N T N EO T ECH, LLC Core vaccines for the life of your pet.
For more informa � on: Please contact Dr. Ben Hatler: 1.877.636.8324 Fax: 731.364.5860 Email: ben@neotechvaccines.com
Will N EO P AR ® (canine parvovirus vaccine) override maternal an�bodies in young puppies?
In our study, fi�y-two 3 week old puppies (18 to 21 days of age) were administered a 1cc dose of N EO P AR ® . Prior to vaccina�on a blood sample taken from each of the 52 puppies indicated pre-exis�ng CPV (canine parvovirus) maternal an�bodies were present (range: 32 to 3,162; average of 522). Independent researchers have reported that a CPV maternal an�body �ter of 20 or higher can block conven�onal vaccines from s�mula�ng protec�on. Fourteen days a�er vaccina�on (at five weeks of age) a second blood sample was collected to determine the level of vaccine induced CPV an�body. Ninety percent of the puppies had a posi�ve vaccine induced CPV an�body response to only one dose of N EO P AR ® . A posi�ve vaccine induced CPV an�body response is defined as having at least a 4 fold increase in the an�body level between the before and the 14 day post vaccina�on blood sample.
Summary of CPV an ti body levels * average pre vaccina ti on maternal an ti body level 522 **
® Percentage of 3 week old puppies with a posi � ve vaccine induced CPV an � body response to one dose of N EO P AR
range of pre vaccina ti on maternal an ti body level frequency of vaccine induced an ti body range of pos itiv e vaccine induced an ti body level average pos itiv e vaccine induced an ti body level
32 to 3,162
47 of 52 (90%)
2,138 to 1,000,000
* CPV an � body levels are reported as the dilu � on of serum that neutralizes CPV in a constant virus-varying serum assay. ** Studies indicate that a maternal an � body of 20 prevents conven � onal vaccines from inducing a posi � ve CPV an � body response
Posi � ve vaccine induced CPV an � body response No vaccine induced CPV an � body response
N EO T ECH, LLC is a United States Department of Agriculture licensed veterinary vaccine manufacturer that strictly adheres to the core vaccine principle endorsed by veterinarians, scien�sts, and dog enthusiasts. N EO T ECH, LLC’s philosophy towards vaccina�on of dogs is simple. Avoid over-vaccina�on of dogs by only using simple and potent vaccines. N EO T ECH, LLC has a 40 year history of enhancing animal well-being and helping animals live quality lives. N EO T ECH, LLC’s N EO P AR ® is a single an�gen vaccine. It has proven superior protec�on and less likely to produce a reac�on than complex combina�on vaccines. Yes, even in the presence of high maternal an�bodies, N EO P AR ® induced a high protec�ve level of CPV an�bodies against the #1 viral disease of puppies.
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