trends today, divorce and immorality on every hand, we can see how vital ly necessary affectionate wives and mothers are. There is a call to be discreet in all relationships. They’re to manifest purity in thought, word, and deed. There’s no ground for people to gossip or for evil reports. The rendering, keepers at home condemns idleness. The home is pre eminently the sphere of woman’s work. Christian women should be the best of housekeepers, a model to others. Above all, there’s the need to be in subjection to their own husbands. The Christian wife will voluntarily accept this divinely-or dained relationship to her husband who is the head of the home. His headship is ordained by God. There can’t be two heads. The husband is in relationship to his wife as Christ is to the church. Man was destined to be the head of the house. When he’s taken out of his proper place, either because he’s not able to carry the responsibility, or because he has a wife who is so dominant that she won’t allow him to be, you have nothing but bitterness. The man must maintain honor, integrity, hon esty, communication, love and pa tience. If the women of the church fail to reveal such character, Paul fears that the whole Gospel is going to be vilified. The world still judges the churches largely by the character of its women. Paul is anxious to avoid any suspicion. Instruction concerning the young er men begins with verse six. This includes all those who are not yet classified as old men. Titus is to exhort them. There is to be a kindly appeal. To such an approach, the younger men w ill respond. The younger men are to be sober-minded. This characteristic received special emphasis because of its repetition again and again in the writings of Paul. The younger men are to cul tivate balance and self-restraint. In 11
STUDIES IN THE BOOK OF TITUS (cont) by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, Pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, West Covina, Calif., and Biola Hour Teacher C hapter N ine T itus is a very practical book of the Bible as application is made to the conduct of believers in the church. Christianity delivers both old and young from the bondage of sin. When a person comes to know Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour, Christ changes his life. There is a complete transformation. Older Christian women are not to be slanderous, intolerant or bitter. Rather, they’re to be teachers of that which is good. In verses 4 and 5 of Titus two, instructions are given con ce rn ing younger women. Paul touches on all of the stratas of the church circle. The word train properly means to make sober-minded. By p rop e rly training her daughters, the Chris tian mother multiplies and perpetu ates her usefulness in the home. Young women are to love their hus bands and their children. T he ir home is to made attractive and beau tiful. There are homes today which are a heartbreak to anyone who goes into them. Without the proper dis cipline and love, the home can go right down the drain. With modern
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