Register 2019

SPORT Football

MiC: Matt Cortesi

when a large number of boys who have contributed so much to College football played their last game in College colours was awesome. In addition, it was a competition final and they won in some style, which was just reward for those boys. The 1st XI beating Christchurch Boys’ High School, Shirley Boys’ High School and St Bede’s College all in the same season is not often done by a College team. Above all, seeing the boys enjoying themselves and experiencing some priceless sporting moments makes it all worthwhile. Maybe seeing someone score their first goal or a goalkeeper produce an amazing save, or watching a team bring their “A” game, or someone score an absolute screamer, or perhaps just hearing the laughter and chat between the boys on the sidelines. There were plenty of these highlights this season. Of course, it has been the continued enthusiasm, energy and effort of all the boys, coaches, managers and supporters that really kept the season humming. We are very grateful for the combined effort of all members of our football club and for their contribution this year, and wish to acknowledge the huge contribution of all our coaches and managers. It is good to be part of such a great team of people who have helped create some amazing footballing memories. Our coaches included two current 1st XI players, two former 1st XI players, two parents, one current student and a host of enthusiastic College staff. Thank you to all staff and students involved, as well as Kevin Guttmann, Ricardo Felitti, Troy Pennycuick, Martin Guttmann, Finn Brokenshire, Simon Wynn Thomas and Tom Raymond for all their time and effort this season. I would particularly like to thank 1st XI coach Chris Needle, who

is taking a year’s leave of absence in 2020. We wish him all the best for his travels and sabbatical. Finally, the boys. They too deserve thanks for their efforts this season, week in and week out. It is hard at times to get up on a cold Saturday morning or to get to training on a dreary afternoon, but it is always encouraging to see the majority of boys playing for the love of the game and wanting to do their best and get stuck in. It is great to get to watch them play. HOUSE COMPETITION WINNERS Senior: Somes Junior: Julius PRIZE WINNERS Best Football Player in the 1st XI Caleb Manson David Clay Footballer’s Footballer Ben Cornell Contribution to Football Jack Lindo Bell Cup for Endeavour in 1st XI Football Owen Rees Service to 2nd XI Football Matthew Todd Best Football Player in Junior/Youth Andreas Gormack Best Football Player U14

Over the last few seasons there have been a lot of signs that College football is heading in the right direction. There has been excellent progress made with development of players and the level at which our teams compete has continued to go up. In 2019, this trend continued. Once again, College had more than 140 boys playing football across 10 teams and in an array of competitions. There were around 150 games played and, of those, College as a whole won approximately 49 per cent, drew 18 per cent and lost 33 per cent. The 1st XI and Junior XI continued in the Premier divisions of the school league, both finishing fourth in their competitions. The 1st XI had their best season in recent years, making the semi-final and qualifying for the Premier national tournament for the first time since 2014. The club also had three Saturday teams playing in Division 1 of their respective grades in the Mainland competition. With both the 14A and 15A teams performing well with top three placings, the club will be in a great position starting in Division 1 again next year. The 2nd XI found their Division 1 competition slightly tougher, especially when up against university teams. But they finished the season on a high by winning the 19th grade plate competition. All other teams played in divisions of varying difficulty, with varying levels of success. There have been countless highlights and priceless moments this season, and it has been great to see the success of all the boys and teams. Coaching the 2nd XI boys for their last two games was a real highlight for Master in Charge of football Matt Cortesi. Being there on the last day

James Lange Golden Boot

(Top Scorer in the Club) Jack Lindo (23 goals, 2nd XI)

Carville Stewart Trophy for Team Spirit & Sportsmanship 1st XI


Register 2019 Sport

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