Babylon; the bear; and the leopard. The fourth is a nondescript. That third horn is out of the fourth king dom which is Rome. Rome, of course, will meet its doom through the Lord Jesus Christ (Dan. 7:13-14). Q. Pueblo, Colo. — “Can Satan fore cast the future? How else can you account for the predictions by palm istry and crystal balls?” A. That no one but God knows the future is an absolute fact revealed in Scripture. Satan is far wiser than we are. He knows many things and has superior knowledge, but he is not omniscient. The things that these people declare are simply educated guesses. This is true, too, with as trology. Some spiritists may be un der the influence of demons who use their power to help these individ uals guess what sometimes seems un canny. No one, however, can foretell exactly what is going to take place, except Almighty God Himself. Satan knows the Bible, probably better than any human being. He uses that knowledge for his own iniquitous ends. Q. Kansas City, Mo. — “Is believing in the deity of Christ enough? Scrip tures which confuse me on this point are John 20:31 and I John U:15.” A. Very definitely, when the Scrip ture talks about be liev ing th a t Christ is the Son of God it doesn’t mean accepting some, “stripped- down” doctrine. John 20:31 doesn’t indicate that at all. Remember, the demons believe in God, too. If you believe Christ is the Son of God, then you must believe what He said about your sin, what He said about His ministry, what His death on the cross means, and the great cardinal doctrines of truth. You may not un derstand them all, but you accept them by faith. The same is true with I John 4:15. You cannot hold back
A. Some have thought that this might have been the case. Yet, in Mark’s gospel, he is described as being from Cyrene which was a Greek colonial city in North Africa. It was located generally where Libya is now. In the third century B.C. many Jews moved to this area ac cording to Josephus, the Jewish his torian. Simon was probably one of them who had come back to Jeru salem for Passover. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. — “How authen tic do you consider the Millennium Bible in matter of the Second Com ing? Also, could Communist Russia be the third horn of Daniel 7 which will smite the ten kings of the re vived Roman empire?’’ A. The author of the translation you mentioned, W. E. Biederwolf, was formerly director of the Winona Lake Bible Conference in Indiana. The book is a work which for the most part is a collation of Scriptures based on the Second Coming. In the main it is quite reliable. It reveals that godly men can differ on some of these views of eschatology, but it is conservative and fundamental in its approach. It’s a study of biblical prophecy, and has commanded the attention of the best men. Another excellent book on this subject is Wil liam E. Blackstone’s Jesus is Com ing. Second to none is the remark able amount of material that Dr. C. I. Scofield has prepared in the notes of the Bibles, including the last edi tion recently revised. Other books on studies in Daniel and Revelation by Louis T. Talbot, Harry A. Ironside, and Lewis Sperry Chafer are excel lent. Our own Charles L. Feinberg has edited two excellent volumes, Focus on Prophecy, and Prophetic Truth Unfolding Itse lf.. As to your other question, we do not believe that could be the third horn of Daniel 7. There are three animals there, the lion, which is
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