moment it may seem like we’re losing some battles.
This is purely opinion, but I heard Jerry Klum speak the other day. It was fantastic. He was talking about how Patton, after a particularly brutal battle, long before he went to really see the end of the war, but after this brutal battle that the Allies had barely won, announced that the war was over. Someone questioned him and said, “How could you possibly say that? You are not even close to Berlin. There’s battles still to be fought.” He said, “If you watch the enemy, they were moving their men and their ammunition around in ox carts.” He said, “When an army gets to the point where they’re moving things around in ox carts, they’re on their last [spasm 00:58:42], their last input before the war is over." I think that on some level, the massive thrust that we see going on against vitalism and naturalism and natural birth, the thrust that we see towards vaccination is one of those last spasms of an attitude and a culture and a philosophy that may be moving around in ox carts. While we get involved in battles and we may lose some battles, I think we have to stick to the course, and continue to have faith that truth wins out and that right wins out. We need to not compromise that as we move along. I think that is a perfect way to draw to a close. I thank you, and I want to make mention that, again, this is really something to educate patients and the public, that they do have a choice. At the same time, as a malpractice provider, I want to remind each of the doctors, always check with your state licensing boards, rules and regulations to make sure that you’re not overstepping your boundaries of what you could and what you can share with your patients. No one can take away your right to educate people about freedom of choice and give them resources to go to find out for themselves more about such a contentious issue. What an illustrious group of people that we’ve been honored to participate with today. From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every one of you for being willing to come on and help our doctors understand the issues and how to educate their patients. Thanks everybody and I appreciate each and every one of you.
Dr. Hoffman:
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