believe to the blessing and salvation of our own souls. Let us prize and hold high our belief in the fully in spired Word of God.
using the divinely inspired book giv en by God. This is another testimo nial to the inspiration of the Scrip tures through the ministry of the Holy Spirit (v. 15-17). The main part of the sermon begins at verse 22, the theme being “Jesus is the Christ.” His first point is that Jesus of Nazareth, the Man approved of God, did mighty works, wonders and signs. The second proof was His res urrection. By the foreknowledge of God, lawless men crucified Him. But God raised Him up. Again, still speaking of His resurrection, Peter says “we are all witnesses of it” (v. 32). The third major point Was that the gifts of the Spirit prove that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. This was truly a Spirit-guided sermon. Note the wisdom here. As the beginning of the sermon, Peter speaks of Jesus as Man. The first point is from the acknowledged facts of Jesus’ life, which all could see. The second point is from the Scriptures, while the third is from the phenomenon that is now before them. The strong argu ment is put first, the least-appreciat ed argument, because it’s the most difficult, is put in the middle, and the most impressive one Is put last. All if it is set forth to prove that Jesus is the Christ. hearts. They wanted to know what they should do. They were toldjto re pent, turning to the Lord, so that they might also be given the gift of the Holy Spirit. About 3000 men did just this. They continued stead fastly in the apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42). Jude rightly reminds us that we’re to contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. That Greek word is “once- for-all” delivered unto the saints. We C hapter F our - A fter Peter’s great Pentecost ser mon, men were pricked in their
C hapter T hree I n A cts , chapter 2, we have the ac count of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and th6 birthday of the Christian church. As commanded, the disciples are gathered together in one accord, seeking the Holy Spirit, according to the Lord’s promise. When the Spirit came, they were all filled and began speaking with other tongues or lan guages, as they were given utterance. The list of the countries represented are found in verses 8-11. They were both amazed and perplexed. Some tried to explain it by accusing the speakers of drunkenness. Rather, we see the sovereignty and providence of God. The Gospel of Christ was given the proper start in an antago nistic, evil world. No doubt at this time the Church at Rome got its start. If the Holy Spirit possessed more of us than He does, we wouldn’t be acting in a normal way. A real commitment to Him would bring zeal and determination to our serv ice. A man drunk with wine doesn’t act like himself. The Bible says that a Christian is one who doesn’t live the Christian life by his own nature or in the strength of the flesh. He has the empowering of God’s Holy Spirit within his heart. There are in exhaustible, supernatural resources which we have in Christ. Peter defends what takes place. Note his sermon in verses 14-41. Here’s a truly Spirit-filled sermon. The result of the message was that 3000 people were saved. What tre mendous results! First of all, there’s a brief word of introduction. Peter reminds people it can’t be drunken ness for it is only about 9:00 in the morning. The prophet Joel is quoted,
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