The Spence School: Director of Institutional Equity


• Developing opportunities for anti-bias education for all community members; tracking bias incidents, and working with the administrative team to reduce the number of bias incidents that occur • Continuing to explore how our girls’ school can support students who identify across the gender identity spectrum • Continuing to engage the parent community in deepening their understanding of and commitment to the School’s diversity, equity and inclusion goals • Building dialogue skills across constituencies • Continuing to review and improve outreach, hiring and onboarding practices across the School to attract and retain excellent, diverse employees


• Develop trusting relationships throughout the community by being attuned to the undercurrent of needs within all constituencies • Assist in building systems for student and faculty retention • Be an active, visible, and engaged presence for the students and in the life of the School • Facilitate student voice in the design of equity initiatives in the School • Further a welcoming and inclusive diverse community culture • Advise, contribute to, and help implement the Board’s strategic initiatives for the School • Facilitate and support the Head of School’s work on the Board Equity Committee, as well as serve on that Committee • Lead the Upper School Dean of Students, the Assistant Head of Middle School and the Assistant Head of the Lower School on equity curricular design for student life

The work of the Director of Institutional Equity is focused on two broad spheres: educational equity and institutional equity. Each sphere is a complex set of interrelated functions that represent both strategic thinking and planning as well as operational execution:

Educational Equity K–12

In cooperation with each Division Head, the Director of Teaching and Learning, and the Director of Curriculum, the Director of Institutional Equity will oversee the ongoing development of a well-delivered, planned, coordinated, sequential, and articulated developmentally appropriate equity curriculum. In this capacity, the Director of Institutional Equity will, among other duties: • Support the documentation and review of the curriculum to assure diversity and inclusion • Facilitate curriculum design work as it relates to equity literacy goals for students K–12 • Build faculty capacity for talking about identity in classrooms and other school spaces

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