were led by the Holy Spirit. The very words they wrote were the words God wanted to be recorded. They weren’t mere automatons, but used their own style to which they were accustomed. The Old Testa ment was written primarily in He brew with certain portions in Ara maic. The New Testament came to us in Greek. Christianity doesn’t ex clude Jews, Turks, or any other race of people. “God is not willing that any should perish” ; “whosoever will may come.” People who refuse to come to a saving knowledge of Christ go their own way because they re ject the Word of God. Q. Canoga Park, Calif. — “Is God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit three personalities in one, as my husband is a son, husband, and father? I f all three are equal, please explain II Corinthians 11:3; 15:28; and Mark 13:32.” A. The answer would require an en tire course in Christology. First of all, there’s no theologian in the his tory of the world who has ever fully understood deity. How can we, with our finite minds, understand the in finite? Someone has well said, “Re ligion without mystery is absurdity.” Three personalities is not a good way of stating it. That expression is used in more than one way. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is not three persons in one, as is your hus band a son, husband, and father. He is still just one person. In the God head we have three distinct persons. Each one has 100 per cent of the essence of deity. Here in the God head are three separate persons in unity. There is nothing in nature we can use as a comparison. One slight possibility might be w a te r which at a certain temperature is flowing; at another temperature it is steam; and at still another tem perature it is ice; still, it’s all wa ter. The verses to which you have
HALF-EDUCATED IS NOT ENOUGH! In this day of complex technology, many young people are attending college to learn a living." A young person prepared only to make a living is just half-educated! Here at BIOLA, we believe that education should do far more than simply prepare a young person for a job. The most important half of education is to preparea young person in "how to LIVE”! BIOLA'S curriculum Is designed to educate young people in the abundantLIFE that is available in Jesus Christ (John 10:10). This is the LIFE that saves! This is the LIFE that loves and serves others! This is the LIFE that fulfills and satisfies the total person! This is the LIFE that is complete! How to mako a living will be the result of effectively for Jesus Christ. We invite YOU, as a donor, to help us maintain this Christian institution where young people receive an education for the total person. YOU can invest on a regular basis through THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP (see reverse side of this page). YOU may also consider a deferred gift through BIOLA'S AGREEMENT PROGRAM and/or by remem bering BIOLA in your WILL. Please send coupon below for further information. Yes, please send me information concerning THE CHRISTIAN'S WILL and BIOLA'S AGREEMENT PRO GRAM. Mr. Mrs........ .................................... "how to make how to LIVE ,.................
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