Biola Broadcaster - 1970-10

become a changed man. The defense comes in verses 11-13 where Paul pleads for Onesimus. The one who was unprofitable has now become profitable. Paul stresses the conver­ sion and transformation that Christ makes in a man’s life. Paul could have kept Onesimus because of his usefulness in the work. But he want­ ed him to go back to his master. Here then is a powerful plea for Philemon to forgive and reinstate his runaway slave. Verses 14 to 16 show Paul’s de­ sire that Philemon should t r e a t Onesimus not as a slave but rather to train him as a brother in Jesus Christ. Onesimus stole when he was an unbeliever. Now he is born again and he and his master should be brothers in Christ together. In those days slavery wasn’t looked upon as being wrong. It was, of course, yet men didn’t regard it that way. Unit­ ed with his master, bonds would be far stronger than any' a slave or servant could know. Then in verse 18 Paul suggests, “If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee aught, put that on mine ac­ count.” (Verses 17-19 are a study in the biblical doctrine of imputation. This shows us how our sins are reckoned to Christ’s account, and how Christ’s righteousness is im­ puted to the sinner’s account. This is all by faith. Finally, in verses 20 to 25, Paul expresses deep confidence in Philemon. His friend’s reception of the runaway slave would bring joy to Paul’s heart while he was imprisoned. He is confident that Philemon will go the second mile and do even more than has been sug­ gested. Paul asks Philemon to find him a place to live as he looks for­ ward to his release from prison. The warmth, beauty and majesty of this short book is so refreshing and genuinely applicable to many situa­ tions even today. It’s most important for our study and spiritual edifica­ tion.

Students af Talbot Seminary enjoy opportunities for felowship and sharing of experiences. Pictured (I. to r.) are ArvidLeighton and Ken Watkins.

Al Carden, student at Biela College, helps in the processing of aplications In the Admissions Office.


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