August 2024 Volume 5 Edition 1


Bridging Communication between District, Schools & Communities

It is once again surreal to be starting a new volume of newsletters, especially this being the 5th school year of doing so. As we embark on this new year, please ensure that you have the essential “tools” to stay informed, connected, and engaged with what’s happening on your campus and throughout our District. One of the most important tools is our mass communication platform - ParentSquare. If you haven’t already done so, it is recommended that you create an account (which allows for personalizing your messaging), as well as download the app so that you receive timely text alerts in the event of an emergency. Please see this flier for information and QR code for the app. (Flier in Espanol) ParentSquare is used by all sites and the District to communicate with students and families. PUHSD has social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter) for the purpose of sharing news, information, and bragging about our amazing students, staff, and communities. Please follow our pages if you are on social media. Links to social media can be found on the last page of the newsletter. Superintendent Tooker and I will be producing podcast episodes twice a month again this year. This is another fantastic tool to hear about PUHSD’s programs, plans, and people. Information, links and episodes will be placed in the newsletter as well as shared via social media and placed on our website. Information about Competency-Based Education (CBE) will continue to be a recurring article in the newsletter providing links to articles and resources for your reference. PUHSD’s commitment to providing clear and consistent communication is

August Board Meeting Tuesday - August 20, 2024 5:30 pm Official Newsletter of the Placer Union High School District

unwavering. If you have any suggestions for content or questions, please reach out to me. Thank You & we look forward to our students' return on 8.13.2024. Sarah Rath, Communications Officer Sarah Rath

Lynn MacDonald Education Center 3775 Richardson Drive - Auburn


With Joe and his wife’s permission & appreciation, we share this article honoring one of our PUHSD family members as he faces terminal cancer.

Joe was diagnosed with cancer in January of 2024. He began treatment and returned to finish out the school year with his students...because he considers them “his kids”.

To know him is to love him. He is smart, kind, and has THE best sense of humor! Mr. Joe Hancock started working at Del Oro High School in the Fall of 2005 in the English Department. As evidenced by messages posted by students he's

Joe’s love of literature, his ability to listen, and his passion and dedication to teaching have inspired thousands of students. There simply is not enough room in this article to post over 300 messages that Joe has received, but here’s a sample of many messages speaking to the impact Joe has had on his students’ lives. “You were always more than just a teacher to me— a mentor, a guide, a friend. You showed me the power of language, the beauty of stories, and the importance of finding my own voice. I'll never forget your passion for literature, your quirky sense of humor, and the way you made even the most difficult concepts seem exciting. You taught me to think critically, to challenge myself, and to never give up on my dreams.” ~~~~~~~~ “You are one of the teachers that saw crazy teenagers as humans with potential that just needed a little bit of shaping. Your compassion mixed with tough love advice truly helped me and so many others grow.” One of Joe’s students dressed up like him for “Teacher Twin Day” and shaved his head!!!

taught over the course of almost two decades, he has made a positive and significant impact on many of their lives. Mr. Hancock has taught upper grades in English, served as a Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction, coached track, swimming, and dive teams, announced hundreds of football games, chaperoned countless school dances, subbed in every class on campus, was a class and club advisor multiple times, and NEVER missed a graduation.

In addition to the handful of professional

attributes mentioned, in 2014 Joe set some personal goals which he accomplished with such tenacity and determination he was an inspiration to all. In his words, “...after my rebirth in 2014, I’ve accomplished all my goals and learned to love my life again.”

“I love you Hancock, seeing you change your life for the better has always been a great inspiration to me to do the same for myself.” ~~~~~~~~ “We love you, Mr. Hancock. Thank you for being the best teacher we could have ever asked for. Your impact will be felt throughout all of us the rest of our lives.” 💙

“Thank you for being so amazing to every one of your students. Your English class was one of my final classes my senior year and I was going through a really hard time. You always made us laugh and made learning enjoyable. I’m so grateful for you and what you’ve done for all of your students. You’re kind, funny, sarcastic, and most of all you’re generous. You gave all of your time to us and helped us grow into adults.”

The Placer Union High School District, Del Oro High School, and especially the DO English Department, have thrived because of Joe’s presence. His coworkers in the English Department have learned from, laughed with, and loved working alongside this amazing man who has served his students with grace, humor, and generosity. Job well done sir.

Our students, staff and communities are better because of you! Thank You Mr. are a legend & Forever a Golden Eagle

“School - an enjoyable place to be” (Joe’s motto)

UPDATE ON THE PROCESS In January 2024, the PUHSD Board of Trustees approved a Resolution for Redistricting to ensure compliance with the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) of 2001. This proactive step was taken to avoid the significant costs that other districts and municipalities were facing due to mandatory redistricting. The chosen map, A3, was designed to establish trustee areas that adhere to both Federal and State laws, emphasizing nearly equal population distribution. The redistricting process does not impact school attendance boundaries but alters how trustees are elected. Moving forward, trustees will be elected by voters within their designated areas, representing their specific regions while maintaining responsibility for the entire District. This shift ensures a more localized representation while upholding the broader District's interests.

The Placer County Committee on School District Organization unanimously approved PUHSD’s proposal to change to a By-Trustee Area Election and adopted Map A3. Additionally, the sequence of trustee areas for election was approved which are: Areas 1 & 5 will be on the November 2024 ballot, and Areas 2, 3 & 4 will be on the November 2026 ballot. For more information about the Redistricting Process, please visit our webpage.

Map A3 (link to URL)

What is Redistricting? The Placer Union High School District’s Board of Trustees were elected in At-large elections. At-large elections are those in which all the voters of the entire jurisdiction elect all the members of the governing board. Under a By-Trustee Area election system, the District is divided into geographic areas - Trustee Areas – and a Board Member residing in each Trustee Area is elected only by the registered voters who live in that Trustee Area.

At-Large System

By-Trustee Area System

= Area Trustees are elected by voters residing in entire District boundaries

Area Trustees are elected by voters only residing in the Trustee area boundaries

V EST. 2024 R O

Vision to Last for Generations

Just a reminder that PUHSD students receive a FREE breakfast and lunch meal during the school day! (Ed Code Section 49501.5) Although filling out the application isn't required, it is recommended as the District and students receive other benefits. Questions? Call our Child Nutrition Services Department at 530.886.4471 Ready, Set...

We are pleased to announce that PUHSD will continue our partnership with GoKid to provide a free carpooling app to all PUHSD families. This voluntary program will allow you to streamline your school commute by self- organizing carpools, connect with other families, drastically reduce your driving time, and help reduce traffic issues. The GoKid planner helps organize carpools for school, after- school activities, and more - with families from your school community. GETTING STARTED Welcome Email : Look for GoKid's email that was sent the week of July 22, 2024. (Please check your spam email if it does not appear in your regular inbox.) Easy Registration : Use their email link to sign up, then download the GoKid app for iOS or Android. (All previously-registered participants will remain in the GoKid app.) Opt-Out Option : Not interested? Simply opt out in the initial email. Connect & Carpool : Find families near you, set up carpools, and manage them effortlessly. Get reminders, live vehicle tracking, and route planning. If you have questions or need support, please email GoKid at Here is a one-page flier with more information.

Last year we had many teachers across the District piloting the use of proficiency scales and CBE-aligned gradebooks. This year, all of our teachers will be using Proficiency Scales to articulate learning expectations, evaluate student learning, and communicate progress and grades in Aeries. Teachers will still be using Canvas or Google Classroom to deliver instruction and provide course information. Although we will continue to use letter grades to determine final marks, how those grades are determined will change. In the traditional system, grades were based on an accumulation of points and averaging them. In CBE, amassing points is not the goal. Instead, the goal is for students to demonstrate the explicit learning goal for each topic in a course. These explicit learning goals are provided to students in what we call Proficiency Scales, which articulate the learning goals and levels of learning. Students are also expected to meet minimal requirements for each topic to earn credits for the course. There have also been changes to letter grades to better align with the CBE system. Students can receive the following: A, B, C, I, NC, or IP. The letter grades A, B, & C have not changed in any way. I (Incomplete) means that a student is very close to completing the course and will have an opportunity (4 ½ weeks) to do so in the following term. If they do not complete the course, their grade will be changed to an NC (No Credit). An “I” counts as zero points in the GPA calculation and could lead to an ineligible status for student athletes. NC (No Credit) is similar to the traditional “F” and is counted as a zero (0) when calculated into the GPA. IP (In Progress) grade marks are used at the progress reporting periods only. It means that a student is making adequate progress toward a passing grade, even though their current grade might not reflect it at that moment. An “IP” will count as two points in the GPA calculation and will not affect eligibility status. We know that change can cause confusion, anxiety, and misconceptions. One of the major concerns that has been expressed is how this will impact students' ability to go to college. The short answer is that it will have no impact on transcripts or GPA calculations. It may however, feel more rigorous as it forces students to demonstrate their knowledge of each topic in the entire course. Please visit our CBE Website for more information regarding grades, proficiency scales, and FAQs, along with articles and research regarding CBE.

RESOURCES PUHSD and school websites have a dedicated page about CBE which contain a lot of information and resources. PUHSD Webpage Please be sure to listen to all of the podcasts, but especially the episodes that contain information about CBE. There are many useful episodes on how CBE helps students be successful as the leave one class and move on to the next. “The Point” Podcast

P INT The Podcasts will be aired on the 1st and 15th of each month during the school year (unless that needs adjusting due to topics/schedule).

The first episode of this school year is in the works! It will be sent out before the first day of school via email, social media and placed on our website! Be sure to follow us on Spotify!

thiis saturday!!!!! saturday!!!!!

Note: The School District sending this flyer does not support, sponsor, staff, supervise or endorse the information, activities or events listed.

PUHSD staff members are amazing...both on and off our school campuses. Many of them participate in events, especially during the summer, that are worthy of celebrating. Meet two teachers that accomplished goals and chased their dream.

Maidu Virtual Charter Academy (MVCA) Teacher AND MasterChef Contestant How long have you been teaching?

This will be my 30th year teaching; I started in San Juan Unified at Arden MS teaching 8th grade English; then I moved up to high school and opened Whitney High in Rocklin where I taught English & French; when Maidu Virtual Charter Academy (MVCA) opened, I joined the team to open the new online school. I have a degree in French & English and a Master's Degree in English. I also am an adjunct teacher for Sierra College. What have been your roles with PUHSD? I teach Creative Writing, English 9, 10, 11, 12, and Dual Credit English 1AS; with fellow Teacher, Laura Sellers. I have also done many in-services to share what online learning looks like and how to promote student success. How did you get into gardening and cooking? I was going through a hardship 8 years ago, and gardening helped heal me on the inside and out. I love to be outside; I love to learn new things, and gardening gave me that. I found silence in the garden to reflect and to think about what direction I wanted to go with my life. I also got on a healthier track, eating mostly vegetarian food and daily juicing. Once I found out I was good at gardening and I had a lot of amazing harvests, I thought, I really need to learn how to cook garden-to-table meals. And that is what I have done. I love to teach people how to grow their own food and how to turn those harvests into gourmet, beautiful plates. It is my mission to use my online teaching toolkit and passion for gardening and cooking to inspire others that they can do it too! If I had not joined the MVCA team, I would have never felt comfortable making tutorials and posting in my community. MVCA changed my life in so many ways, all for the better. What has been the best part of being on Master Chef? Feeling self-worth. I know. I am small. I am squeaky. But in the MC kitchen, I thrive. I am smart, I am creative, and I am tiny but mighty. I learned that I can compete and challenge myself and even beat out some amazing home cooks who have years of training. I am truly a home cook with just passion and a lust for learning to help me excel. I tell my students to find their passions. I tell my students they can overcome challenges. I tell my students to be brave and follow their dreams. I am living proof that with the right mindset and with the right intentions, dreams can come true.

What's your favorite food to cook? I love to cook what I grow. So my dishes are seasonal, and they are plant-forward. I like simple, yummy food that looks pretty on the plate. Food does not have to be fancy and complicated. Who has time for that? Everyday meals should be fresh, clean, and yummy! What's your favorite food to eat? I love all types of food. I like to learn new flavor profiles. I am a huge fan of the farm- to-table concept. I love going to local restaurants, like Josephines or Chef's Table, where the menu changes with the seasons. Any fun facts about you? I am 4'9" I speak French I paid for college selling used cars I lived in France for a summer I studied at the Shakespeare Globe Theater in England I won the SPCA Hero of the Year Award I am a scrabble nerd I love to read I am writing a cookbook to be published next year!!!! I want to have a learning Garden where visitors can learn to garden, can, cook, and juice their way to a healthy, sustainable life. What do you like to do when you aren't teaching, gardening, or cooking? I love to travel and spend time with my two daughters and hubby. I also love to meditate and work on keeping a positive mindset. I am a lifelong learner, and I need to study, challenge myself, and keep evolving. The Kimberly that was 20, even ten years ago, is not the Kimberly you see now. My mission is to encourage others to #seedthedaytoday; find what you love to do, find a way to make a living doing it, and find a way to plant kindness in the world. I aim on my social media to inspire others to make every day count; life can be hard; but mindset and being thankful make all the difference! Anything else you'd like to add... Dream it, want it, wish it, go for it. #seedthedaytoday If this little Garden Gal can earn a white apron in the MasterChef Kitchen, anyone with heart, grit, and determination can achieve life's dreams!

Follow Mrs. Karver’s Facebook page where she shares her passions for gardening, canning, juicing, and cooking! Great job Mrs. Karver! We are so proud of you and your accomplishments!!! Carpe Diem

Del Oro English Teacher Izzy Watson & her horse Walter completed the Tevis Cup Race...100 miles in one day through the Sierras. Great Job Izzy!

How long have you been teaching? This upcoming year will be my fourth year teaching. What have been your roles with PUHSD? I have been an English teacher (9th/10th grade); varsity girls tennis head coach (2022, 2023); jv boys tennis coach (2022); advisor for various clubs; WINGS advisor; and drama teacher (2024). How long have you been riding horses? I started riding horses when I was around 8, but I only started doing endurance riding/racing two years ago. What made you decide to do the Tevis? I decided to do Tevis because it is like the Super Bowl or Olympics of endurance riding. It is an iconic ride

that people travel from all over the world to do (this year, 21 states and 6 countries were represented). It is a challenging course where, on average, only 50% of the field completes the ride. This year, only 40% did. I felt confident enough in myself and my horse that we were ready to take it on. Is there an experience that happened during the race that stands out? An experience from the ride that stands out was riding at night. Even though there was a full moon, I couldn’t always see where we were going, so there were moments when I had to just trust my horse completely that he wouldn’t send us off the edge of the cliffs. We were leading our group at that point and moving quickly, so it was an exciting part of the ride. We rode through the home stretch, Auburn, at that point, and I knew we were going to make it. Another highlight of the ride was the volunteers. There were over 1000 volunteers throughout the ride and all of them were absolutely fantastic. What do you like to do when you aren’t teaching, coaching, or riding? When I’m not teaching, coaching, or riding, sometimes I have time to play tennis or read.

For more information about the Tevis Cup, click here. in 20 out of the 25 rides he’s completed. In his career, he has raced over 1500 miles. He loves bananas. Anything else you’d like to add? My horse’s name is Walter. He’s a 9-year-old Arabian. This is his third Tevis completion. He’s placed in the Top Ten

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During Budget meetings and staff discussions, our primary focus remains on identifying areas to cut costs, maintain our programs with the resources at hand, and find ways to capture funding that we are losing. A key point of discussion has been the District's funding received from the State, which is tied to our enrollment numbers. As previously mentioned in newsletters, our District has experienced a decrease in enrollment.

It's important to note, however, that the impact is not solely due to declining enrollment but also stems from students' daily attendance. Currently, we are only receiving 92+/-% of State funding due to students missing school days; our District/schools are funded based on attendance rate, not enrollment numbers. How can students and families help? When scheduling appointments like doctor or dentist visits, try to book them at the start or end of a day to minimize class disruptions. Attending even one block per day, not only ensures schools receive State funding in order to maintain our programs but also helps students stay up to date with their coursework. Did you know? S tudents missing two days of school per month from TK through 8th grade will have missed a whole year of learning by the time they enter high school . While this statistic may not directly apply to our student population, highlighting the importance of attendance in high school remains crucial for student success.

Making attendance matter does more than just check a box: Establishes healthy and consistent routines Prioritizes learning opportunities Enables student connections to campus Helps maintain extra-curricular program funding Sets students up for future success!! “School - An Enjoyable Place To Be”

"Education is the passport to the future, and ATTENDANCE is the stamp that gets you there"

13000 New Airport Road Auburn, CA 95603 Phone: 530.886.4400 Fax: 530.886.4449 Placer Union High School District

The Placer Union High School District (PUHSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. PUHSD prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics of age, ancestry, color, ethnic group identification, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, disability, parental status, political affiliation, pregnancy and related conditions, race, religion, retaliation, sex, sexual orientation, military or veterans status, homelessness, foster status, or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws consistent with Education Code 200 and 220, Government Code 11135, and Title IX. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying you should contact Title IX Coordinator (Students) Steve Caminiti 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4402,; Title II (Students) and Section 504 Coordinator Carrie Warda, 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4443,; and/or Title IX and Title II Coordinator (Staff), Elena DalFavero 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4426,

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