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expanding that now and using the functional neurology care with chiropractic as the foundation for chiropractic function neurology. Again, the changes were phenomenal. I wish I could say a lot more about it right now but we are in the process of writing it up for publication and presentation. Look for it in the near future. That's great. I will look forward to that too because as I said earlier this was an intriguing part of the research department for me. Let me ask you this, what have you learned from your research that may have either surprised you and something that showed up the same as we hoped for or expected or maybe it came out totally different. Were there any surprises that you had? I think honestly for me it was the degree of difference. I think sometimes when we are in the chiropractic field we kind of take for granted the changes that we see in the patients and we take for granted the fact that we know they are going to get better because we've seen it over and over again. But I think the most astounding thing is seeing it in black and white. Seeing the actual changes and the degree of the changes is so phenomenal. One example is the slide I've got up there right now. The more red is the bigger change. What you are looking at on this left hand side there is no adjustment. We just did a time interval in between. It was basically day one and then day eight. This is a patient that didn't receive any adjustment. Then this is the same patient after the adjustment. You can just see how much the brain changes. For me the biggest thing that I noticed is just the degree for change because I think we do have a habit of taking it for granted. It's when you see it in data that it really gives you those goose bumps and those wow moments. Where you are just like, "I'm so glad I'm a chiropractor." Absolutely. I think part of the importance of this is you are right we do take the results that we see for granted and to get to see it acknowledged in publication, in research data, I think is really inspiring so that you can keep communicating this to the patients with authority it's not just that I'm telling you what to expect to happen, but this is what actually shows up whenever it's researched and I think that this is phenomenal information for any doctor's practice. Thanks. We are very excited to share it. Actually the screen that you have now in one of our studies one of the things we were able to do is we put a cap on and this was, I think it was a sacral adjustment. This is the actual one I'm showing now. We have that instant when the chiropractic adjustment occurs and we see the brain changing. It is absolutely phenomenal. You see the brain just kind of tracking along and doing the psychiropractic adjustment. Then there is the amazing change in the brain afterwards. This is another example. This isn't the instantaneous one but you can see the difference. Hope it stopped. Here we go. You can see the difference in the pre-chiropractic and the post-chiropractic. Pre is on the left hand side and then post is on this right hand side. There is a difference. This is just one little area of the brain. It's been an amazing journey and we are looking forward to a lot more in sharing it with you. Any

Dr. Hoffman:

Dr. Sullivan:

Dr. Hoffman:

Dr. Sullivan:

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