diction that He was the Saviour of the world. Christ spoke things concerning the kingdom of God. He not only dealt with the spiritual kingdom, but also included the future earthly millen nial kingdom, when He will return to reign on the earth. In verse six is re corded the disciples’ earnest ques tion: “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Is rael?” Such a question makes no sense whatsoever unless Christ, dur ing that 40 days on earth, gave them reason to believe that there would be such a kingdom. We believe that Is rael has a special future in God’s plan. He will not break His covenant with them, despite the fact they may have violated it by their sins. Notice that the question wasn’t “if” Christ would restore the kingdom, but only when it would occur. The event itself was a foregone conclusion. This is one of the over-riding themes of the Old Testament. In Psalm 89: 28ff, there is a reaffirma tion of the covenant with David. God assured Israel that even if she breaks the statutes and fails to keep the commandments, nevertheless He would be faithful to His promises. However, His people would have to undergo chastening for their way wardness; God will not allow His children to “get away” with any thing. Christ during His earthly minis try told His disciples that they would sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel. Paul ,in Romans 11:25, points out Israel’s present and future. “Blindness in part is happened to Is rael, until [not permanently], the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” In this age of grace, God is calling out a people for His name among both Jews and Gentiles. They were further encouraged to know that a day was coming when God would build again the tabernacle of David. One of the key words to consider is 3
by Dr. Bruce Dunn, Pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois C hapter O ne I t ’ s very enlightening and help ful to read of the birth and growth of the Christian church. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Luke tells us of all the things that were brought about as a result of the pow er of the Gospel. In the Sermon on the Mount, our Lord speaks of the blessing those will receive who do His will and teach others. There must be the example and action in the life preceding the teaching of others. Do we practice what we preach? Luke tells us in verse three of the first chapter of Acts that Christ showed Himself alive by many infal lible proofs. The resurrection was to be a vital part of the apostles’ be liefs. They needed to be steadfast and unmoveable in their preaching of the Gospel. Our Lord, stayed on earth 40 days to give them commandments, and demonstrate beyond all contra
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