Register 2019

Max Surveyor

Wacher Prize for Academic Head of the School Our dux has had a stellar year and completed his schooling in fine style. Some of Max’s achievements include the following: he was first in the country for the New Zealand Economics competition, out of 2500 competitors; he was selected to be part of the New Zealand Economics Olympiad team, and then went on to the extraordinary achievement of 3rd in the world in the individual competition at the Economics Olympiad held in St Petersburg, Russia; he received High Distinction (top 1%) for the New Zealand ICAS Reading Comprehension, and High Distinction (top 2%) for the Australian Mathematics Competition; he received Gold Ties in Years 12 and 13, and has a superb track record in NCEA. Max has achieved all this while also being involved in the wider life of the school, through debating, football, cricket scoring for the 1st XI and membership of the Character & Leadership Committee. He has recently been awarded three university scholarships: the University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship, the University of Auckland Faculty of Business and Economics Scholarship, and the Higher School of Economics National Research University (Moscow) full tuition scholarship. Max’s teachers have commended him on his attention to detail and his methodical, analytical style of learning. He has an exemplary approach to his studies and is a highly aspirational scholar who demonstrates his top strength, perseverance, in his academic pursuits.

Zach Gallagher

Head Prefect’s Prize and the Ormsby Medal Our Head Prefect this year has mana, earned through hard work, dedication and service, and displayed through a form of natural authority in his conduct and demeanour. He stands head and shoulders above most, both physically and metaphorically. He was captain of the 1st XV, as well as captain of the New Zealand secondary schools’ rugby team, which played tests against Fiji and Australia this year. His leadership capacity at College has been very evident in his guidance of the prefect group, as well as in the outstanding initiative shown at our school assemblies. Zach’s positive, challenging and thought-provoking messages to the school at assembly represented an advancement in student leadership and voice at College – progress to which future school leaders can aspire. He is a fine role model to boys at this school in all aspects of his school life, including his academic achievements as a Gold Badge recipient in the last two years. Zach achieved all of this cheerfully, with a sense of humour, optimism and perseverance. He managed the pressures of the role very maturely and resolutely. We thank him for his fine leadership in 2019.

Christ’s College Interhouse Competition Trophy

The trophy goes to the House which has amassed the most points in interhouse competitions, both sporting and cultural. This was won in 2019 by Somes House. Runners-up Condell's House and Julius House placed second equal.


Register 2019 Academic

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