King's Business - 1936-06


June, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

A Fervent Prayer from 10,000 Hearts • “ SAVE THE HOME OF ONESIPHORUS!” •

“ There is no speech nor language; Their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world” (R. V .). In figurative language he continues: “In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber.” David must have written this psalm some balmy summer morning as he watchea a glorious sunrise on the plains o f Judea. The song breathes all the life, the fresh­ ness, the joy and gladness that a glorious sunrise can wake. What exultation a “bridegroom” feels, and what rejoicing there is in the strong racer’s heart! Thus the sun seems as he travels along with such certainty and power day after day. The wondrous order of the heavens and the beauties o f nature have always been an unanswerable evidence o f God’s existence. But there is pathos as well as beauty in this universal revelation concerning God’s glory. In thfe great passage in which he shows the whole world guilty before God, the Apostle Paul reminds us that “the in­ visible things o f him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being under­ stood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Rom. 1 :20). Though God created a perfect earth, adverse conditions in nature entered as a result o f sin, as we learn in Genesis 3 :17, 18: “ Cursed is the ground for thy sake . . . Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee.” Yet even here, the mercy o f God is evident, for fallen man needs work to do. And the world of nature is far more fa­ vorable to us than we deserve. God “left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness” (Acts 14:17). We must not forget, however, that the revela­ tion of God in nature is limited by these very facts, and that for a fuller under­ standing we must turn to His Word, as the psalmist shows us in the remaining verses of this psalm. To the Christian who meditates upon God’s love and majesty as revealed in the universe, the hymn of Joseph Addison is rich with meaning: “ The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim; The unwearied sun, from day to day Does his Creator’s power display, And publishes to evefy land The work of an almighty hand.” Sir Isaac Newton had a valued friend who ignored the Bible and said that all things came by chance. They were both great students of astronomy, and Newton devised a plan to make his friend feel ashamed of his “by chance” theory o f crea­ tion. He had made for him an astronomical globe by one o f the best artists o f London under his specific direction, and had it placed in his library, where his friend was to meet him on a certain day to discuss astronomical facts. The globe arrested the friend’s attention at once as a wonderful Helps for the Leader I. A L ogical Q uestion

The home of Onesiphorus, one of the largest Christian orphanages in the Orient, established over twenty years ago at Taian, Shantung, China, situ­ ated in the area of recent floods, famine and foreign aggression. In addi­ tion to rescuing and giving the Gospel to the Chinese, the Home trains these helpless ones for Christian service among their natives. Give of your time in prayer and of your money to save this great faith work, which, although hampered by debt and lack of funds, has bravely met extra­ ordinary demands. Preaching the Gospel . . . clothing the naked . . . feeding the hungry . . . and aiding the sick. This work is highly endorsed, both by Christian leaders and the Chinese authorities. Campaign Report to Date With praise and thanksgiving to God we wish to report receipt of ap­ proximately $5,000 in our campaign to raise $10,000. Half the battle is won. Help us achieve VICTORY! We are grateful to those who have responded thus far to the urgent call. In the next thirty days, pray as never before that this emergency be met. God will pour out His blessings in glorious recompense.

(Above) Baby Rose, cared for by S. S. Class in North Carolina (Right) Christian boys or future bandits ? Your gifts and prayers will decide

Your Gifts and Prayers Will Save the Home Clip & Mail Coupon Today

Millions are destitute and desperate. Driven to eating clay soup which brings on agonizing death. Suicide is common. Canni­ balism is resorted to. Even in the best of times poverty often stalks through Shantung Province. Children are sold to buy bread. Help us save all we can for Christ.

(Above),Taian street scene, and entrance to Home.

Write for FREE booklet, "Helping China’s Helpless" and catalog of Art Craft by chil­ dren of the Home . . . make beautiful gifts. The proceeds help to support the work. Home of Onesiphorus American Office

Home of Onesiphorus, American Offiee 281 i No. Racine Ave., Drawer li, Chicago, III. I give gladly as Qod has blessed me, to help China’s helpless. (Enclosed find $..............................). I pledge $ be paid, date..............................................


2811 North Racine Avenue

Chicago, 111.


Drawer 11

carried a pocket compass. A settler o f those days tells this story: “One day I had been walking in the woods, when, though I could not see the sun or sky, I knew by the settling darkness that night was com­ ing on, and started, as I thought, for home. I was so certain of my direction that for some time I did not look at my compass. On doing so, however, I was greatly sur­ prised to find that whereas I thought I was going east, in reality I was bound due west. Not only was I surprised, but I was so sure of my own judgment and so disgusted with my compass that I raised my arm to throw it away. Then, pausing, I thought, You have never lied to me yet, and I’ll trust you once more. I followed it and came out all right.” The Bible is a compass that has guided millions to heaven. Some would throw it away, but those who follow it always come out safely.— S elected . JULY 19, 1936 THE DIVINE VOICE IN NATURE P salm 19 :l-6 Meditation on the Lesson This beautiful psalm, almost a univer­ sal favorite, is the classic on God’s reve­ lation in nature and in His written Word. Triumphantly the psalmist cries, “The hea­ vens declare the glory o f God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.” The rhythm, the never-ending succession o f night and day, awe him. The order, the system, and the regularity in the universe lead him to bow his head in worship. He recognizes the mighty drama in it all, and exclaims :

MANY ARE HUNGRY Give them the Bread of Life. Distribute Scriptural Tracts. Sample Package 25c. FAITH, PRAYER and TRACT LEAGUE MUSKEGON HEIGHTS, M ICH. • Dept. K FREE A 220 page, Cloth-Bound Book! Send us the names and addresses of 15 or 20 of your friends known to be readers of fundamental Christian literature. We will not mention your name. Send the list of names to us and we will mail you absolutely free, "The Pathways of Promise," as mentioned above. Write or print the names plainly and mention this publication. PIN EBRO O K BOOK STORE 42 N. Eighth Street • • Philadelphia, Penna. TWO MILLION JEWS of Greater New York need the Gospel. The New York Jewish Mission through personal contact among University students, in Mission gatherings, Mothers’ meetings and children's clubs is doing a much-needed work among these people. Its organ is the JEWISH MISSIONARY MAG­ AZINE—bi-monthly, 32-pages. One dollar a year (foreign $1.25). Sample copy 10c. Address: 2654 Marion Avenue, New York City, N. Y.

WEAR THIS SUIT and Make up to $12 in a Day! Lei, me send you this fine all-wool tailored suit FREE OF COST. Just follow my easy plan and show the suit to your friends. Make up to $12 in a day easily. No experience— no canvassing necessary. Send for Samples— FREE OF COST Write today for FREE details, ACTUAL SAM­ PLES and "sure-fire” money getting plans. Send no money. H. J. Collin, PROGRESS TAILO RING CO. Dept. F-128 500 S. Throop St., Chicago, III.

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