The Spence School: Director of Institutional Equity

The Director of Institutional Equity is a senior administrator who reports to the Head of School, and stewards the equity, diversity, and inclusivity efforts of the School while leading collaboration with multiple constituencies including trustees, faculty, staff, students, alumnae and parents. The Director will focus on work including, but not limited to: curricular mapping, supporting faculty and administrators, guiding divisions, departments, and programs, and in collaboration with the Upper School Dean of Students, the Middle School Assistant

Head, and the Lower School Assistant Head to create coherence for the K–12 scope and sequence of equity work. The Director will ensure that Spence is current with contemporary understandings of equity literacy for K–12 student development while at the forefront of understanding equity as academic excellence. The Director is responsive to community needs as a part of forging thoughtful strategic direction and ensures that the current life of Spence, and its efforts for inclusion and belonging, are shared consistently with the community.


The strategic priorities for the Director of Institutional Equity include the following: • Continuing to build an intentional community reflective of the world around Spence • Working with the Director of Teaching and Learning and divisional leadership to fully embed Spence’s equity competencies into the School’s new Professional Growth Model

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