King's Business - 1936-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1936

the righteous Son of God Himself. Being told of their sin was too much for the Jews. They dashed at Stephen and stoned him to death. How sad that he must die like that! But it is not sad when we know that he went at once to be with Jesus. And another good thing happened be­ cause of this man who was not afraid. The Jews were still so angry that the followers of Jesus had to flee for their lives. In this way, instead of staying in Jerusalem, they were scattered in many places, and the gospel story was preached not only at Jerusalem but in many places round about.

the same time. One is an ordinary clock, and the other has an illuminated dial, which can be seen in the dark. Some Christians are like this plain clock. When they are with other Christians, they let every one know that they are followers of Christ. But if they are with unsaved people, and things look dark, they will not speak of Christ. Other Christians are like this clock with the illuminated dial. Whether they are in the light or in the dark, they tell of Christ. Wherever you find them, they are true to Christ. What a wonderful thing it is to be telling God’s message to those who are unsaved and in the darkness of this w orld! As I look at this faithful clock that is true in the dark as well as in the light, I am reminded o f Stephen. Things were very dark for him, and yet he remained true to God, letting his light shine into the darkness o f unbelief. It is well for us to ask ourselves the question, “What kind o f Christians are we ?” Are we content to tell God’s message only in the light of other Christians, or are we telling His message in the darkness of unsaved associates? How glad Stephen must have been to know that God used his testimony, given when things were dark, to bring Paul to Christ!

P rophetic B ooklets BY

Louis S. Bauman, D.D. Writer of Prophetic Articles in THE K IN G 'S BU SIN ESS

SHIRTS AND SHEETS, or, Anti- Semitism, A Present-Day Sign of the First Magnitude! “ Behold, a Great Red Dragon! . . . H e perse­ cuted the woman which brought forth the Man Child " (Rev. 12:3, 13). This booklet deals with the most significant present- day sign of the closing of our age and the coming of the kingdom of God—Anti-Semitism l It reviews the entire story of the eternal conflict between “ the seed of the woman” and “ the seed of the serpent” -— between the “ great red dragon” and the earthly people of God,—culminating in the latest outburst— Hitlerism. No prophetic study is more timely or more important. Order your copy today. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c #1.25 per dozen postpaid God and Gog; or, The Coming Meet Between Judah’s Lion and Russia’s Bear (2nd edition, revised) A booklet of forty pages bearing on one of the most timely and interesting subjects in the whole realm of prophecy. Illustrated with striking car­ toons. Especially interesting to American Chris­ tians in view of oar government's recognition of Russia. Now in second revised edition. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid THE WORLD’S HEART FAILURE (Our Lord*s Own Crystalline Prophecy of the Imminency of His Return. Lk. 21:24-33). A booklet of 24 pages presenting a graphic picture of present world conditions as foretold by our Lord should exist prior to His return. Contains two striking cartoons. Splendid for general distribution among both the saved who are not acquainted with the blessed Hope of Christ's return and the unsaved who are showing anxiety because of present-day conditions. Price, 15c each, 2 for 25c $1.25 per dozen postpaid N .R.A.—The Sign and Its Spiritual Significance This booklet sets forth in a most clear and concise manner the spiritual significance of the N.R.A. in the light of the Prophetic Word. Every student of prophecy will welcome this sane Scriptural study on present-day events. The following testimony esti­ mates the value of this booklet: “ This is a well- written article, forcefully hitting many sore spots in national as well as individual conditions, and deserves wide distribution.” Price, 10c each $1.00 per dozen postpaid ALSO THE MODERN TONGUES MOVE- MENT— in the Light of the Scripture and in the Light of Its Fruits (2nd edition, revised) The world-wide demand for this 40-page booklet has been so great that it is now in its second edition, revised. Scores of persons have been led out of this false movement and thousands of others saved from its erroneous teachings through the sane Scriptural exposure of this delusion. Recommended by Dr. Grant Stroh to members of his class in History of Doctrine at the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. Price of Revised Edition, 25 cents 5 copies for #1.00 postpaid POSTAGE STAMPS ACCEPTED Order From ALAN PEARCE 1925 E. Fifth Street Long Beach, Calif.

T icking and T elling Objects: Two alarm clocks. One should have an illuminated dial. Lesson: Listen and see whether you can tell which of these clocks is ticking. “It sounds as if they both are.” Yes, you are right. They are both tick­ ing, but they are different. The difference cannot be in the time, for they both tell If we Christians are true to Christ in the darkness of this world as well as in the light, we, too, will have the joy of knowing that others have been influenced by our faithfulness. Don’t be satisfied with being just a “ Ticker”—be a “ Teller” for Christ. (firis’ QUERY CORNER Conducted by M yrtle E. S cott

Questions for answer in this comer should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., West H o lly w o o d , Calif., and a stamped en­ velope should be en­ closed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen fo r p u b lic a t io n .

Where a friend o f girls pre­ sents the girls’ best Friend

Dear Miss Scott: I have wondered whether you could give me some help in regard to my prayer life. I seem to have so much doubt concerning prayer, and I am unable to overcome it. For instance, some o f the girls in my Sun­ day-school class talk about praying for help in examinations. It seems to me that it is up to us to get our lessons each day and to be ready for examinations, and that it is rather presumptuous to ask the Lord to tell us the right answer at examination time. Another part of the problem is this: If it is God’s will that all shall be saved, as we know from the Bible it is, why should we pray for the salvation o f our friends and for other things we know it is His will to do? O f course we should not pray for things that are not His will, and the result is that I honestly cannot see very much use in petitioning Him at all. I hope you will not misunderstand me. I do love the Lord and pray, too, but these questions bother me and keep me from having the faith I should have. Hoping you can help me, I am, Lovingly, B.

Dear Girl: I appreciate your desire to have every doubt in regard to prayer cleared away so that you can come with holy boldness and confidence to the throne of grace. Prayer is so very important and should have such a big place in every Christian life that we need to be clear regarding God’s thought on the subject. I f praying over examinations means neglecting our study and expecting God to help us by putting into our minds truth that we have not acquired in the proper way and time, I quite agree with you that we are presuming on God in asking such a thing. However, there are many who have been faithful in their work and who have the facts stored away in their minds but who grow confused at examination time. Our Lord is ready to bring quietness to our minds in answer to our prayer, and to enable us to think clearly. As a usual thing, the closer we are to the Lord, the keener we are mentally. Christian stu­ dents can bring glory to the Lord by the way they perform their school tasks as truly as they can in any other duty o f life, and He stands as ready to help us in that

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