One of the things we put out in the press was and I said, “As far as I can tell, Louis Farrakhan has never killed anyone.” Then we cited some of the vaccine statistics and children that died from drugs in vaccines. I said maybe we have our priorities in the wrong place about what we should be screening and demanding out there. My only comment would be to look around for groups that are already organized and participate with them, rather than just trying to take this on by yourself. Thank you for that. That’s good advice. There are a number of websites, and Barbara Loe Fisher was actually the first person that I ever heard speak from a platform on the vaccination issue based, again, on her own family’s experiences. Dr. Koren, you provide educational materials. How would you suggest that the doctors talk about vaccination in their office from that perspective? From one of freedom of choice and education, and creating resources or encouraging them to utilize the resources that are out there so that they can just make an informed choice for themselves and their family? The materials we’ve created, of course, are all scientifically referenced. If you look deep enough into the medical journals and medical history, you find that the vaccination issue is horribly complex. They’re still not agreeing on any aspect of it. It’s not just the science but the legality, the ethics, even the need for vaccination. All I did was take the materials in the medical journals and let the public read it. My position on vaccination is stronger than a lot of people’s. I’m anti vaccination and I’m not ashamed of it, but if you say that, you turn off a lot of the general public. I tell that to my patients, and I’ve never had any problems, but Jim Turner might be cringing right now as he hears me say that. I don’t know. You can talk about freedom of choice, personal issues, and I applaud Dr. Riekeman and Dr. Kelly who are giving people like Barbara Fisher and others an audience to speak to, and really one of sanity. As again, I must repeat, science. We are on the side of science when we’re critical of vaccination. We have to let people know that what vaccination really is, is junk science. The recent movie, Vaxxed, with William Thompson, as I said earlier, it was just the tip of the iceberg. The studies go far deeper than that, showing that much of the research is funded by the pharmaceutical companies and by the government industries that promote vaccines. In my opinion, we have to tell the truth to the public, and it might not be pretty, but we have to let everybody know that vaccinations are far more dangerous than we’ve ever been led to believe. Thanks Tedd. I appreciate that. I just want to ask, Brian, you’re participating with this lawsuit with Jim and Robert through the CCA. How do people get involved even if they’re not in California to help donate money to the cause? Is that a question really for you or to Jim? I would defer that question to Jim. The California Chiropractic Association has been raising money prior to other organizations getting involved, and now to try to get it
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. Koren:
Dr. Hoffman:
Dr. Stenzler:
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