Dr. Hoffman:
No. I think that this was really terrific. One of the things that I want to raise for the profession that gets to watch this along with us, when I came to visit the research center, I left saying to you, how can I help? What can we do? What could the average practitioner do? That's when you first mentioned to me about the research link and what it will do to communicate and coordinate with the field doctors. I want to give a shout out number one but I really want to encourage all of the ChiroSecure doctors for sure to participate, to get involved in the research link and to be part of the future of chiropractic. By gathering this data it costs you nothing to be a participating person that contributes to the future research of this profession. I mentioned at the very beginning because I think it's important that people know that as ChiroSecure we contribute to things we believe in and whether it will be Heidi Haavik's research, whether it will be some of the other pediatric research that we've worked with but also to the research that you are doing Stephanie of Life University. We are so thankful and respectful. We take care of a lot of doctors from all of the different schools. This is not a Life issue. I don't care what school you've gone to, support them. I always believe in giving back because you will always get ten times where you ever give if you do it for the right reasons. I'm a strong believer and practice in that. But I think that based on what we've heard today and what I've experienced when I've been with you in person I want to encourage everybody on here to consider donating something to the research department. Whether you do to the school itself, that's great. Whether you do it your own school, that's great, but in order to get this work done you need money. I put my money where my mouth is and I hope that some of our listeners and people watching this will do the same. It's not about an amount of money, it's about being part of it. Then you can say you've been part of this research, you are part of the research link and that's the way to move this profession forward. Ultimately we all want to see this profession boom in a much greater way than we have over the last ten or twenty years. It's great being a chiropractor but it can be that much greater and you are part of that journey and I want to encourage everybody that has any value in what I have to say to take notice of things that are going really well in the profession and you are part of that. I want to thank you for that and encourage them through you to get involved. How do they do that? Can you give that website one more time and let them know what they can do to participate with you? Yes. Thank you so much for the appeal. If they would just sign up at research link it's Kind of as a side note, research is for you the clinician and for your patients. You all have amazing stories that you see in every single day in your patients. How we really view our role, tell the chiropractic story using the language of research. Like doctor Stu just said, please get engaged. We really want to make it relevant and we want your feedback. We want your opinion, we want your input because ultimately it's for you and it's for your patients. Thank you and I look forward to working with you.
Dr. Sullivan:
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