Let me give you a tip. The first requirement you have of selecting someone is that you better select someone who is matured, ideally someone who has failed in practice profusely, someone that has failed because their business acumen or their hiring and training or leadership acumen is broken but they are clinically wonderful. They have hands of accurate clinical joy. They are able to touch you and adjust you and leave you to feel that calmness that only hands that are connected to a solid heart can provide. Guys, at the heart of every matter is the matter of a man or woman’s heart. The greatest associate doctors I ever see show up are the ones that they're humble enough to know they’re great chiropractors but they failed in business and they're ready to work for someone. I love if they're married. I especially love it if they have kids. I love it if they're shackled with all sorts of debt but mostly that they have the humility to shut up, settle down and work in the practice. That’s level one is hiring the right person. The right person isn’t going to be the perfect person. They're going to be a good person. The good part is they're humble, they’ve been worn down but they're ready to now work somewhere and they need to work somewhere and they don’t want to own a place yet. That’s the first stuff we got to work on is setting all that up. Just as a quick glimpse, I'm going to tell you that in the seven levels of the TLC’s associate driven practice, level one, you're hired as a tech PC. You’ve got eight to 16 weeks to get out of that. In that model, you're going to grow very quickly but you’ve got to get through 250 community interactions. You’ve got to learn five primary scripts. You can plug any one of your things in there but you got to have the criteria laid out. You’ve got to work two weeks as a CA at the front desk, two weeks as a CA in the financial office, two weeks as a CA tech, two weeks as a CA doing PR. You’ve got to complete X amount of community interactions. If you don’t complete those tests in 16 weeks, you're fired. That’s what I'm talking about breaking them young.
Chiropractor Malpractice Insurance Live Event With Dr. Dean DePice
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