June Edition 2022 | BGN Magazine

“Public Service Day once again reminds us of the unmatched sacrifices of the public servants in making this society a better place to live in” The United Nations Public Service Day is celebrated on June 23 of every year. The UN Public Service Day was designated by the United Nations General Assembly's resolution of 2003, to “Celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community". Public services are those such as health and education considered so essential they are made available to all citizens, regardless of income. For much of the UK's recent history they have been provided by the state, paid for by general taxation and run on behalf of the country by the government. Five characteristics of positive public service emerged: Challenge Efficacy Camaraderie Empowerment Service. Several well-being components were connected to these characteristics as were other features such as hardship, novelty, leadership, and helping others. History of United Nations Public Service Day: The day was designated by the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution on December 20, 2002 in celebration of the value and virtue of public service to the community. To highlight the day and the value of public service, the United Nations established the UN Public Service Awards (UNPSA) programmer in 2003. Significance of United Nations Public Service Day: The day highlights the importance of public service to the community, its contribution in the development process, recognizing the work and encouraging the youth to pursue careers in the public sectors. The UN Public Service Awards (UNPSA) programmer was reviewed in 2016 to align with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs organizes a Forum each year with a host country to hold capacity-development workshops, the UN Public Service Awards ceremony and a Ministerial Roundtable. “We would like to thank our extremely talented public servants on this wonderful occasion of Public Service Day. Keep up your hard work and continue to strive for the progress of the nation.” - FARHEEN LODHI

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