King's Business - 1936-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1936

you will believe in the impossible. . . . You have often heard that man’s extremity is God’s opportunity; but do you know some­ thing further—that God’s opportunity is man’s importunity? that when there is the opportunity on God’s part by the extremity on ours, then we must press into the breach with an importunity, a shamelessness, . . . which shall not be resisted on God’s part, and will not be disappointed on ours? — C harles A. Fox. JULY 10 Looking Up “H e endured, as seeing him who is in­ visible” (Heb. 11:27). The true character of faith is to set God always before our eyes. Faith beholds higher and more hidden things than what our senses can perceive. A view o f God alone is sufficient to strengthen our weak­ ness so that we may become firmer than rocks to withstand the assaults ‘of Satan. It follows, therefore, that the weaker and less resolute any one is, the less faith he h a sS joH N C alvin . A steeplejack was once asked how it was that he never fell when he was climbing a high chimney or steeple. “ Surely the ground must seem an awful distance away, as you look down,” it was suggested. “ I do not look down,” he replied. “If once I cast my eyes to earth I should lose my nerve. I always look up; then I am safe.” — S elected . “ When Moses held up his hand, . . . Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed” (Ex. 17:11). God’s battle was fought desperately on the plains of Rephidim, but it was only as hands remained lifted aloft on the heights that the enemy broke and fled. Exactly so we face today an enemy whose legions are well nigh countless, whose strategy is born of an experience thousands o f years old, before whom millions have gone down. . . . For our desperate battle with the powers o f darkness, Paul gives as preg­ nant and comprehensive a summary of. prayer as the whole Bible contains (Eph. 6:18) C- all prayer, at all seasons, in all perseverance, for all saints . . . Prayer is a trust committed to every child o f God without exception.—D. M. P anton . JULY 12 Suffering with Thankfulness “ When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee” (Isa. 43:2). Thine own doubts and mistrusts about what God will do, and about whither thou shalt go, when thou for Him hast suffered awhile, He can resolve, yea, dissolve, crush, and bring to nothing. He can make fear flee far away, and place heavenly confi­ dence in its room. The Spirit o f glory and o f God resteth upon them that are re­ proached for the name of Christ. And what this Spirit of glory is, . . . is quite beyond the knowledge of the world, is little felt by saints at peace. They that are en­ gaged, that are under the lash for Christ— they, 1 say, have it, and understand some­ thing of it. . . . If God will have us suffer a little while, let us be content, and count it a mercy with thankfulness. —J ohn B unyan . JULY 11 Spiritual Warfare

BOOK ON War, Communism and Prophecy Titled . . . “The Program of Peace" By Joseph Taylor Britan, D.D., Introduction by Charles G. Trumbull, Litt. D. With all the world agog, and at a time PEACE is the talk of millions, the intelligent mind will welcome this timely book. The author shows the cause of WAR, attempts at PEACE, the Philosophy of Nationalism and Internation­ alism, the menace of Communism, the approach of Armageddon and God's PROGRAM OF PEACE. Favorably reviewed by S. S. Times, Moody Monthly, Evangelical Christian and others. Dr. H. A. Ironside says, "It stands out in vivid contrast to the ill-considered and illusory programs of the pacifist, modern churches and the communistically inclined social movements of the day. Brother-preacher, read this book and fall in line with the divine program therein set forth." 172 Pages Cloth Binding Good Paper Artistic Cover Jacket Only $1.00 Postpaid Fundamental Truth Publishers :: :: ;• Findlay, Ohio

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benefit of that power? We must yield to it. . . . It is not by struggling or striving to make ourselves humble that we attain the grace of humility. We must cease from self arid submit to the power of God. . . . It is not self-control that we need, but rather divine control. He must be received into the heart as King, and be enthroned there as the absolute Monarch o f our souls. We may be discouraged without being really humbled. Discouragement comes from Satan. God humbles us, but He does not discourage Us. “Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matt. 11: 29).— Alliance Weekly. The moment you begin to speak o f your humility, there is none there.— S elected . At Night “ Well done, thou good and faithful servant: . . . enter thou into the joy o f thy lord" (Matt. 25:21). When thou shalt meet Him face to face Whom thou dost “Master” call, And bring this day that He may place His sentence o’er it all, Will He, then ans’ring, say, “Well done!” Or sadly look at thee, And show, unfinished, work begun, Or work done carelessly? Was every word of kindness said He would have had thee say ? In passing, has thine own life shed His light upon some way? Or hast thou stupid been, and cold ? Or negligent, or blind? Or willful when the task was told ? Or listlessly inclined? Tomorrow brings its burdens new, And leads to ways untried. Hast learned today the will to do O f Him, the Crucified? What matter, if the way be lone? What though the task severe ? If thou canst do what He will own, There in thy heart’s full cheer ? JULY 8 JULY 9 Opportunity and Importunity “ Call unto me, and I will answer thee" (Jer. 33:3). Whenever I read words like these in Holy Scripture, I think how very near God must be___ Is there unworthiness in any heart, is there anything that hinders? Call unto Him. “ Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and”—as it is in the Hebrew—“inaccessible things,” incred­ ible things, impossible things, things that you could not believe; but if you have faith, — S ally N eill R oach .

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