Center for Behavioral Health

Our network of outpatient facilities offers comprehensive substance abuse treatment programs to assist people addicted to opiates such as OxyContin, Lortab, Vicodin, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Heroin. All of our treatment centers are staffed with highly qualified physicians, pharmacists, nurses and licensed and Masters level counselors. Center for Behavioral Health has four convenient drug addiction treatment centers in Las Vegas and one in Reno.

SUCCESS RATES Patient care is our top priority at Center for Behavioral Health. We work hard to ensure that each client receives the highest level of care and respect. Our treatment plans are customized to every patient, ensuring that they receive the highest quality treatment available. Center for Behavioral Health collects information from patients throughout the treatment process so we can measure the effectiveness of our program.


Upon admission into treatment approximately 50% of patients report as being adequately employed. At six months to two years in treatment, the number of patients reporting adequate employment increases to 65%. 8 OUT OF 10 PATIENTS QUIT USE. Upon admission into opiate addiction treatment with methadone or buprenorphine, 100% of patients are illicitly using opiates. After six months to two years of treatment 80% of patients report no illicit opiate or heroin use. OUR PATIENTS AVOID LEGAL TROUBLES. Upon admission in to treatment, 21% of patients report some involvement in the criminal justice system. For those in treatment for six months to two years, involvement with the criminal justice system drops to 12% and for patients in treatment for 2-5 years, involvement with the criminal justice system drops to 6%.

When a patient is matched with a personalized, comprehensive treatment plan and fully commits to that plan, recovery is not just possible, it is reality

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