June Edition 2022 | BGN Magazine


Monkey virus belongs to the genus orthopoxvirus and the Poxviridae family, that contains other viral species that target mammals. Since monkey pox virus belongs to poxvirus, it falls in the the same family as variola virus, which caused smallpox before it was eradicated globally in 1980. This disease is a viral zoonosis, which means that the virus is transmitted to humans from animals. However, Monkeypox virus causes the disease in both humans and animals. WHAT IS MONKEY POX? Surprisingly the symptoms of this disease is very similar to those seen in the past in smallpox. SYMPTOMS OF MONKEY POX

Everyone in the World is seriously concerned about a breakdown these days.

Yes this is none other than the Monkey pox.

After listening to the name of the disease,

mind is that why it’s called Monkey pox?

The answer to this question varies, according to some scientists, the lesions appears on the skin as a result of getting this disease a person scratches his body in the same way as the monkey normally scratches their body. The other reason for the disease getting this name is that, some scientists suggests that, it may have transferred from monkeys to humans. However, later it been researched that the main reservoir of this virus is various species of rudents, and the poor monkeys are also the victims of this virus same as the humans are.

Symptoms of Monkeypox starts with: 1. Headache 2. Fever 3. Backache 4. Muscle aches 5. Chills 6. Exhaustion 8. Swollen lymph nodes


found out that approximately 50 cases were reported between 1970 and 1979.

laboratry animals then.

Monkey virus is not a new type of virus, rather it is found to be infective in the tropical forests of central and west Africa since long. Currently, this virus has spread outdoors from the central and west Africa and has reached to United States of America,UK,Canada,Australia and some other European countries due to international travel or imported animals. According to WHO, the most infected countries are Spain and UK.

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