
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — September 28 - October 11, 2012 — 3A


M ID A TLANTIC R EAL E STATE J OURNAL For multifamily, office and retail properties Meridian Capital Group negotiates $26.3 million

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SELIN, NJ — Meridian Capital Group, LLC announced the following transactions: Meridian negotiated a $4.4 million mortgage on a 43-unit multifamily building on Ad- ams Mill Rd. NW in Washing- ton, D.C. Shimshie Tepper negotiated this transaction. A mortgage of $8.3 million was placed by Meridian on a 70,500 s/f office building on South Seventh St. in Philadel- phia, PA. Scott Jackson and David Fisher negotiated this transaction. Meridian negotiated a mort- gage in the amount of $3.1 million on two multifamily buildings totaling 24 units located on Mount Vernon St. and Wallace St. in Philadel- phia. Marvin Jeremias ne- gotiated this transaction. A mortgage of $2.6 million was placed by Meridian on three retail buildings located on East Bridge St. in Phila- delphia. Paul Gilbert negoti- ated this transaction. Meridian negotiated a mort- gage in the amount of $2.275 million on two multifamily buildings located on Essex St. in Hackensack, NJ. Ste- ven Tessler negotiated this transaction. A mortgage of $2 million was placed by Meridian on two multifamily buildings lo- cated on Hedden Terrace and Osborne Terrace in Newark, Procida to speak at NY Real Estate Expo On Oct. 18th NEWYORK, NY — William “Billy” Procida has been se- lected to speak on the subject of

NJ. Elliot Treitel negotiated this transaction. Meridian negotiated a mort- gage in the amount of $2 million on a 12,750 s/f of- fice building on Sylvan Ave. in Englewood, NJ. Marvin Jeremias negotiated this transaction. A mortgage of $1.6 million was placed by Meridian on a 23-unit, five-story multifam- ily building on Van Nostrand Ave. in Jersey City, NJ. The loan features a rate of 4.25% and a seven-year term. Elliot Treitel negotiated this trans- action. ■

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Lancaster, PA ³ 600-acre, Master-planned Business Campus ³ Industrial & Flex Space 5K-55K SF ³ Class-A & Class-B Office Space 1K-25K SF ³ + Acres Available for Built-to-Suit Harrisburg, PA Region ³ PA Turnpike I-76/Route 15 ³ Industrial & Flex Space 12K-14K SF ³ Class-A & Class-B Office Space 1K-4,600 SF ³ On-site Hotels & Restaurants Chester County, PA ³ 200-acre, Master-planned Business Campus ³ Industrial & Flex Space 4K-63K SF ³ Class-A & Class-B Office Space 800-6,500 SF ³ Easy Access/Highway Frontage

redeveloping, repositioning and financ- ing troubled assets at the 4th Annual N e w Yo r k Real Estate Exp o . The e v e n t w i l l

Billy Procida

take place on October 18th, at Alfred Lerner Hall on the cam- pus of Columbia University. Procida will address the complexities of restarting, redesigning, re-permitting and repositioning projects for today’s market. More than 3,000 people rep- resenting all facets of the region’s commercial real estate industry are expected to attend this all day event. ■

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