King's Business - 1936-06


June, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

JULY 13 Laying; the World at God’s Feet

MStories of HymnsWe Love” By CECILIA M ARGARET R U D IN , M . A . Assisted editorially by the REV. W M . M . R U N Y A N N E W E N L A R G E D E D I T I O N T HE great popularity of this fascinating work has demanded a new edition with much added material. Now the most unique and helpful book of its kind for home reading, choir training, S. S. teaching, sermon preparation, gifts, etc. Pre­ sents the human drama behind our most loved hymns includ­ ing “ Holy, Holy, Holy,” “ Abide with Me,” “ The Old Rugged Cross,” “ Wonderful Words of Life,” “ America,” and “ Home, Sweet Home.” A G EM B O O K — T o Own , T o Read, T o Gi ve Its beauty must be seen to be appreciated. Everybody loves it, child or sage, devoted reader or deep student. Covers 400 years of Christian Hymnody. Deals with 155 subjects, hymns, sacred songs, authors, composers, tunes and poems. Richly illustrated, beautifully bound, gold embossed cover. No in­ crease in price for Enlarged Edition— only $1.00 Order direct or through your church supply house— Write today. John Rudin & Company, Inc. 1018 South Wabash Ave., Dept. K.B. Chicago, Illinois FUND RAISER Agents, booksellers, col­ porteurs, etc., successfully distributing this fascinat­ ing work. Sells readily. Get special plans without delay. HowShallTheyHearWithoutaPreacher? The Author

“ Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). This petition ought to be the cry of every Christian, heart. What a rebuke it is to those who seem to have abandoned the thought of the return of the L ord! But what a rebuke it is also to Christians who, believing in that truth and teaching it, are not living in the “blessed hope” ! . . . “ Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”B a marvelous petition in its comprehensive­ ness ! It has two branches—the first is the sanctification of the church of Christ. Let the church become holy under the influence and power o f the Holy Ghost. The whole teaching of holiness is embraced here. The second part of that petition embraces the evangelization of the world. . . . W e lay the world at the feet of God, as it were, every time we offer this petition, ¿.''■Sr-J. E lder C umm ing . JULY 14 Never Late “ For thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me” (Psa. 31:3). God’s guiding is not always to be had long before the time. God guarantees that His guiding shall be in time, but He does not guarantee that it shall be too soon, or very early. When Peter was shut up in prison, it was at the very last hour that God opened the prison doors, and that he went out free. God is never too late. Remember that He keeps precise time. He will not open out His purposes too soon. JULY IS God Hears “ I f we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us” (1 John 5:14). Whether you are sitting alone, or lying down, or walking abroad, or thinking, or writing, or working; whether you are well or ill, at home or out, on land or on sea, be continually assured that God hears the finest breathings and beatings of your heart, and that He listens to hear and help you. Has He not said to you that He waits to be gracious to you ? Do not deny that! Forget, deny, despair o f anything and everything but that. Remember that for Omnipotence nothing is difficult, nor for love, a trouble or a task. All things, therefore, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall surely receive. “ If we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us.”— F ather J ohn . JULY 16 Saved from Sin “ But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy” (1 Pet. 1 :15). Christ will be master of the heart, and sip must be mortified. If your life is un­ holy your heart is unchanged; you are an unsaved person. I f the Saviour has not sanctified you, renewed you, given you a hatred o f sin and a love of holiness, the grace which does not make a man better than others is a worthless counterfeit. Christ saves His people, not in their sins, “Trust in the Lord to hide thee, Wait on the Lord to guide thee, So shall no ill betide thee, Day unto day.” — C harles A. Fox.

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