Register 2019

at Rolleston. The defence were tested and Rocco Barker and Nicholas Brown showed stand out determination alongside Hayden Goodwin. Charlie Eglinton showed versatility playing with steady confidence in defence or midfield throughout the season. Greg Robertson played with more confidence in the midfield as the season progressed. The team kept battling but suffered a 6–0 defeat to Parklands United. This was followed by a 3–2 loss to Selwyn United, who did not outplay us but whose defence we just could not seem to get past either time we played them, despite impressive footwork from Robbie Ward and George Kain. Footballer’s Footballer was awarded to Rocco Barker for his steady, fair guidance and support of players during each game. This was appreciated by many on the team, especially the younger players. Matthew Brett was awarded Most Valuable Player. His enthusiasm, agility and passion for the game saw him contribute much to every game he played. Many of our team will be looking forward to a successful season again next year after working so hard to develop as players.

the season. The side was composed of a number of younger Year 10 players and some Year 9s, with the squad having a wide range of talent and skill level. Starting with a team of 16, with 10 of the players’ preferred position being defender, the boys had to develop new skills and try different positions. These changes early in the season led to a few tough games in Division 3, resulting in the team moving down to Division 4. The change resulted in easier games, with the team finding their form. Several players had played only a little football before, so it was important to teach the basics and build a love for the game. This resulted in trainings that predominantly focused on possession football and looking for that final pass through before a shot. With the return of Luke Menzies after injury the backline – Luke, along with Will Sudell, Henry Acton-Adams, Michael Li and George Hudson – became very strong. These players soon learned the importance of body positioning and “not diving in” for tackles, which resulted in the team going from conceding upwards of 10 goals to only conceding three or four each game. Goalkeeper Sean Wu also improved immensely, pulling out some great saves near the end of the season. George Hudson gained the Footballer’s Footballer award for giving 110 per cent at all trainings and games, and always with a positive mindset. As a Year 10 player he became a leader throughout the season, unleashing some great tackles and being a rock at right back. Working up the pitch Alex Law found his position linking the midfield to the defence, helping maintain possession while also stopping counter-attacks. Luke Johnson and Alex Reid controlled the midfield, with Alex especially growing into a very solid player and quickly learning the art of effective through balls. Alex was integral to many of our goals, having a calm head on his shoulders and not rushing passes. Nathan Cranstone proved a very handy winger, with great footwork.

He scored many of the team's goals, ably assisted by Hugo Wynn Thomas. Without the threat of Nathan’s speed out wide we would not have been contenders in many of the games we played. His ability to read the game and beat defenders to score led to him being awarded Most Valuable Player for the season. Hugo Wynn Thomas was also a very handy winger, with great pace. He could deliver some amazing crosses into the box. Striker Tom Whitteker had a slow start to the season, but was a player who gave 110 per cent in each game, running until he couldn’t and often just missing the goal and failing to find the net. Over the course of the season, however, he learned to focus his runs for through balls and control his shots better. This resulted in him scoring five goals in his last few games, an excellent reward for all his hard work. Overall the U14Bs should be very proud of and happy with their efforts this year. While they were unlucky with some results, they all improved immensely and learned many valuable skills as the season progressed.

Played 10 Won 3 Drew 0 Lost 7

Played 10 Won 6 Drew 3 Lost 1

Placed 6th, Division 4, 14th Grade

Placed 2nd, Divison 1, 14th Grade

U14B FOOTBALL Manager: Sam Stevenson Coaches: Finn Brokenshire, Simon Wynn Thomas Team: Henry Acton-Adams, Nathan Cranstone, Ben Donaldson, George Hudson, Luke Johnson, Ethan Kepple, Harrison Kingan, Alexander Law, Michael Li, Luke Menzies, Edward Nye, Alex Reid, William Sudell, Tom Whitteker, Sean Wu, Hugo Wynn Thomas It was a tough year for the U14B football team, however, as a team they developed greatly throughout


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