King's Business - 1936-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1936

as in anything else pertaining to our lives. We must remember that we are to do our part, however, if we are to expect His help. W e are “workers together” (2 Cor. 6 : 1 ). This cooperation of God and man is God’s purpose all through our lives. He gives us gold, but places it where we have to dig to get it. He taught His disciples to pray, “ Give us this day our daily bread,” and He expects us to do our part to earn or make the loaf. This God-given arrange­ ment explains why we are to pray for the things we know to be His will to do. He pledges Himself to do only what we ask in His name. “ Ye have not, because ye ask not” (Jas. 4 :2 ). “ If ye shall ask . . . I will do” (John 14:14). Read ■the following references to see examples o f how God expects us to co­ operate by prayer in the thing He promises to do. Isaiah 45:11: God had been telling Israel what He was going to do, and then He said: “Ask me o f things to come.” His purpose for them was waiting until they prayed. Daniel 9:2, 3: When Daniel knew that the seventy years’ Babylonian captivity was nearing an end and that God’s purpose was to send Israel back to their land, he set himself to earnest prayer. Read Ezekiel 36, and note how many times God says, “I will.” Wonderful promises He makes, and in verse 36 He says, “ I the Lord have spoken it, and I will do it.” Then the very next verse reads: “ Thus saith the Lord G od: I will yet for this be inquired of by the house o f Israel, to do it for them.” It is as if He said, “ I will do it but am waiting until you make it pos­ sible by doing your part in prayer.” “Put me in remembrance: let us plead together,” is the instruction He gives in Isaiah 43 :26. What a wonderful privilege is ours to have a part in helping to bring to pass God’ s great, loving purpose for His people I Prayer is the greatest ministry in all the world, and it is one in which each of us may have a part. May the number be in­ creased of those who will give themselves to a real ministry o f intercession! Dispensational Truth With forty-two charts and thirty-four chapters, Dispensational Truth by the late Clarence Larkin is a book o f continuing usefulness. The opinion of I. M. Halde- man, pastor (until the time of his death) o f the First Baptist Church o f New York City, is noteworthy. “Mr. Larkin is a ‘master workman’ in ‘rightly dividing the word,’ ” Dr. Haldeman declared. Concern­ ing the book, a representative o f the Tor­ onto Bible College asserts: “It is the best collection of dispensational charts ever published. I know of none to compare with it.” The charts are masterly, and they cover the entire range of Bible history and prophecy. Dispensational Truth is the re­ sult o f thirty-five years of careful study of the Word. It is a volume o f permanent value, and is a mine o f information for the pastor, evangelist, Bible teacher, and lover o f the Word. The price of the book, in cloth binding, is $5.00. Address: Clarence Larkin Estate, Publishers, 2802 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Evangelistic Notices Harold Alexander, with Mrs. Alexan­ der, completed a union meeting in Long Beach, Calif., on May 17. John E. Brown was the evangelist. Fourteen churches united in the effort, and a tent was used


Wm. F. Rawlins Evangelistic Party

Q: U i

Old-fashioned Evangelism— not commercialized Booking for F all and W in ter 1936-37. Musical Program » » Piano Accordion V ib r a p h o n e » B ottles » T ip p o SUCCESS FU L CHILDREN’S M EETINGS Large Gospel Bus to Advertise Services Address: 558 South Hope Street » Los Angeles, California «

which seated 3,000 people. The tent was filled to capacity on many occasions, and during the third week of the campaign the attendance was never less than 2,000. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander had charge o f the music and the young people’s work. Dur­ ing the last two weeks in April, they assist­ ed John Bunyan Smith, of San Diego, in a meeting in the Baptist Church o f Cama­ rillo, Calif. Churches from as far away as sixty miles sent delegations to the services. During June, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Will assist in meetings at the First Chris­ tian Church, Ventura, Calif., and during July they will be in Hermosa Beach, Calif., in a union meeting. Address: P. O. Box 321, Los Angeles, Calif. Henry E. Burke, 9028 South Ada Street, Chicago, 111., has recently held meetings in Kalispel, Livingston, and Butte, Mont., and in each campaign many decisions were made for Christ. Arthur Stephen Magann, who has spent more than a quarter of a century in the field of evangelism, offers a plan for evan­ gelistic work which has been productive of spiritual results. He prefers that all the churches in a community shall unite, if possible, for the campaign. The first week is spent with the members in a so-called “ retreat,” where the Victorious Life mes­ sage is presented, where fellowship with the Lord may be renewed, and where faith is quickened. During the second week, an evangelistic institute is conducted; Chris­ tians are taught how to do personal w ork; and a census survey o f the community is taken. Many persons are led to Christ in personal contact with awakened Christians, before the public meetings are announced. In the third week, evangelistic meetings are held, with gospel messages and per­ sonal testimonies being given every night. Workers are asked to come forward with those whom they have led to Christ pri­ vately, or with those who wish to accept Him. In the inquiry room, definite and Scriptural instruction is given, and an op­ portunity is offered for the public confes­ sion of Christ. Mr. Magann is open for a limited number of engagements for fed­ erated church evangelistic campaigns. He may be addressed at 2902 Francis Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Leonard J. Eilers, cowboy evangelist who has been working throughout Cali­ fornia, Colorado, and Wyoming for the past several years, has accepted a call to serve for the next four weeks, beginning June 7, in an independent tabernacle in Enid, Okla. While he is in Enid, Mr. Eilers will be available for datings in other points in Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Middle Western cities. Address: 124 N. Florence, Burbank, Calif. William F. Rawlins, with Mrs. Rawlins, has been used o f God in a gracious series of meetings at the Missionary Church, Van [Continued on page 238]

“ E X P O S IT IO N C H O R U S E S ” Introduced at America’s Exposition 40 Selections— Many 1935 Copyrights Also “ NEW SINGABLE SONGS” 32 Inspiring solos and choruses 25c EACH, Postpaid TOGETHER, 45c Published by: HAROLD ALEXANDER Box 321. Dept. K Los Angeles, Calif. SING AND PLAY! “ SONGS OF GRACE No. 1” Solos, duets, trios, quartets, Choruses, Choir and Congregational songs. Price 30c Postpaid Also SACRED PIANO SOLO W ITH VARIATIONS “ There’s a Wideness

in God’s Mercy” Price 35c Postpaid Order from GORDON E. HOOKER

358 So. Hope St.

Los Angeles, Calif.

HENRY E. BURKE EVANG EL IST IC PARTY Originator, BURKE PLAN , Mass andVisitation Evangelism Combined of K. B.)

■K* ■-*' .

Now Booking for Fall and Winter

Write for Folder and Free Sermon Booklet

Office Address: 9028 So. Ada St. CHICAGO, ILL.

H. E. Burke Mrs. H. E. Burke R. A. Case

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