ChiroSecure's Best Of Live Events

Frequent Ques+ons DC’s should ask during History Intake The following informa+on is to provide you with a star+ng point if you currently don’t have a history form in your office that covers pregnancy, birth and the neonate-infant pa+ent. I have included a sec+on about neonatal exam and some references that might be helpful. Saturday, June 3 rd 2017, the ICA Pediatric council will be hos+ng a 1 day seminar in Tampa, Florida that will include history taking and exam performance as well as condi+ons, treatment and technique.

Pregnancy History: Was this a planned or unexpected pregnancy Natural or Fer+lity History of medical condi+ons or gene+c disorders History of Alcohol or drug use. (prescrip+on, OTC or recrea+onal) History of trauma (prior to or during pregnancy, MVA) Birth History: Hospital, Home, Midwife, Birth Center Induced or Natural start to labor, Age Vaginal, VBAC, Planned Caesarian, Emergency Caesarian Assisted with forceps or vacuum extrac+on Anesthesia Fetal Distress, Meconium staining APGAR Score

Neonatal-Infant History: Age at birth, weight, height, head circumference History of trauma in-utero, birth or post birth

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