Register 2019

Tuesday and/or Friday afternoon to pot plants and maintain the burgeoning College nursery. They were often joined by a highly skilled team from Rangi Ruru, led by Emma Ffowcs Williams. Their efforts, combined with six days’ worth of work from Year 10 Service Week volunteers, have pricked out about 12,500 trees into small 50x50 pots, which will be potted up into PB3 bags for growing on in the satellite nurseries ready for planting out in winter 2021.

Drums and Tiki Wine (irrigation tanks), Protranz Earthmoving (water) and Canterbury Polythene Pipe (pipe), as well as the support from each school’s management team in providing both logistics and funding. This work allows Christchurch students to contribute in a practical way to climate mitigation through carbon sequestration and native habitat regeneration, providing food and habitat for larger populations of our iconic native species such as kereru, tui, kaka and bellbird, to name but a few. The opportunity for service in the community is another benefit gained, as they help rebuild our city and see the fruits of their labours grow from the desolation left by the earthquakes.

We currently have five school satellite nurseries growing on

(halfway to the 10 required) and have serious enquiries from three others, as well as an interested business, so the goal of growing and planting 10,000 trees per year seems achievable from 2021 onwards. All this would not be possible without the continued support of generous businesses including CLS (potting and seed raising mix), EnviroWaste (wheelie bins), Isaac Construction (road cones), Mainland Tanks &

David Newton Eco-Action Trust


Register 2019 Activities

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