With September Radio Features
OCTOBER, 1970/ Volume 10 / Number 10
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Lot Angeles - Long Beach KGER
STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF ACTS Bruce Dunn ............................. 3 STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF TITUS Lloyd T. Anderson .................. 11 A STUDY OF THE BOOK OF PHILEMON Lloyd T. Anderson .................. 18 PANEL DISCUSSIONS ............... 20
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ON THIS MONTH'S COVER David Perry, sophomore from Honduras, Central America; Di ane Patterson, sophomore from Grand Haven, Michigan.
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Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, Calif . Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, Calif. Address: Biola Broadcaster. 13800 Biola Ave.. La Mirada, California 90638.
diction that He was the Saviour of the world. Christ spoke things concerning the kingdom of God. He not only dealt with the spiritual kingdom, but also included the future earthly millen nial kingdom, when He will return to reign on the earth. In verse six is re corded the disciples’ earnest ques tion: “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Is rael?” Such a question makes no sense whatsoever unless Christ, dur ing that 40 days on earth, gave them reason to believe that there would be such a kingdom. We believe that Is rael has a special future in God’s plan. He will not break His covenant with them, despite the fact they may have violated it by their sins. Notice that the question wasn’t “if” Christ would restore the kingdom, but only when it would occur. The event itself was a foregone conclusion. This is one of the over-riding themes of the Old Testament. In Psalm 89: 28ff, there is a reaffirma tion of the covenant with David. God assured Israel that even if she breaks the statutes and fails to keep the commandments, nevertheless He would be faithful to His promises. However, His people would have to undergo chastening for their way wardness; God will not allow His children to “get away” with any thing. Christ during His earthly minis try told His disciples that they would sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel. Paul ,in Romans 11:25, points out Israel’s present and future. “Blindness in part is happened to Is rael, until [not permanently], the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” In this age of grace, God is calling out a people for His name among both Jews and Gentiles. They were further encouraged to know that a day was coming when God would build again the tabernacle of David. One of the key words to consider is 3
by Dr. Bruce Dunn, Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois C hapter O ne I t ’ s very enlightening and help ful to read of the birth and growth of the Christian church. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Luke tells us of all the things that were brought about as a result of the pow er of the Gospel. In the Sermon on the Mount, our Lord speaks of the blessing those will receive who do His will and teach others. There must be the example and action in the life preceding the teaching of others. Do we practice what we preach? Luke tells us in verse three of the first chapter of Acts that Christ showed Himself alive by many infal lible proofs. The resurrection was to be a vital part of the apostles’ be liefs. They needed to be steadfast and unmoveable in their preaching of the Gospel. Our Lord, stayed on earth 40 days to give them commandments, and demonstrate beyond all contra
and afraid. Yet God can use both when submitted to Him. The Holy Spirit is the One who gave the early disciples courage and boldness to wit ness. This is what we need today, too. Here is an endowment of power which, by nature, may not be ours at all. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit enables us to rise above ourselves as well as any natural ability of the flesh. We can thereby boldly proclaim the truth of God. These apostles moved whole cities, stirring the countryside with their supernatural impact. God indeed indwelt each one of them so that they lived for His glory. In Acts 1:16, Peter introduced the problem of replacing Judas Iscariot. The Holy Spirit spoke by the mouth of David as stated in verse 20. Here is a great affirmation that the Holy Spirit gave the Old Testament Scriptures. The Lord Jesus testifies to this, too. One can’t read through the four Gospels without being im pressed with the manner in which the Saviour refers to the Old Testa ment. There is no question about the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. Our Saviour promised, “The Holy Spirit will show you things to come.” Linked up with this reference to the Spirit’s inspiration in Acts 1, we have that great passage in II Peter 3:15-16. There are those who would twist Paul’s epistles, as they do the other Scriptures. Ultimately it will be to their own destruction. Paul wrote at least 50 percent of the New Testament. Peter puts those epistles on the same level with the Old Testa ment in being inspired of God. He says that there are things hard to understand in those writings. That’s encouraging, isn’t it? If Peter found them hard to understand, so may we. Yet wisdom will be given as we seek it from the Lord. So we have some wonderful witnesses here to the fact that both Old and New Testaments are indeed the inspired Word of God. This is a message we can trust and
“restore” (Acts 1:6). To be re stored means that the thing has to have some resemblance to what it was before. The literal kingdom of Israel is not just spiritual, as some might have us believe. So, as Christ talked to His disci ples about the kingdom of God, they understood Him to mean that there would be an earthly reign of the Mes siah. Indeed, He some day will oc cupy the throne of His father David. God’s covenant-chosen people have a glorious, brilliant future ahead of them in the Lord’s gracious sover eignty and providence. There will be dark days prior to that. Some days will bring sore tests and trials. But beyond all of this there’s a bright tomorrow. God’s people, Israel, will again be at the head of the nations. What a day that will be, as described in Isaiah 2:11, when creation is re deemed from its curse. Men will learn war no more. Righteousness will finally reign in glory over this world. Are you ready for it? Have you made Jesus Christ Sovereign and King in your personal life by faith in His finished and atoning work on Cal vary’s cross? May this be your deci sion today! C hapter T wo I N THE FIRST CHAPTER OF ACTS, OUr Lord promises His disciples that the Holy Spirit will be given as they faithfully tarry and pray at Jerusa lem. The power and blessing of the Spirit was particularly associated with witnessing (v. 8). The same was true of Christ’s promise in John 14:15-16, about the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. “He shall testify of me: And ye also shall bear witness” (John 15:26-27). One of Spirit’s primary ministries is to empower us for effective serv ice. Some people seem to be en dowed naturally with a fluency of tongue, while others are very timid 4
believe to the blessing and salvation of our own souls. Let us prize and hold high our belief in the fully in spired Word of God.
using the divinely inspired book giv en by God. This is another testimo nial to the inspiration of the Scrip tures through the ministry of the Holy Spirit (v. 15-17). The main part of the sermon begins at verse 22, the theme being “Jesus is the Christ.” His first point is that Jesus of Nazareth, the Man approved of God, did mighty works, wonders and signs. The second proof was His res urrection. By the foreknowledge of God, lawless men crucified Him. But God raised Him up. Again, still speaking of His resurrection, Peter says “we are all witnesses of it” (v. 32). The third major point Was that the gifts of the Spirit prove that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. This was truly a Spirit-guided sermon. Note the wisdom here. As the beginning of the sermon, Peter speaks of Jesus as Man. The first point is from the acknowledged facts of Jesus’ life, which all could see. The second point is from the Scriptures, while the third is from the phenomenon that is now before them. The strong argu ment is put first, the least-appreciat ed argument, because it’s the most difficult, is put in the middle, and the most impressive one Is put last. All if it is set forth to prove that Jesus is the Christ. hearts. They wanted to know what they should do. They were toldjto re pent, turning to the Lord, so that they might also be given the gift of the Holy Spirit. About 3000 men did just this. They continued stead fastly in the apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42). Jude rightly reminds us that we’re to contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. That Greek word is “once- for-all” delivered unto the saints. We C hapter F our - A fter Peter’s great Pentecost ser mon, men were pricked in their
C hapter T hree I n A cts , chapter 2, we have the ac count of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and th6 birthday of the Christian church. As commanded, the disciples are gathered together in one accord, seeking the Holy Spirit, according to the Lord’s promise. When the Spirit came, they were all filled and began speaking with other tongues or lan guages, as they were given utterance. The list of the countries represented are found in verses 8-11. They were both amazed and perplexed. Some tried to explain it by accusing the speakers of drunkenness. Rather, we see the sovereignty and providence of God. The Gospel of Christ was given the proper start in an antago nistic, evil world. No doubt at this time the Church at Rome got its start. If the Holy Spirit possessed more of us than He does, we wouldn’t be acting in a normal way. A real commitment to Him would bring zeal and determination to our serv ice. A man drunk with wine doesn’t act like himself. The Bible says that a Christian is one who doesn’t live the Christian life by his own nature or in the strength of the flesh. He has the empowering of God’s Holy Spirit within his heart. There are in exhaustible, supernatural resources which we have in Christ. Peter defends what takes place. Note his sermon in verses 14-41. Here’s a truly Spirit-filled sermon. The result of the message was that 3000 people were saved. What tre mendous results! First of all, there’s a brief word of introduction. Peter reminds people it can’t be drunken ness for it is only about 9:00 in the morning. The prophet Joel is quoted,
up “on the wrong side of the tracks. In Acts, chapter three, we read of the man in the temple who was healed by a miracle through Peter. As devout, loyal Jews, Peter and John had gone to the temple at the hour of prayer. It was undoubtedly their custom. This action gave them another opportunity to preach the Gospel. Peter reminds them that Pilate was determined to release the Lord Jesus. Christ was a real prob lem for him. This confused, sinful ruler washed his hands, delivering the Lord to be crucified. Pilate was more concerned about wanting to please the crowd. What people will do to avoid unpleasantness through so cial fea r! While Pilate found no fault in Christ, he went against his own conscience, his wife and family’s views, and turned Christ over into the mob’s hands. How many testi monies have been shattered on that reef! Please the crowd! I be seech you today to desire only to please the Saviour. Christ. We find in Acts 3 that when the man was healed that people wanted to hear the message of eter nal life. The testimony was “By faith in Christ’s name this man has been made whole” (Acts 3:16). Through ignorance they had deliv ered Christ to be crucified where He suffered on the cross for our sins. In verses 19-21 Peter makes his appeal to repent that their sins might be blotted out. We see again in this section references to the in spiration of the Old Testament. Moses is quoted in verse 22. Peter states that if the Israelite nation will repent and turn to the Lord they will have their sins blotted out. The promise was that God would send Jesus back from Heaven. “The Heav C hapter F ive ter continually used every oppor tunity to preach the Gospel of
are not to subtract or add to it. It’s not to be twisted, turned or pervert ed. Paul wrote to Timothy, “The things which you have learned, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” This is the same message we must pass on today without any al teration. At the end of the chapter, we see how love caused them to give what they had to help others. This is not teaching communism as it is known in the world today, despite what oth ers may declare. The people had all things in common. Their selling of possessions was completely volun tary. No laws were passed to require it. No dictator insisted upon it. That’s not true under socialism or communism of our day. Not necessa rily did everybody do it. There’s no indication that all the disciples took part in this program. It was further a temporary action for a given situa tion. There was a spiritual angle to it in a co-operative, willing, sharing spirit. These were redeemed people who loved our Lord Jesus Christ above all else. They were indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Above all else, we should realize that it didn’t work. Acts 5 is abundant testimony to that in the case of Ananias and Sapphira. Human schemes are always destined to fail. There is a fleshly element which easily enters in. Christian leadership has to seek to alleviate suffering. We do have re sponsibilities. But there’s also a greater responsibility to give the Biblical message to a dying world. If there’s anything which will sink our country it is this idea that an indi vidual isn’t personally responsible for his moral conduct or economic welfare. The Word of God reminds us that we have responsibilities and must answer for our moral conduct. We can’t blame it on our environ ment. Wrong is wrong. It can’t be justified by saying we were brought 6
ens have received Him until the times of the restoration of all things.” What a remarkable prophet ic truth is here! There is a day com ing when the veil of blindness, which has come to Israel, will be taken away. We believe the Lord could come again at any time. Peter makes a bona fide offer to the Israelite na tion. Christ’s coming back from Heaven to set up His earthly king dom is linked to the national repent ance of Israel. When the Lord comes back to earth again, creation itself will be re stored. The curse of sin will be lifted. Everything will experience the re demptive power of Jesus Christ. The desert will blossom as a rose and the lion will lie down with the lamb. The restoration of Israel to its land will be realized to a far greater degree than is now seen. The hands on God’s clock begin to move. Israel comes to the head of the line. The Lord Jesus Christ does this when He returns again to sit on the throne of His fa ther David (Acts 3:21). Have you ever thought about the various prophetic verses which refer to “until” ? “Blindness in part is hap pened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in” (Rom. 11:25); “when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away” (2 Cor. 3:16). The Psalmist quotes God the Father who says to His Son: “Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool (Psalm 110:1). We’re living in that period of “until” right now. All the movements in our world today are but steps toward that hour. Again we read that “Jerusalem shall be trod den down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” (Luke 21:24). Revelation 11:2 tells us that the Holy City will feel this for 42 months, the last three-and- one-half years of the Great Tribula tion, which follows the Rapture of the Church.
Peter goes on to say in verse 23 that every soul who shall not hearken to the Lord Jesus shall be utterly de stroyed. You can’t trifle with Christ. There’s no way to ignore Him. You can’t do as you please with Him without penalty. If you don’t know Him as your Saviour, invite Him into your heart by faith just now. Thank Him for dying for you. Make Him your very own. C hapter S ix I T’S STRANGE TO read in the Bible how religious leaders became angry at the disciples and apostles when they sought to bring physical as well as spiritual help to people. This is re corded in Acts 3 after the lame man was healed. The priests and the tem ple authorities came upon them (Acts 4:1), and were sorely troubled. They put them in custody over night, which was more than they ever did for Christ. His trial was illegally railroaded through during the night hours. In their evil effort to get Him on a cross they broke every known rule. Peter and John in jail kept right on preaching, and several thousand more were saved. Annas and Caiaphas were there, although they thought they had got ten rid of Jesus. Their problems were only compounded. The fact is, no man can ever get rid of Him! It’s been well said that “You don’t get Jesus off your hands until you get Him in your heart.” If we reject Him now, as so many do, some day He will appear as our Judge. He can’t be avoided. The Apostles were asked, “By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?” (Acts 4:7.) Peter, now filled with the Holy Spir it, gives the positive answer (v. 8). The high priest and temple authori ties had to admit that something had happened. Peter told his accusers again about the death and resurrec- 7
When Peter finished the message, the people marvelled, beholding their boldness, taking note that they had been with Jesus. Filling of the Holy Spirit was a present, daily, moment- by-moment experience to them. Peter preached the transforming power of Christ. No wonder his enemies could say nothing. A long time ago my pastor had me write a little para graph as to what the church meant to me. Here it was, first of all, that I had a born-again experience of my own. I had a praying mother and fa ther, who sought the Lord on my be half. I went away to a college and recalled the church in which I had observed lives transformed by the Gospel at work. When I sat in classes where the Word of God was ridi culed, it didn’t sway me, for I had seen too much of a positive nature of what the Gospel could do. This kept me true to God’s Word. May it be our purpose to have transformed lives bear witness, as we preach the Gospel in our churches!
tion of Christ. In verse 11 he refers to the Scriptures (Psalm 118:22). There is no other place for salvation but in the Messiah. Eeligion is avail able under a host of names, but as far as personal salvation and eternal life are concerned, it comes only through Christ. The only way you can get a gift is with the hand of faith reaching out and taking it. It doesn’t come from baptism, turning over a new leaf for it, or joining a church. That would be earning it. God won’t do business on the basis of works. It is all by grace. Notice it says, “We must be saved.” That’s an imperative and there’s an urgency to it. There’s no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved. This is all that matters. We can take nothing with us. The hon ors that men give will fade away and come to nothing. All that counts is whether we’ve put our trust in the Saviour. We must take Christ as our very own.
Me ting to discuss important phases of Biota’s outreach are members of the Stewardship Department. Pictured (I. to r.) are Mr. John Isa c, director. Mr. Carl Hoefer, and Mrs. Edna McDougall. 8
C hapter S even I N A cts 10 and 11 we have de scribed what some have called the Gentile day of Pentecost. It was in the house of Cornelius, with his sol diers, that all were told the story of Jesus Christ. While there were many commendable things about Cor nelius, still, up to this point, he had never personally laid hold of the Lord as his Saviour. He was a devout man who feared God. He was most gener ous in giving alms to the needy. He prayed to God. As an influential lead er, he sought to do that which was good. There are people, some people who say they’re Christians, and yet their testimony is so poor that their own children wonder what value there is in being saved if that’s all there is to it. Cornelius took his household with him as far as he had himself gone. Still he wasn’t a saved man up to this point. The key verse is Acts 11:14. For all his religion and reverence toward God, he never had yet come to know the joy of sins forgiven. He was living up to the light he had received. He was hungry for more. To such a prepared heart came Peter with the message of truth. The Lord still does this if there’s one who desires to have spir itual light. God brought the two men together in a very wonderful way. Cornelius was the commander with soldiers under him. His life says vol umes for him. I know lots of busi nessmen who profess to be Chris tians. Yet you ask their employees about how they’re treated, and some of them will say, “Well, if the boss’s a Christian, it’s not for me!” Such was not the case with Cornelius. What a work of grace God wrought in Peter’s life, showing him that even Gentiles could be saved! God had some wall of prejudice to break down in His servant’s life. Peter had already had to admit that God saved the Samaritans who were half-Jew and half-Gentile. Now, he sees even more of the complete redemptive
plan. In Acts 11, Peter confronts the heads of the church in Jerusalem who were concerned about his fellow ship with the Gentiles. The wall of partition had not yet been broken down in their thinking. As God had dealt with Peter, so he explains the light which he had been given. Cornelius then tells Peter his side of the story. He fills him in concern ing the vision he had received in prayer. Cornelius knew something was missing. He didn’t have the as surance of eternal life, knowing that he had been accepted by God. He asked Peter to withhold nothing, but to present the complete truth. The Bible says Peter opened his mouth and began to preach a sermon that was never finished. While he was yet speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon the meeting and Cornelius repented under the searching light of the Word. He came to know Jesus Christ that day in a new and ever-living manner. I wonder if you’re a Cornelius. You’re a religious, devout, God-fear ing generous, influential person..Yet there’s something missing. All you need to do to receive Jesus Christ in His person and His reality in your life by faith. Won’t you do it now? the New Testament? No doubt there would be many answers depending on our particular favorites. One I consider vital is the 15th of Acts. We have the story of the first coun cil of the Christian Church. All the leaders and apostles were summoned from all parts of the then-known world to discuss the controversial matter as to what part the law of Moses had in the plan of salvation. Remember, there was no New Testa ment available at this time. Some 9 C hapter E ight W hat would you consider the most important chapter in all
Old Testament Scriptures seemed to make circumcision a condition of having God’s favor. Judaizers fol lowed Paul around the Roman world preaching out of contention. They were the legalizers. The arguments got so strong that the council was called. (See also Gal 2.) The first church council sought to give the liberty of the Gospel and the authori ty of the Scriptures. Paul had been preaching that we’re saved by grace, through faith, plus nothing. The dis cussions got pretty heated on this subject. In Acts 15:3 we hear how the conversion of the Gentiles had taken place. In verse 5, the sect of Pharisees insisted one had to keep the law of Moses to be saved. Do you know, if Paul hadn’t won the vote, Christianity, humanly speaking, could have died in Palestine? It would have simply been a mere sect of Judaism. Paul laid it on the line. Peter and James help in the presen tation of truth. Link up with this the 11th chapter of Romans. Here Paul in effect says that God had to set aside Israel in order to preserve the liberty of the Gospel. Man is saved by the grace of Christ, with out. the requirements of the cere monial law. When Peter finished speaking (v.
12), all the multitudes kept silence. They listened to Barnabas and Paul who reiterated what wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles. Then James spoke up. He was the head of the Jerusalem church which had been rather narrow in its out look. This is why the center for the great missionary journeys of Paul moved to Antioch. He couldn’t oper ate out of Jerusalem. James strikes the final blow. He reminds them how God visited the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for His name. This was, after all, a fulfillment of proph ecy. James quoted the Scriptures to authenticate his statements. It was difficult for some of his listeners to take. Nothing was said in Scripture about the Jewish ceremonial law being necessary for salvation. James then goes on to point out that God still has a special plan for his an cient covenant people. The temple of David will again be built. In proph ecy James promises that this Mes siah is going to sit on the throne of His father David. So Acts 15 attacks error and sets forth this glorious truth that we’re saved by grace through faith, apart from works. I trust you’ve experienced that grace in your life, and that you have put all your trust in Christ.
An important facility on Biola’s 75-acre campus is the dininghall.
trends today, divorce and immorality on every hand, we can see how vital ly necessary affectionate wives and mothers are. There is a call to be discreet in all relationships. They’re to manifest purity in thought, word, and deed. There’s no ground for people to gossip or for evil reports. The rendering, keepers at home condemns idleness. The home is pre eminently the sphere of woman’s work. Christian women should be the best of housekeepers, a model to others. Above all, there’s the need to be in subjection to their own husbands. The Christian wife will voluntarily accept this divinely-or dained relationship to her husband who is the head of the home. His headship is ordained by God. There can’t be two heads. The husband is in relationship to his wife as Christ is to the church. Man was destined to be the head of the house. When he’s taken out of his proper place, either because he’s not able to carry the responsibility, or because he has a wife who is so dominant that she won’t allow him to be, you have nothing but bitterness. The man must maintain honor, integrity, hon esty, communication, love and pa tience. If the women of the church fail to reveal such character, Paul fears that the whole Gospel is going to be vilified. The world still judges the churches largely by the character of its women. Paul is anxious to avoid any suspicion. Instruction concerning the young er men begins with verse six. This includes all those who are not yet classified as old men. Titus is to exhort them. There is to be a kindly appeal. To such an approach, the younger men w ill respond. The younger men are to be sober-minded. This characteristic received special emphasis because of its repetition again and again in the writings of Paul. The younger men are to cul tivate balance and self-restraint. In 11
STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF TITUS (cont) by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, West Covina, Calif., and Biola Hour Teacher C hapter N ine T itus is a very practical book of the Bible as application is made to the conduct of believers in the church. Christianity delivers both old and young from the bondage of sin. When a person comes to know Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour, Christ changes his life. There is a complete transformation. Older Christian women are not to be slanderous, intolerant or bitter. Rather, they’re to be teachers of that which is good. In verses 4 and 5 of Titus two, instructions are given con ce rn ing younger women. Paul touches on all of the stratas of the church circle. The word train properly means to make sober-minded. By p rop e rly training her daughters, the Chris tian mother multiplies and perpetu ates her usefulness in the home. Young women are to love their hus bands and their children. T he ir home is to made attractive and beau tiful. There are homes today which are a heartbreak to anyone who goes into them. Without the proper dis cipline and love, the home can go right down the drain. With modern
free, Paul gives instructions to this entire group. As to this latter group, the servants, the dignity and spir itual freedom experienced in the church could not blind them to the fact that Christianity didn’t relieve them of their obligations due to their status in society. In verses 11-14, we see the grace of God as the motivating power for every believer’s life. Christian con duct must be grounded in and moti vated by the power of God’s revealed truth. We read that “the grace of God hath appeared” (v. 11). Paul searches the historical revelation of the Lord’s grace which is the source of our salvation. We know that God’s revelation of His grace began with th virgin birth of Jesus Christ, and continues through His holy life, sub stitutionary death, and glorious res urrection. The entire broad scope of the grace of God was revealed in Christ in every sense of the word. There is eternal salvation available in no other. No nation, no tongue, no class or groups of people were ex cluded from this glorious eternal life in Jesus Christ. The atonement of Christ on the cross rendered all men savable. This doesn’t mean in any sense that all men will be saved. It takes believing personal faith to com plete the transaction. Notice then the message of verse 12, “the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men.” Paul then points out how we’re to live in the world. We are rightly told to train up a child in the way he should go. This process, as every parent knows, also requires rebuke and chastening at times (Heb. 12:6). Paul is telling us that the grace of God takes the believer into its school. The present tense here indicates that this is a continuing process. No one ever graduates from the classroom of God’s grace. The aim of this edu cative process is stated both nega tively and positively which will be the theme of our next study.
verses 7 and 8 we have the personal example of Titus himself. In doctrine he is to show himself incorruptible, with sound speech which cannot be condemned. Titus is continually to set a personal example before the people. It’s not enough for the min ister merely to set the ideal before the people. He must embody it in his own life. A congregation has the right to expect that its minister will exemplify in daily life that what he is urging upon them. He must set the pattern. The example is very comprehensive, and is to be in all things. Sincerity is to be evident in all things. He will be a teacher of healthy doctrine, so that what he teaches will be the truth of the Word of God. C hapter T en T he E pistle of Titus is filled with much spiritual truth for the New Testament Church. As individuals who profess to know Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, we find much here to challenge our hearts and lives. Notice how these things are underscored in the first ten verses of chapter two. False teachers had crept into the Christian church on the island of Crete. The starting point, as we saw in the first chapter, was a need to silence these who would pervert the truth. We see the practicality of the mes sage as we look at verse six and the instructions to the younger men. They were to be increasingly careful about their own experience and tes timony. The two verses that follow point up Titus’ own need to be an example for the Lord. He was to have the oversight as pastor of the church. Because of this, his life was to be an open book. People were to see in him everything that Christ could and would do for those who place their faith in Him. Servants are in view in the verses which fol low. They were to be in subjection to their own masters. So, from young and old, male and female, bond and 12
Verse 13 is a tower of assurance concerning the Lord’s return. It should be burnished brightly in each of our hearts and minds. “Looking for that blessed hope,” the Apostle encourages us. Those who possess this hope are the ones who are ex periencing the present discipline of the grace of God. This all implies an attitude of eager expectancy, a readi ness to welcome the One who is awaited. Both “hope” and “appear ing” are under the government grammatically of one article. Thus it unites them together as one. Paul was thinking of our Lord’s return and glory, considered from two dif fering points of view. The climax of all our blessings is vitally re lated to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. When Christ returns, it will be His glory. Scripture is the clear tes timony as to the deity of our Lord. Paul means that Christ appears in the glory of the Father, as well as in His own glory. What a marvelous preface to the purpose of redemption (v. 14)! Here we again find the truth of Christian sanctification. the few moments required to read through this entire epistle several times. Thereby its message will be come more relevant for your life. The second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is the expectancy of every New Testament believer. Redemption was wrought through our Saviour’s self-sacrifice (Titus 2:14). Christ gave Himself for us. His whole unique personality was the substitu tionary atonement for us. It's im possible to exclude the idea of spir itual substitution from this wonder ful verse. Our bondage and spiritual captivity had to be undone. We can’t help but see the completeness of His deliverance. He has redeemed us 13 C hapter T welve D uring our course of study, it’s my earnest hope that you will take
C hapter E leven C onsidering the truth of redemp tion, the study of God’s divine grace is inexhaustible. In Titus 2: 11-14 we have delineated another wonderful picture of salvation and its attendant responsibilities. The final aim God has for our lives is not creed but character. The gospel offers not merely an escape from the punishment of sin, but, as al lowed, aims to effect a transforma tion of the human character and con duct of the believer. Everything offensive to God, and contrary to grace, must be absolutely renounced. This is why we’re to deny ungodli ness and worldly lusts. The sins to be renounced have a God-ward and a world-ward reference. An ungodly man is not necessarily a wicked and outspoken sinner. But, however moral he may be, there’s no place for God in his life. Such a person may be cultured, refined, and lovely in his actions, but without God all is folly. The Christian must have more than just a negative virtue, resulting from giving up sin. We must also cultivate the positive values of life (2:12). It’s not applied to a specific group, but is given as the character istic of every true believer. God’s grace requires of us a life of truth and strict justice in our beliefs to ward our fellow men. The old atti tude of indifference to God has now been replaced by an attitude of su preme devotion to Him. We should ever be conscious of living in His presence. The worldly instinctively recognize contradiction in Christian profession when Christ-like char acteristics are lacking. It’s “in this present world” that we’re to live for the Lord. If Paul knew it was pos sible for believers, amid their de graded environment on the island of Crete, to live for the Lord, surely we can’t excuse ourselves in this day. Those who receive the- instruction of the grace of God are enabled to live for the Lord.
from all iniquity from which the word “lawlessness” is derived. The positive side is given in the figure of purification which presup poses a previous defilement by sin. The thought that we are a peculiar people means that we are God’s pri vate possession. This doesn’t mean that we’re to be strange, odd or ridic ulous in clothing, manners and cus toms. God is not the author of con fusion. By character and conduct, we’re to reveal that we’re not our own, but that we belong wholly to Jesus Christ. We should be zealous of good works. We shouldn’t merely be good, but also be good for some thing. The words of Titus 2:15, “These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with authority. Let no man despise thee” sound like First Timothy. Titus is busy doing these things which are to be continued faithfully. Titus is clearly to set forth the things of which Paul has been speak ing in the presentation of the will of God. He must speak the whole truth. There is to be no basis for human speculation. It’s not so im portant what the minister thinks. The important thing is what God’s Word has to say. Philosophical utter ances mean little unless they are di rected by the Holy Spirit. Titus is to apply the truth to local circum stances. The Bible is always relevant for the hour of the day. We need to exhort others. People need to know what Scripture has to say. Titus is told to reprove, which means to convict. He must rebuke those who neglect their spiritual duty. His authority is the truth it self. Paul invites his own ministry to be checked up. The ministry of Titus then rests not merely on the authority received from Paul, but more importantly rests upon Scrip tures. It’s the plain duty of the min ister to speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul adds the warning, “Let no 14
man despise you.” This is the picture of a man trying to rationalize him self into a position in which he can evade these responsibilities, continu ing in his own sins. C hapter T hirteen I t was D wight L. M oody who de clared : “If you trust yourself, you’ll be doomed to disappointment. If you trust your friends, they’ll die and leave you. If you trust in money, you may have it all taken away. If you trust in your reputation, some slanderous tongue can blast it. But if you trust in the Lord, you’ll never be confounded throughout time or all eternity.” The study of Titus concerns be lievers and their specific responsi bilities in the world. This is the theme of verses 1-11 of chapter three. Here is the scope of the be lievers’ conduct in relation to gov ernment and society in general. This section caa be divided into three parts: The believers’ obligation to society (w . 1 and 2 ); three consid erations undergirding these obliga tions (w. 3-8); a summary state ment of the proper reaction to spir itual truth and spiritual error (vv. 8-11). Whatever your situation to day, remember life without Jesus Christ has a hopeless end. On the other hand, life with Christ is an endless hope! Christianity always makes better citizens out of people. It doesn’t re lieve them of their civic duties, but it rather buttresses and enforces them. They have obligations to the government according to these first two verses. Titus is urged to impress this matter upon the children of God there on the Island of Crete. We are told to be “in subjection to rul ers.” This is a challenge not just to a few, but to all Christians. We all need such an exhortation! Romans 13:1-7 contains a similar challenge. Read that over for yourself. In I Peter 3:8-17 there is another good
word for our consideration. We’re reminded that “the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.” Then comes a wonder ful word of assurance: “Who is he that will harm you, if ye be follow ers of that which is good?” We urgently need to be reminded of these duties. The present imperative in the grammatical structure of the passage implies a consistent continu ation. We know what we’re to do, but these things should be impressed afresh on our conscience. Our duty is to be in subjection to the government, to rulers, and to authorities. The tense in the Greek shows this to be a voluntary subject ing. A real Christian could never be an anarchist. The real patriot is one who knows his Bible and follows its commands of life. C hapter F ourteen I t has been my earnest prayer that our studies in Titus have been spiritually illum in a tin g to your heart. They will be if you’ve been reading this wonderful letter all the way through, as it was originally, intended. There is a very thought-provoking poem which came to me based on this portion of Scripture. Paul has been urging Titus to see that the people on Crete maintained a proper family life in Jesus Christ. Mary had a little boy, His soul was white as snow, Who never went to Sunday school For Mary did not go. He never heard about the Lord To wake his childish mind; While others went to Sunday school This child was left behind.
But as he grew from babe to youth She saw to her dismay The soul that once was snowy-white Became a dingy gray. A t last she saw that he was lost And tried to win him back, But now the soul that once was white Had turned an ugly black. She even started back to church And Bible study too; She begged the preacher, “Is there not A thing that you can do?” He tried and failed, and answered, “Mary, We’re just too far behind; I tried to tell you years ago But you would pay no mind." And so another soul was lost Which once was white as snow; He could have gone to Sunday school But his mother wouldn’t go. There’s a lot of truth in that! Are you letting your children lose out because you’re tired or just sim ply lazy? Get into the Lord’s work if you love Christ. Give your chil dren a break. The Lord is so able and willing to do for us what we can not do for ourselves. But we must give Him the opportunity! I never study Titus 3:1-11 without recog nizing that truly the Holy Spirit of God has given us one of the most pertinent passages in the Bible con cerning our definite responsibilities. The obligation of the believer is to the government over him. The impli cations of this subjection to the gov ernment on the part of the citizen are further indicated by the words “to obey . . . to be ready unto every good work.” This would include the payment of taxes and dues, those things on which a government has to subsist. The limitation is that we can never be in disobedience to the 15
Lord. We are seeing some very tur bulent hours on the American scene. We may not always agree with our leaders, but that doesn’t give us the right to riot and break the law (cf. Acts 4:19, 20; 5:29, 40, 41). There are civic and municipal duties. We’re to be interested in our community, even from a civic point of view. We’re not called to live an insulated life. We’re to stand behind those things which need to be buttressed and enforced. We need a positive at titude, co-operating with and seek ing to further all that is beneficial to our fellow man. If, because of con science, we refuse to obey a certain law, then we must be prepared to pay the civic penalty for not keeping that law. It’s unfortunate in so many cases that the courts are entirely too leni ent. No wonder it irritates most of the citizenry. A man can murder somebody. Then, by engag ing a clever lawyer, he can get out of the penalty, and yet no one seems to worry about the poor fellow who got killed. Capital punishment is, of course, frowned upon. If young peo ple, on college and university cam puses, are going to break the law, then they must also be willing to pay the price. We’re living in dyna mite days. If you’re an interested citizen you need to get in there and express yourself. In verse 2 we have the obligation of the Christian in relation to citizens in general. We're told to “speak evil of no man.” We’re not to be conten tious, but gentle, showing meekness toward all men. On the negative side, the common snares are prohibited. We’re to speak evil of no man. This doesn’t mean that we can’t expose the evils of men. Jesus Himself did that very forcibly. Rather, we’re not to malign, slander or speak injuri ously of others. We are to abstain from being quarrelsome. Do you know any Christians who need to learn this lesson? People who’re al- 16
ways fighting are wretched citizens, neighbors and Christians. The believ er must be very careful in his own Christian life and experience. C hapter F ifteen I t has been our privilege to study Paul’s words to Titus, given under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In the third chapter we find an ex cellent exhortation concerning the believer’s responsibility to the cir cumstances of government and soci ety. In the first two verses there are the obligations as a citizen of the country in which he lives. In 3-8, there are the motives often char acterizing every believer. Scripture points out that we were also foolish, at one time disobedient, deceived, serving lust and pleasure, living in malice and envy. Then that great truth that our gift of eternal life is not by works done in righteous ness which we did ourselves, “but according to His mercy He saved us.” This is a master outline of evan gelical teaching. We see emphasized the transforming effect of God’s kindness. These profound doctrinal realities demand a life consistent with Christ (v. 8). We must not forget, says Paul, from what we have been saved. He includes him self in this description of our past life. The word “foolish” in verse 3 means lacking in spiritual discern ment. Because of sin, the mind of fallen man has become wholly per verted (Rom. 1:28). With a sort of grim humor, Paul flashes a sud den light on what is called “the life of pleasure.” He shows what a slav ery it really is. These people spent their lives in malice and envy. Their detestable character and malignant disposition aroused mutual repul sion and antagonism. This promot ed the break up of the bands of hu man society. Not all unsaved people of the world reveal these same char acteristics. Yet, this is a picture of
that to which the depraved human nature naturally leads. In verses 4-7 Paul very powerfully moves into the life of the believer as a citizen. He tells us that our sal vation becomes a tremendous im petus toward living a godly life. What a powerful motive for Chris tian living. There are no grounds for self-exaltation. Our salvation has its historical starting-point in the kind ness of God our Saviour, showing His love toward men. The divine at titude thus stands in sharp contrast to the human disposition pictured in 3:3. While God hates the sinner’s sin, He loves the sinner, and yearns to save him. This is what God thinks about you. True human philanthropy must always be rooted in God’s di vine love. These qualities of God were always there, but they received a clear revelation with the coming of Jesus Christ. In verse 5 we find the base upon which salvation is resting. It states this saving act as something of past fact. He’s already gone to the cross and accomplished all at Calvary. The word “us” means all who have ac cepted Christ as their personal Sav iour (v. 5). Salvation awaits its con summation at the return of the Lord. We have the instruments of our salvation: the washing of re generation, and renewing of the Holy Spirit (5, 6). This is not baptism through water, but the cleansing that comes through regeneration. It refers to the rebirth of the human soul in Jesus Christ (II Cor. 5:17). Verse 7 gives us the wonderful consummation or climax of our sal vation. Two results are indicated. The first is justification by His grace. Then we have also been made heirs of Christ. This speaks of the future condition of the Christian. Next we have the motivation be tween doctrine and Christian con duct. In 8 through 11 there is the reaction to spiritual truth as against spiritual error. Paul moves against
false teaching. Closing out the book are a number of admonitions and personal words to Titus (12 to 15). What a glorious book this is for our application in this important hour of outreach and testimony !
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Secretaries in the Stewardship Department at Biolainclude (I. to r.) Virginia Freeman, Bernice Sykes, and Doris Lionbarger.
treatise on Christian love. Here was a man whose faith was obviously directed toward th e Lord Je su s Christ as well as to believers. The effective testimony he gave evident ly bore much fruit. He had displayed tender affections toward the saints who were refreshed by his witness. He enriched the lives of the believ ers. In verses 8 to 13 we have Paul’s plea for Philemon’s runaway slave. By virtue of his apostolic authority, Paul was perhaps free to charge Philemon concerning the proper ac tion to take with regard to his slave. Yet, because of Christian love, he rather pleads with him as an aged friend, and a prisoner of Jesus Christ, to restore Onesimus in love. He had led him to the Lord and felt a special interest in seeing Onesimus
by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson
O NE op the smallest books in the Word of God is Philemon. While it contains only 25 verses, it is vir tually loaded with spiritual truth. The Apostle Paul is the author, un der the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It was written about 61 or 62 A.D. It was dispatched by the Apostle from his prison in Home by Tychicus, as also were the books of Ephesians and Colossians. Philemon was a Christian who lived in the city of Colosse. This is now in the country of Turkey. He had a slave, Onesimus, who had robbed him and run off to the city of Rome. There the renegade came in contact with Paul, and was con verted to Jesus Christ. Now, the Apostle sends him back to his mas ter with this priceless letter of re conciliation and recommendation. Verses 1-7 give us the greeting and the commendation of Philemon. Verses 8-21 contain Paul’s interces sion for the slave, and verses 22-25 his concluding words and greetings. Paul calls himself a prisoner of Jesus Christ, not of the Roman emperor. He viewed his imprisonment as the direct will of God. The early church evidently met in Philemon’s house, as was the cus tom. The benediction in verse 3 was very characteristic of Paul’s writ ing (cf. Eph. 1:2). Verses 4 to 7 are Paul’s commen dation of Philemon. It is a beautiful 18
I have seen the face of Jesus, Tell me not of aught beside. I have heard the voice of Jesus, All my soul is satisfied.
Making plans for the new semester and College Dayis Mr. Bill Carden and his staff in the Biela College Admissions Department.
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