cover. We want people to understand what their coverage is. We do, on the first visit, go through this insurance policy information page where we're explaining exactly what it will cover, again, based on what we've found out. You can see in bold "Please understand we do not guarantee any benefits from your insurance company". We want to them understand what it is. Often, a lot of the miscommunication happens because there isn't a procedure in place. There isn't the clear forms that help patients understand about insurance because patients don't get it. They don't understand their insurance. Most chiropractors don't understand health insurance, so how can the patients do it? Again, trying to help patients understand what insurance is really about. That it's sickness insurance ... and why documentation is so important for insurance to pay for care. It's not a free ride, that it's like having a coupon. We try to set the stage and manage their expectations about really what insurance will really cover and what they won't. How to get the most ... to maximize your insurance benefits because obviously, if you have benefits, we want to use them so they don't necessarily cut you off. The 3rd issue is when it does happen ... in those rare instances where there's been a glitch in the system for whatever the case may be, letting them know. Hey, we've gone to bat for you. We've contacted Dorothy on this date and Jim on this date and Xavier on this date. We've done everything we can on your behalf in the last 60 days trying to get this claim paid and they couldn't so at this point, unfortunately, they're rejecting. Here's some information on how to file a complaint with the state insurance commissioner. If it were up to me, I would fight it. They won't do anything more for us because you're the subscriber, but we're to help you in any way we can. Unfortunately, you're responsible for the balance at this point, but we're happy to supply you with all of our documentation in order for you to fight this. Again, trying to to help them realize ... coming at it from more of a team approach with the patient when something like that happens. The other point is when it happens, when all the sudden there's a surprise balance, contacting the patient immediately, communicating with them. Try to fix it so that they don't show up in the office and all the sudden, are blindsided with an unexpected balance at the front desk because again, how would you feel if that happened? We want to make sure that we're as respectful going back to those core value as possible. What would we want if it were us? I think that's really a key point that you're making is how would you want it to be ... that experience if it were you in their shoes. That's something I always like to highlight with you is putting yourself in that patient's shoes so that you can understand what they're going through when they walk into your office and when they deal with you and your staff. I've had so many, unfortunately, so many of the phone calls from doctors that the doctor ... you just said, hey, if
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