August 2024 Volume 5 Edition 1


With Joe and his wife’s permission & appreciation, we share this article honoring one of our PUHSD family members as he faces terminal cancer.

Joe was diagnosed with cancer in January of 2024. He began treatment and returned to finish out the school year with his students...because he considers them “his kids”.

To know him is to love him. He is smart, kind, and has THE best sense of humor! Mr. Joe Hancock started working at Del Oro High School in the Fall of 2005 in the English Department. As evidenced by messages posted by students he's

Joe’s love of literature, his ability to listen, and his passion and dedication to teaching have inspired thousands of students. There simply is not enough room in this article to post over 300 messages that Joe has received, but here’s a sample of many messages speaking to the impact Joe has had on his students’ lives. “You were always more than just a teacher to me— a mentor, a guide, a friend. You showed me the power of language, the beauty of stories, and the importance of finding my own voice. I'll never forget your passion for literature, your quirky sense of humor, and the way you made even the most difficult concepts seem exciting. You taught me to think critically, to challenge myself, and to never give up on my dreams.” ~~~~~~~~ “You are one of the teachers that saw crazy teenagers as humans with potential that just needed a little bit of shaping. Your compassion mixed with tough love advice truly helped me and so many others grow.” One of Joe’s students dressed up like him for “Teacher Twin Day” and shaved his head!!!

taught over the course of almost two decades, he has made a positive and significant impact on many of their lives. Mr. Hancock has taught upper grades in English, served as a Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction, coached track, swimming, and dive teams, announced hundreds of football games, chaperoned countless school dances, subbed in every class on campus, was a class and club advisor multiple times, and NEVER missed a graduation.

In addition to the handful of professional

attributes mentioned, in 2014 Joe set some personal goals which he accomplished with such tenacity and determination he was an inspiration to all. In his words, “...after my rebirth in 2014, I’ve accomplished all my goals and learned to love my life again.”

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