ChiroSecure's Best Of Live Events

Dr. Hoffman:

Thanks Stephanie. I just want to close by saying nothing but thank you to you. It's so nice to be involved with people that have the same level of dedication and you obviously do. What's inspiring to me are the things that you talked about increased functionality about human performance. All of these things that we've always talked about in our circles but we've not really had the data to back it up other than our clinical experience. Nothing to devalue that. That's critical, but what you are doing takes it to a whole new level and I'm proud to know you and to be part of this and I just want to thank you for participating with us and being part of what we do as well. Thanks, and I just want to turn it back over to Alan to close out. Well, thank you doctor Stu and thank you doctor Stephan Sullivan. Excellent presentation. I loved the visuals. Really terrific to see so much research going on in chiropractic. Of course although it's not told often enough almost all of the great research going on in chiropractic is sponsored by Dr. Stu Hoffman and ChiroSecure. The page you are looking at right now to the right of the video screen you are going to see the eBook with Dr. Stephanie's picture on it. You want to put your name in the email and conduct information in that form it will get you a transcript of today's show. Make sure that you go ahead and do that. In addition to that you will see right above that also in the right side of your screen the ability to enroll in our concierge service. Thousands and thousands of doctors have already enrolled in the concierge service. It literally automatically notifies you of upcoming events but even better than that it automatically will send you the notes and the transcripts after every event is over. You definitely want to sign up for that. When you click on the concierge link on the right side of that page it is going to take you to the concierge service page for you to sign up. Here is what you are going to find when you get there. When you get to the page to sign up a box will pop up with three choices. If you are not already a ChiroSecure client I want you to check the third box. Not only will it enroll you in the concierge service, but it will also allow us to show you how you can save from 10 to 40% of the current premium that you are paying right now. Also when you leave the live event page, the one you are on now an exit survey will pop up. They will ask you to rate the value of today's presentation and it will also ask you who you would like to see on the coming live event shows as well as topics you would like covered. ChiroSecure wants to make sure you get as much value as possible and the best way to be able to help us do that is for you to complete that survey. Last thing I want to remind you to go to the Apple store or Google play and download the ChiroSecure mobile apps. It keeps you totally on top of everything you need to know; Risk management, malpractice, research that is going on in the profession, we have lots of content providers covering every single topic you could imagine in the chiropractic world. Make sure you do that. On behalf of myself doctor Alan Weinstein, Dr. Stu Hoffman and ChiroSecure and the amazing Dr. Stephanie Sullivan we appreciate you coming by today and we look forward to our next live event. Have a great day everybody.

Dr. Weinstein:

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