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WELLNESS TIP: Shoveling Snow The Safe Way

1. Don’t fuss about the rest of the snow around the car just yet. More snow will accumulate there when you clean the car, so you might as well wait until then to clean up around the perimeter of the car. 2. Hold off on snow shoveling (with any degree of thoroughness) where your driveway meets the street. As plows go by, they’ll be barricading that area with more snow. Save this area until you’re ready to pull out with your car (or until after you’ve rested up). Speaking of resting, if you can afford the luxury of clearing a driveway in stages, that’s the way to go. If the storm’s over, divide the workload into sections; if the storm’s still in progress,

make a preliminary sweep, then go back after the storm. How To Shovel To Protect Your Body From Injury. Once you step outside and start wielding your shovel, remember the following: • Bend your knees and lift with your legs • As you lift the snow, keep the shovel blade close to you, to reduce back strain • Switch off between snow shoveling right-handed and left-handed, so that you’re working different muscles • Likewise, periodically change your grip on the hand holding the bar (palm under vs. palm over)

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