tic, etc. Some Israelites don’t believe they need to return to the land of Israel. (Believers of course, have a City on high.) Yet, the coming reign of Christ (Psa. 2:6) will be in Zion. So, there can be quite a bit of dif ference between Israelites and Zion ist Israelites of our day. Q. Vancouver, B.C. — "/ know that a true believer can never go so far from the Lord as to become eternally lost. But I ’m presently working in a store under a Christian manager who believes a Christian can lose his salvation. Do you have some scrip tural explanation?” A. Theologically, this is the differ ence between Calvinism and Armi- nianism. The former would hold to eternal security, while the latter would not. There is a difference be tween the two concepts as far as what salvation really means. The Arminian see salvation as a conver sion of the old nature making one more Christ-like. The Calvinist posi tion (to which we hold), declares that the old nature is just as sinful and iniquitous as before salvation (Gal. 2:20). Therefore when a per son is saved, he is born again, and becomes a child of God. He is a new creation (II Cor. 5:17). Several strong passages for eternal security are John 10:27-30; I Peter 1:5; and Romans 8:38, 39. Thank God this old nature is going to be removed in that day when we see our Saviour, for we shall be like Him when we see Him as He is. Q. Medford, Ore — ‘‘My Sunday school class was puzzled over the meaning of the word ‘should’ in Acts 2:17. As it’s not listed in the concordance, I ’ve no way of finding out the exact meaning. Can you please help me?” A. You are correct in your findings since the word isn’t in the Greek. The American S tan d a rd Version
reads, “The Lord added unto the church daily those who were being saved.” This is a more literal trans lation. Q. Denver, Colo. — “Would you help me in the interpretation of Matthew 10:38, ‘He that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me’? Some of my friends think that certain afflictions are the cross they’re to bear. I don’t agree and would appreciate your comments on it.” A. This is the chapter in which our Lord sets aside twelve apostles to minister in His blessed name. He then shows the tests and the costs involved in discipleship. There can never be half-heartedness. He gave His all and love should demand the same of us. Earthly relationships are not even uppermost (v. 37). He is not to receive “second best” ; He must be Lord of all. He rightly will not share His glory with anyone else. Verse 38 is within the same frame work of dedication. The cross for Christ was redemptive, and we can never enter into that. But for a be liever there is suffering. We must make certain that we don’t bring the affliction on of our own disobedience. This tribulation comes by virtue of standing up in the world for Christ. This is exactly what Peter meant (I Peter 4:16). Q. Wichita, Kans. — “Is a child born again when it’s baptized?" A. No, it’s not. Nobody is born again when he’s baptized. Baptism is primarily an outward sign of an in ward change of heart. A person is born again only when he by faith accepts Jesus Christ as Saviour. There isn’t a passage of Scripture that refers to water baptism without being preceded by the word “repent” or “believe.” An example of that is Acts 2:41 before us. Each individual
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