King's Business - 1936-06


June, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Riding from Buffalo to New York City with Carleton E. Null in his car gave the editor an occasion to meditate upon the

answer for present-day problems, and also to discuss plans for the evangelization of the world in a decade. One of the glaring errors in church life today, is the tendency to try everything before G od; to preach every­ thing before Christ; to believe everything but the Bible. The World’s Christian Fundamentals Association is an organized effort on the part o f earnest Christians to mo­ bilize the scattered forces into one great body, for the purpose o f not only defending the faith once delivered, but to propagate the gospel with haste. The time is ripe for the out-and-out witness o f Chris­ tian men and women; too long we have been drifting with the crowds who are satisfied to take the best of any religion, or no religion, and serve it as some sort of religious chop suey to lost men. Fundamentalists contend, and rightly so, that there is one Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He alone has power to save the world. Fundamentalists contend, and rightly so, that there is one rule o f faith and prac­ tice—the Bible, which is the Word of God. The time is surely ripe when an organized effort by men o f like faith ought to be made. It must be made if we hope to reach the millions of unsaved with the good news within the next decade. It must be made if the church hopes to avert judgment the like of which befell the men o f Israel, who, after having been rescued from the hands o f the Egyptians, were destroyed because of unbelief. If it was “needful” for Jude to write urging the early Christians to contend earnestly for the faith, it is much more need­ ful in this day and generation. On the Friday evening o f the Convention, over a hun­ dred young people dedicated their lives to full-time service, and on the last Sunday night in Massey Hall, more than a score accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Two ser­ vices were held in Massey Hall that night, the last one be­ ginning at nine when all the Convention speakers who re­ mained gave two-minute talks. The playing of the orches­ tra, the singing o f the choir of the People’s Church—aug­ mented by singers who come down from the other coop­ erating churches for this concluding service— and the testi­ monies of the speakers helped to lift us all to greater heights, and every one departed at a late hour thanking God for a blessed and powerful Convention. The Lord willing, the Twentieth Annual Convention will be held next year in the Church o f the Open Door and the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles.

Highway Evangelism

words o f Jesus in Luke 14:23: “ Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Mr. Null, who has had a great deal of ex­ perience as a highway evangelist, prison evangelist, and Pocket Testament League evangelist, had hundreds o f Gospels o f John and thousands o f tracts in his car. The car’s cigarette case is always filled with tracts, with the re­ sult that they are always within reach, and consequently this car has a converted and sanctified “ cigarette case” which now is a “ tract case.” We definitely dealt with three service station men, ex ­ plaining the way o f salvation and leaving each one a Gospel of John. A t least one accepted Christ as his personal Sav­ iour. Several Gospels were given to those with whom we had opportunity to talk, and hundreds o f tracts were given out— or probably we should say, tossed out. When one of us was driving, the other would throw a tract in front of pedestrians, and the driver would sound the horn to attract attention to the tract. About ninety per cent o f the tracts were picked up. Probably curiosity played a part in this response. Here was a car from California with two men throwing out literature. What was it all about? Children hardly ever failed to respond. In one instance, a large group o f children were together and each received a tract. We called that mass evangelism! During the day we had engaged in tract evangelism, Gospel o f John evangelism, personal evangelism, chil­ dren’s evangelism, lay evangelism,'-pastoral evangelism, highway evangelism, and automobile evangelism. W e fre­ quently prayed for the receivers o f the tracts, sometimes audibly and Sometimes quietly. W e encouraged one an­ other with the word o f the Lord recorded in Isaiah 55 :11: “ So shall my word be that goeth forth out o f my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” “ The word o f God is quick, and powerful.” - Undoubtedly many readers

will travel this summer and will have opportunities to witness to some who will never otherwise hear the gospel. Let us buy up the opportunities as the days are passing by. Carleton E. Null has accept­ ed a call to become Director of Practical Work and teacher of Personal Evangelism at Biola. A “ Torrey and Horton” em­ phasis is to be placed on evan­ gelism, and our objective is that every student shall be an effi­ cient, tactful, and zealous soul- winner. W e train pastors, but we want them to be soul-win­ ning pastors. W e train mis­ sionaries, but we want them to be soul-winning missionaries. We train Bible teachers, but we want them to be soul-winning teachers. W e train evangelists, but we want them to be soul­ winning evangelists. We hope by precept, example, and at­ mosphere to make soul-win­ ning the supreme passion of every student.

Some of the participants in the World's Christian Fundamentals Convention are shown in this picture taken in Toronto. Bible in hand, W. B. Riley, Executive Secretary, is shown in the center of the group. On either side of him are (left) Paul W . Rood, President, and (right) Donald ©rey Barnhouse. W . H. Rogers stands in the foreground between Dr. Rood and Dr. Riley. A t the extreme right is Carleton E. Null.

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