stingy can, you would find that the water was stagnant and impure, because the can refused to give that which it received. The two lakes on this map o f Palestine remind us of the same truth. The Sea of Galilee is a living body of water, where people live and labor, because it gives of that which it receives. The Dead Sea is dead, because it receives but never gives. Boys and girls, don’t be like the Dead Sea and Carl Can. Be like the Sea of Galilee and Kate Can, giving to others of that which you have received from God. (A small hole near the top of the can will allow it to be emptied after the lesson. When tilting the can, cover the hole with your thumb to keep the water from run­ ning out.) From Black to Gold Dr. Stuart Holden once visited a factory in the North of England where costly china was being made, and the thing that interested him most was the painting of the finished product. It had been through many different processes, and was taken to a studio for the artist to complete. “ I saw the pattern being put on in various colors, and noticed that a great deal of black was being used. On asking why, I was told, ‘It is black now, but it will be gold when it comes out of the fire.’ Is not this just as it is in our lives? What is put on black we do not recognize as gold at the time; and the thing that is gilding our lives—or is intended to do so—is very often put on in darkness and blackness.” —Christian Herald and Signs o f Our Times.

How Jesus’ Friends Shared A cts 4:32-37; 6:1-7

Memory Verse: “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one o f the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matt. 25:40). Approach: The disciples o f the Lord Jesus were very busy now preaching to the people about the resurrection o f Jesus.

They were so filled with the Holy Spirit that they spent all of their time telling this good news to the p eop le. A g rea t crowd o f people who believed in Jesus gathered themselves together at Jerusa­ lem, a n d because they believed in the same things, they

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wanted to be near each other and to live as one big family. But who would pay for their food and clothes and houses? Peter and James and John couldn’t. They had no money. Who would, then ? This was a serious question. Lesson Story: Now it happened that some of the people who believed had money or land or other possessions, and o f their own accord they decided to bring some of these as gifts to be shared with others. They sold their land and their houses and brought the money to be distributed among other Christians. So it happened that every one received “according as he had need.” Today our church, God’s house, where we come to worship, is paid for in the same way. Those who have money bring it so that God’s house may be kept open and the good news told to all. Do you remember the story of the time that Jesus stood at the temple door and watched the people who came to worship, and saw how they dropped their money into the collection box? Some o f the people dropped in large sums of money. A widow stopped to drop in two mites. You remember that Jesus told His disciples that she had given more than all of the rest, because she had given all that she had. The pennies that children bring are just as important as the dollars of older people. God wants us all to share in His work and in keeping open His house.

Object Lesson G iving and L iving

Objects: Two two-pound baking-pow­ der cans, a potted plant, and a map of Palestine. (Secure a small funnel, and trim the bowl o f it to fit the mouth of

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