King's Business - 1936-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

June, 1936

Young at Heart One cannot call them old—the Prufert sisters who are seventy-eight and seventy- two years of age respectively, and who own and operate a unique highway shop, called Dolly’s Happy Home, in Oceanside, Calif. No one is old whose chief interest in life centers in babies and boys and girls. For many years, the Misses J. and M. Prufert have spent their time trying to bring happiness to little people, and inci­ dentally the children’s parents and aunties and grandparents have been made happy too. It is no wonder that the sisters are affectionately called “The Dolly Ladies”—_■ for their shop is the home of dolls o f all descriptions, that charm the feminine heart of even the youngest beholder. Not only dolls are offered for sale, but also beautiful babywear, wonderful things for the toddler, complete layettes for the baby-to-be, shower gifts, and toys for boys' and girls. “The Dolly Sisters” are performing a real Christian service. Through their literature and personal contacts, they radiate love for the Lord Jesus Christ. And in goods mailed out from their shop, there are sent free copies of the Gospel of John and appropriate tracts. Readers who are interested in buying any o f the articles that these Christian ladies sell are urged to write, or to call and see them: J. & M. Prufert, 909 So. Hill St., Oceanside, Calif. Their shop is located just south of Ocean- side as one- travels the main highway to San Diego. Piano Tuning If you live near Los Angeles, you may have your piano tuned by C. L. Green, 6543 Cottage St., Huntington Park, Calif., for the low price o f $2.00. Mr. Green is a friend of the Institute, and will donate one-half of his income from answers to this notice toward the meeting o f expenses of the Bible Institute. He is a consecrated Christian, and thoroughly understands his business. You will be doing both the Insti­ tute and Mr. Green the favor, and save some money for yourself, by calling him next time your piano needs attention. As she prayed, verse after verse seemed to be whispered to h er: “ Suffer little chil­ dren to come unto me, and forbid them n ot: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not re­ ceive the kingdom o f God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” “ Come, ye children, hearken unto m e: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” “And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” “ O my Father God,” cried Mary Breen, “if Thou wilt only forgive my sinful neg­ lect, never, never will I say that my girls are too young to be saved. They are old enough to know right from wrong; they are old enough to know that they love the Lord Jesus who gave Himself for them; and Thou hast made me see they are old enough to be lost unless they repent and believe. Use me, O God, to lead my other unsaved girls to Thee I” Mary’ s Dream [Continued front page 220]

LAYETTES—Our Specialty EVERYTHING NEEDED FOR THE BABY-TO-BE Send for prices Beautiful Babywear* wonderful things for the toddler, shower gifts, and playthings for boys and girls. DOLLY'S HAPPY HOME 909 South Hill Oceanside, Calit. A T T E N T I O N ! May we show you how to fold a paper and cut out the Crpss and the word Hell with one clip of the scissors; also Gospel message illustrating same included. Price 25c. FREE GOSPEL TRACT DISTRIBUTORS 10852 98th Street Edmonton, Alta., Canada INCREA SED INCOM E FO R YOU R C H U R C H T H I S S U M M E R Pence Program puts tireless little worker in every home. Never sleeps. Never “ quits" for hot weather. Brings in startling amounts every three months without “ hurting." Churches in twenty-one states enthusiastic subscribers. Simple, unique, spiritual. Write for details TODAY. COST GREATLY REDUCED SIN C E NEW YEAR CHURCH PENCE SERVICE 207 West 25th Street NEW YORK ETERNAL VALUES Time is an impartial yet severe test of value. Money comes and goes, stocks rise and fall, buildings are used and decay. Returns from investments in this world are at best uncertain. What a contrast then is a work which “ gathereth fruit unto life eternal" (John 4:36)1 INVEST IN THE LORD’S WORK When you use your money to further men's work, passing good or growing evil may result. When you put your money in trust with us to further the Lord’s work, only lasting good can come of it. THE B IB LE INSTITU TE COLPORTAGE A SSO C IA ­ TION OF CHICAGO is an undenominational (interde­ nominational), thoroughly evangelical society, founded by D. L. Moody in 1894. Its object .according to its char­ ter is: “ To circulate, distribute, make, publish, buy, sell and give away books, pamphlets, tracts, singing books, Bibles, Testaments, and evangelical reli­ gious publications, and to use any surplus funds of the Association in and about Bible and evan­ gelical work." The years have tested and proven the soundness of Dwight L. Moody’ s vision. The Gospel in its simplicity and power has been made available to rich and poor that men might understand the plan of salvation, grow in Christian living, and more effectively work for the Lord. True Believers who desire to attach themselves to a living, vital, pro­ gressive, Gospel agency such as this, are invited to fel­ lowship in the support and enlargement of our ministry. This may be done in various ways: 1. Direct gifts—checks or currency. 2. Donation of bonds or stocks. (If the income is needed during life, the security may be placed with us in trust.) 3. Provide for a legacy or bequest by last will and testament. 4. Assign to the Colportage Association any rights to unsettled estates, or rents and in­ come from any property. 5. Name the Association as a beneficiary under a life insurance policy. 6. Loan funds to be used without interest; or give an estate note. Legal Form of Bequest “ I hereby give, devise and bequeath unto The Bible In­ stitute Colportage Association of Chicago, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, the sum of..............................dollars, to be paid out of any real or personal estate owned by me at my decease." Write today for free copy of booklet “ These Forty Years." Please mention The King’s Business, and indicate how you would prefer to help this work. “ These Forty Years" will inspire you with the "eternal value" that our Gospel efforts can create with your aid. Write Today.


“ ALASKA MISSION TRAILS” All-Expense TOUR Personally Conducted Contacting the Protestant Mission Stations and schools of Southeast Alaska. Christian fellowship enroute. A restful vacation—to the "Land of Superlatives." ------- AUGUST 8 - 24, 1936 --------- ★ Tour Leaders: Rev. Paul C. Brown and Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Baird. Rate from $158.50 includes transporta­ tion, meals, side trips, hotels, etc. Yia “ SS ‘ North­ western." OTHER TOURS Regular fifth annual Alaska, July 4-18, and third annual Mexico, July 8-23. Write Travel Dept. ★ CALIF. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION 301 Columbia Bldg. 313 West 3rd Street LOS ANGELES, CALIF. r D C C Samples. B IB L E Facts, as to the Rich, Lodges, I* K I T Lust, Abortion, Divorce, Suicide, Tobacco, Self 1 *“ Abuse, Birth Control, Tight Wads, Gambling. Hate, Wife’s Test, Is Hell Eternal? Girl’s Fate, 9 il. Woman’s Tragedy, 6 il. 4 BIG Sins. S. S. Teacher Dam­ ned, Cigarette Funeral, il. Infidel’s Grave Snakes, 3 il. Gossip. First Minute After Death. 6c Ea. ALL for 30c. Stamps will DO. But a $1 BIL L brings 100 Titles. Is your SOUL worth $1? Scriptural League KB. Youngs­ town. Ohio. LEARN WELDING Acetylene or Electric Individual Instruction Day and Night Visitors welcome, or write Dept. A SCHOOL OF WELDING 7425 So. Alameda • Los Angeles, Calif. ■A BIBLE—75c^i King James Authorized Version FOR B IB LE C LA SSE S , STUDENTS AND CHURCHES Easily read, large black type, Study Aids, Colored Illustrations and Maps— Head Band, Marker— Beau­ tiful Red Edges, Flexible Keratol Binding— Cellophane Jacket— Slip Case— Handy Size, 4^4 ins. x m ins.— Postpaid. Write for our free illustrated booklet— “ 100 Years in the Old Book Business." L E A R Y ’ S The Largest Old Book Store in America Ninth Street below Market, Phila., Pa. Dept. K J U S T P U B L I S H E D ! THE NEW TESTAMENT TEACHING ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT IN RELA­ TION W ITH THE BELIEVER By W. S. Hottel. One of the clearest and plainest book­ lets on the subject yet published. Thoroughly orthodox. Art Cover. Only 15c copy, 8 for $1.00 (attractive price in quantities). J O H N Y O U N G , P U B L I S H E R 2 Court St. Dept. K.J. Binghamton, N.Y. HARDY HYMNS-RADIO SPECIALS Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets. Octavo sheet music series, with pictures of Radio Hymn Singers—15c, 4 copies 50c. New Sacred Orchestra Folio 50c per Instrument. HARDY MUSIC PUB. CO., 64 E. Jackson, Chicago, 111.




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